ICIS-NPDES Discharge Points Summary
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The Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) system incorporates data from the Integrated Compliance Information System National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (ICIS-NPDES). ICIS-NPDES is an information management system maintained by the Office of Compliance to track permit compliance and enforcement status of facilities regulated by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program under the Clean Water Act (CWA).
This dataset provides the location of facilities and permitted features (e.g., discharge points or outfalls) in ICIS-NPDES, with select facility, permit, and compliance data. Permitted feature coordinates in ICIS are updated frequently and provide additional information to facility locations. The permitted feature coordinates are provided, where available, for each NPDES ID. If permitted feature coordinates are unavailable, the facility location coordinates are provided.
The zip file contains one CSV file, named NPDES_OUTFALLS_LAYER.csv. The file is updated each week, according to the ECHO refresh schedule.
Data Elements by Table
Discharge Points (NPDES_OUTFALLS_LAYER.csv)
Element Name | Data Type | Length |
FACILITY_NAME | Varchar | 80 |
LOCATION_ADDRESS | Varchar | 50 |
CITY | Varchar | 60 |
STATE_CODE | Varchar | 2 |
ZIP | Varchar | 14 |
FAC_COUNTY_NAME | Varchar | 100 |
PERMIT_NAME | Varchar | 120 |
FACILITY_TYPE_CODE | Varchar | 3 |
FACILITY_TYPE_DESC | Varchar | 100 |
PERMIT_TYPE_CODE | Varchar | 3 |
PERMIT_STATUS_CODE | Varchar | 3 |
PERMIT_TYPE_DESC | Varchar | 120 |
PERMIT_STATUS_DESC | Varchar | 20 |
SIC_CODES | Varchar | 4000 |
SIC_DESCRIPTIONS | Varchar | 4000 |
NAICS_CODES | Varchar | 4000 |
CWP_CURRENT_VIOL | Varchar | 3 |
CWA_CURRENT_STATUS | Varchar | 100 |
DMR_POUNDS | Num | |
LIM_POLLUTANT | Varchar | 4000 |
FAC_DERIVED_TRIBES | Varchar | 4000 |
PERMIT_COMPONENTS | Varchar | 1000 |
PERM_FEATURE_NMBR | Varchar | 30 |
STATE_WATER_BODY_NAME | Varchar | 4000 |
LATITUDE83 | Num | 9, 6 |
LONGITUDE83 | Num | 10, 6 |
SUB_TYPE_DESC | Varchar | 50 |
LATLONG_TYPE | Varchar | 17 |
Data Element Definitions
The following is a list of the data elements that appear in the ECHO ICIS-NPDES discharge points download. All data elements are from ICIS-NPDES, unless otherwise indicated.
A 60-character field that contains the name of the city in which the facility is located.
Indicates the status of the permit, based on the most recent data refresh in ECHO. ICIS-NPDES designates a permit as Effective, Administratively Continued, Expired, Not Needed, Pending, Retired, or Terminated.
When a major source is in significant noncompliance (SNC) or a non-major source has a Category I violation, the specific type of SNC/Category I violation.
- Effluent Violations
- Effluent - Monthly Average Limit
- Effluent - Non-monthly Average Limit
- Violations of a Compliance Schedule
- Compliance/Permit Schedule Violations
- Compliance/Permit Schedule Reporting
- Failure to Report
- Failure to Report DMR - Not Received
- Effluent Violations
Displays "Yes" if the facility is currently in any violation under the Clean Water Act, either in Noncompliance or Significant Noncompliance. Note: This field considers the most current data available, including effluent exceedances reported after the last Quarterly Noncompliance Report (QNCR) was issued; post-QNCR data are considered draft and have not been fully quality assured. If the official data show the facility is in violation and the post-QNCR data show the facility is not in violation or unknown, the status is based on the official QNCR data. Otherwise, the status is based on post-QNCR.
The date on which the most recent inspection of the facility took place.
Indicates the effective date of the most recent listed enforcement action taken against the facility, within the last five years.
The total pounds of pollutants discharged by the NPDES ID during the last complete calendar year.
The unique identifier for a permit, also known as the NPDES ID.
The U.S. county in which the facility is located, derived based on the facility coordinates.
The tribes or tribal territories located within 25 miles of the facility's location. EPA compares the facility location in its Facility Registry Service to the U.S. Census Bureau tribal boundary layer data for tribes in the lower 48 states and Bureau of Land Management Alaska State Office data for tribes in Alaska. The tribal boundary locations identified are suitable only for general spatial reference and do not necessarily reflect EPA's position on any Indian country locations or boundaries, or the land status of any specific location. Data Quality Caveat.
Indicates the name of the federal agency, as classified in FRS. Federal agencies are installations that are owned and operated by the U.S. government.
The name of the facility.
A 3-character code indicating ownership type of the facility.
The facility owner/operator type and description of FACILITY_TYPE_CODE. A facility type may include:
- Corporation
- County Government
- District
- Federal Facility (U.S. Government)
- Government Owned/Contractor Operated
- Individual
- Mixed Ownership (e.g., Public/Private)
- Municipal or Water District
- Municipality NON - Non-Government
- Privately Owned Facility
- School District
- State Government
- Tribal Government
- Unknown
Displays “Y” if a facility is located within 25 miles of a tribal spatial boundary, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau tribal boundary layer data for tribes in the lower 48 states and Bureau of Land Management Alaska State Office data for tribes in Alaska. Displays “N” if a facility is not located on or near a tribal spatial boundary. Data Quality Caveat.
Latitude of the facility or outfall location expressed in decimal degrees, representing the degrees, minutes, and seconds of latitude, in the NAD83 coordinate system.
Indicates whether the location refers to a facility or a permitted feature (e.g., discharge point).
The list of pollutants with enforceable (i.e., numeric limits or monitoring only) and/or benchmark thresholds in the current version of the NPDES permit. An active set limit must exist for the parameter.
The street address of the facility.
Longitude of the facility or outfall location expressed in decimal degrees, representing the degrees, minutes, and seconds of longitude, in the NAD83 coordinate system.
A facility is designated by the permitting authority as a major discharger (Major) or non-major discharger (Minor).
Indicates the facility’s or permit's North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code(s) in ICIS-NPDES. The NAICS Code has replaced the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. The system was developed to give special attention to developing production-oriented classifications for (a) new and emerging industries, (b) service industries in general, and (c) industries engaged in the production of advanced technologies. NAICS industries are identified by a 6-digit code. The first two digits represent the Industry sector, in which there exist 20 broad sectors. The third digit represents industry subsector, the fourth digit represents industry group, the fifth digit represents industry, and the sixth digit is U.S., Canadian, or Mexican National specific.
The permit component(s) associated with the NPDES Permit Program Area.
Date (MM/DD/YYYY) that the permit became effective.
Date (MM/DD/YYYY) that the permit expires.
The code representing the permitted outfall or pipe of interest in ICIS-NPDES (e.g., 001). This is the identifier assigned for each location at which permit conditions are being applied.
The name of the facility having the NPDES permit to discharge pollutants in the waters of the U.S
The current status of a NPDES permit. ICIS-NPDES designates a permit as Effective (EFF), Administratively Continued (ADC), Expired (EXP), Not Needed (NON), Pending (PND), Retired (RET), or Terminated (TRM). Active facilities are those currently in operation (indicated by any status code except NON or TRM).
The description of PERMIT_STATUS_CODE.
Date (MM/DD/YYYY) that the permit was terminated.
The unique code identifying the type of permit.
The description for PERMIT_TYPE_CODE. Valid values are below:
Code Description NPD NPDES Individual Permit NGP NPDES Master General Permit GPC General Permit Covered Facility SNN State Issued Master General Permit (Non-NPDES) IIU Individual IU Permit (Non-NPDES) SIN Individual State Issued Permit (Non-NPDES) APR Associated Permit Record UFT Unpermitted Facility SIC_CODES
The four-character Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code that classifies the main product produced or service performed at the plant.
The description of SIC_CODES.
A two-character field that contains the state postal abbreviation for the state in which the facility is located.
The state’s name for the water body into which the effluent is discharged for a permitted feature.
Indicates the type of permitted feature. This field does not apply to facility coordinates. Valid values are:
- Receiving Water (Ambient)
- Co-disposal Site
- Discharge to Offsite Facility
- External Outfall
- Incinerator
- Influent Structure
- Internal Outfall
- Intake Structure
- Land Application Site
- Other
- Platform
- Surface Disposal Site
- Subsea
- Sum
- Monitoring Well
This is the flow that a permitted facility was designed to accommodate, expressed as millions of gallons per day (MGD).
A 9-character field that contains the U.S. Postal Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code for the area in which the facility is located.
Data Quality Caveat: EPA makes no claims regarding the accuracy or precision of data concerning Indian country locations or tribal boundaries on the ECHO website. EPA has simply attempted to collect certain readily available information relating to Indian country locations. Questions concerning data should be referred to the originating program or Agency which can be referenced in EPA’s Shared Enterprise Geodata Services (SEGS) metadata files Lower 48 Tribal Areas, Alaska Native Villages, or Alaska Native Allotments. The Indian country and tribal boundary locations are suitable only for general spatial reference and do not necessarily reflect EPA's position on any Indian country locations or tribal boundaries or the land status of any specific location. The inclusion of Indian country information on the ECHO website does not represent any final EPA action addressing Indian country locations or boundaries. This information cannot be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable by any party in litigation with the United States or third parties. EPA reserves the right to change information on ECHO at any time without public notice.
EPA uses the American Indian Reservation boundaries provided by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) when developing environmental data query responses for tribes in the lower 48 United States and Alaska. EPA seeks to use the best available national federal data and may refine the tribal boundary layer in the future as more accurate national federal data becomes available.