Web Services

Public web services support the ECHO website and are available to web developers. The services allow developers to design custom applications utilizing a live feed of data from ECHO. EPA provides a collection of "GET" or query-only RESTlike (REpresentational State Transfer) services, available through a simple URL HTTP link and providing output in XML, JSON, or JSONP formats. Links to the documentation for using each of the services is posted on this page. For information on the data sources, see ECHO's About the Data page.

Note: To download a large volume of data, please use the ECHO Data Downloads. To allow simple facility searching from your website, see the ECHO widget. Map services can be found on the ECHO Map Services page.

On this page:

 Search Services

All Media Programs Facility Search

The All Media Programs Facility Search REST services provide data for EPA's ECHO All Media Programs Facility Search. The All Media Programs Facility Search is the most general facility search type and searches across all environmental program records available in ECHO based on user selections.

Air Facility Search

The Air Facility Search REST Services provide data for stationary sources regulated under the Clean Air Act (CAA), utilizing the information drawn from EPA's ICIS-Air data system. Additionally, data are provided for these sources when reported to several EPA air emissions inventory programs:  National Emissions Inventory, Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, Toxics Release Inventory, and Clean Air Markets Division Acid Rain Program and Clean Air Interstate Rule.

Drinking Water System Search

The Drinking Water System Search REST Services provide data for public drinking water systems regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). The information available for each of the water systems reflects data drawn from the federal version of the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS/Fed).

Hazardous Waste Facility Search

The Hazardous Waste Facility Search REST Services provide data for hazardous waste handlers regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle C Hazardous Waste Program. The information available reflects data drawn from EPA's RCRAInfo data system.

Wastewater/Stormwater/Biosolids Facility Search

The Wastewater/Stormwater/Biosolids Facility Search REST Services provide data for facilities regulated under the Clean Water Act (CWA) and managed under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. The information available reflects data drawn from EPA's ICIS-NPDES data system. Additionally, receiving water body data are provided for these facilities when available from EPA's ATTAINS data system.

Enforcement Case Search and Reports

The Enforcement Case REST services provide data for civil and criminal enforcement cases resulting from actions taken by the U.S. EPA. The information available reflects data from civil enforcement cases entered into the Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) and criminal enforcement cases entered into the Summary of Criminal Prosecutions database.

Corporate Compliance Screener

The Corporate Compliance Screener REST services provide facility data that highlight recent compliance issues or enforcement actions based upon data entered into national data systems of record. The screener services simplify the preliminary screening of multiple EPA-regulated facilities (corporation or other). Compliance screening is used to ensure that EPA Program Offices are aware of the compliance status and history of a potential award recipient.

NPDES Noncompliance Report

The NPDES Noncompliance Report REST services provide data to perform a search on the Quarterly NNCR and retrieve compliance and enforcement data for one facility or NPDES permit at a time.

 Report Services

Detailed Facility Report

The Detailed Facility Report (DFR) REST Services provide data for a single facility across all available environmental program records, as displayed on ECHO's Detailed Facility Report.

Effluent Charts

Effluent Charts REST Services provide data for ECHO's Effluent Charts for a single NPDES permit. The Effluent Charts are dynamic charts and tables of permitted effluent limits, releases, and violations over time for Clean Water Act (CWA) wastewater discharge permits issued under the NPDES program. The data are drawn from EPA's ICIS-NPDES data system.

 Water Pollutant Loading Tool

The Water Pollutant Loading Tool REST Services document the data services for most of the search and download tools within the Loading Tool. The Loading Tool calculates pollutant loadings to surface waters from permit and discharge monitoring report (DMR) data from EPA's Integrated Compliance Information System for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (ICIS-NPDES). The services are organized into four categories: Custom Search, Everyday Searches and Other Data Downloads, Lookups, and Water Pollution Search. The Water Pollution Search category also includes the webpages and facility reports frequently accessed from the results page, such as DMR and TRI Pollutant Reports and DMR pollutant loading calculations.

ECHO Clean Air Tracking Tool  

The ECATT REST Services document the data services for the ECATT searches and Air Monitoring Station reports. For background about ECATT, see Introduction to ECATT.