NPDES DMR Non-Receipt Status Search

This search provides an easy method for identifying unresolved Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) non-receipt violations prior to the quarterly permit compliance status calculation [approximately 2 ½ months after the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) quarter ends]. This search can help identify errors and permittees that are not submitting their DMRs (as identified in EPA's data system of record). EPA encourages states and permittees to use this search to find and resolve these issues each quarter. Additional information is available in the Overview.

To facilitate the review of these data, the search below provides a list of all facilities that have unresolved DMR non-receipt-related violations (known as D80s or D90s in the data system) - see column labeled "Number of Unresolved DMRs". Clicking on the NPDES ID/External Permit Number generates a drilldown report that provides more information about each unresolved D80 or D90 violation. Authorized NPDES programs can then use this information to confirm or resolve these DMR non-receipt violations.

For more information about the search criteria  and results, please see NPDES DMR Non-Receipt Status Search Overview and Help

NPDES DMR Non-Receipt Status Search Query

Make a selection for Location criteria (State, Region, or Permitting State) and/or enter a search term for Facility Name/ID.
At least one of these criteria are required to continue.


More Info



Facility Name Or Facility ID Criteria

Returns facilities where search term is found within the facility name, or partially matches the facility ID.