Biosolids Facility Report Help

The ECHO Biosolids Facility Report displays biosolids permit, enforcement and compliance, and biosolids-specific program data submitted on NPDES biosolids annual reports. The Biosolids Facility Report is available for facilities that have biosolids compliance monitoring data, biosolids enforcement data, or submitted biosolids annual reports electronically through the NPDES eReporting Tool (NeT).

The Biosolids Facility Report is organized into three primary sections:

Biosolids are nutrient-rich organic materials resulting from the treatment of domestic wastewater generated from treatment facilities. When treated and processed, these residuals can be recycled and applied as fertilizer to improve and maintain productive soils and stimulate plant growth.

The biosolids permit program applies to any facility that applies biosolids to land or fires biosolids in a biosolids incinerator, and to the owner/operator of a surface disposal site, or to any facility that is a preparer of biosolids for use, incineration, or disposal.

Permitted facilities must submit a biosolids annual report by February 19 of each year covering the previous year, if they are a publicly owned treatment works that meets the applicability requirements and the sewage sludge is land applied, surface disposed, or incinerated. Permitted facilities meet the applicability requirements if the facility’s design flow rate is equal to or greater than one million gallons per day, serves 10,000 people or more, or is required to have an approved pretreatment program (Class I Sludge Management Facility).

Electronic reporting for biosolids annual reports began in 2016. Biosolids annual report data are collected electronically in the 42 states where EPA implements the Federal Biosolids Program (see NPDES State Program Information). EPA will transition to electronic reporting for the remaining eight states (Arizona, Michigan, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin) no later than December 21, 2020. At EPA, the 2016 and 2017 data are stored in the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS), where it is extracted by ECHO. Data reported electronically since March 31, 2018 are stored in NeT.

Biosolids management data are not available in ECHO for facilities that submit biosolids annual reports on paper forms. Download a list of 2016 biosolids annual reports paper filers:

Please contact EPA's Region 7 Biosolids Center of Excellence ( for more information on a paper filer's annual report data.

Facility Summary

This section presents a general, high-level summary of the selected facility, including a map of the facility location, basic facility identification information, regulatory interests (e.g., facility biosolids permits and other program identifiers), and a snapshot of the facility's enforcement and compliance record.

 Facility Information


Location of the facility based on latitude/longitude coordinates displayed on a map. Other nearby facilities also will display. Only those facilities with available geographical data are mapped.

Facility Name

Company or permit holder name, as maintained in FRS. The facility name may differ across EPA databases due to differences in reported information, change in ownership, use of parent or subsidiary name, etc.

Facility Address

Street address, city, state, and zip code where facility is located, as maintained in FRS. Certain data systems also maintain mailing address information, which is not used in this report. The street address may differ across EPA databases due to differences in reported information (e.g., use of mailing address), change in ownership, use of parent or subsidiary address, etc.


The identification number that is assigned to a facility by FRS to uniquely identify a facility site.

EPA Region

The EPA region where the facility is located. EPA has 10 regional offices that execute programs within several states and territories.


The facility or permit holder's latitude and longitude coordinates.

Locational Data Source

The source database of the facility's latitude and longitude location data.

  Related Reports

If the facility has any related reports available in ECHO, the Related Reports section will appear near the facility information with hyperlinks to all available reports, as described below. If multiple reports are available for a particular report type, clicking on the report hyperlink will open an overlay window with hyperlinks to available reports.

Detailed Facility Report

Opens the Facility's Detailed Facility Report (DFR) page. The DFR presents a concise enforcement and compliance history for a selected facility. It provides detailed information about facility characteristics and identifiers, a history of monitoring, violations, and enforcement actions, and incorporates other environmental datasets to provide additional context.

CWA Pollutant Loading Report

Opens the facility's DMR Pollutant Loading Report in EPA's Water Pollutant Loading Tool. The Pollutant Loading Report displays information about the facility, NPDES program information, permit limits, calculated annual pollutant discharges, receiving water information, and wastewater treatment technology information.

CWA Effluent Charts

Opens the facility's Effluent Charts page. The Effluent Charts page presents dynamic charts and tables of permitted effluent limits, releases, and violations over time for Clean Water Act (CWA) wastewater discharge permits issued under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).

CWA DMR Exceedances Report

Opens the facility's Water Pollutant Loading Tool DMR Exceedances Report page. The DMR Exceedances Report displays detailed information about effluent exceedance (E90) violations under the Clean Water Act National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program for a single permit from January 1, 2007 to present.

 Biosolids Summary

Most Recent Biosolids Annual Report Submission

The most recent year that the facility submitted a biosolids annual report.

Most Recent Annual Amount of Biosolids Generated (dry metric tons)

The total annual amount of biosolids generated for the most recent year.

Date of Last Biosolids Inspection

The date on which the most recent biosolids program inspection of the facility took place.

Date of Last Biosolids Violation

The date on which the most recent biosolids violation was recorded.

Number of Violations in Last Three Years

The number of biosolids violations in the last three years.

 Biosolids Permit Data


National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit ID. 


Each CWA Source ID or National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is defined by the program office as a major or non-major discharger. This field also indicates the permit type. Read ECHO's Guide to Regulated Facilities for more information about the types of facilities tracked in EPA's data systems.


The status assigned to the facility by the ICIS-NPDES program database, as applicable.

  • Effective (EFF) - A permit that is in its lifetime (Effective Date <= current date < expiration date).
  • Administratively Continued (ADC) - Permits are considered administratively continued when the permitting authority has received a complete application for permit renewal 180 days prior to the expiration date, but has not been reissued a permit prior to the expiration date. All monitoring data are still collected and used against the permit’s terms.
  • Expired (EXP) - A permit that 90 days after the expiration date has been reached on a permit that has no new Application Received Date or Complete Application Received date entered.
  • Not Needed (NON)
  • Pending (PND) - A permit with incomplete data or a permit with an Effective Date that has not yet been reached.
  • Retired (RET) - A permit that all monitoring data is stopped against a retired permit; used in conjunction with Reissue. If a Permit is reissued before its expiration date, the Permit Status Code or the previous version of the Permit will be set to Retired.
  • Terminated (TRM) - A permit that if the user enters the Termination Date, upon that date being reached, the system will automatically change the Permit Status Code to Terminated.

Permit Effective Date

Date (MM/DD/YYYY) that the permit became effective.

Permit Expiration Date

Date (MM/DD/YYYY) on which the permit is scheduled to expire. An expired date does not mean the facility is operating without a permit. In most cases, the facility has applied for a permit renewal, but the responsible authority (local, state, or federal) has not completed the re-issuance. Typically facilities operate under the conditions of the expired permit until the renewal has been processed. Some states are experiencing a backlog in issuing permit renewals, particularly under the Clean Water Act. EPA suggests contacting the relevant state agency for more information about permit renewal status. In these situations, the expired permit is normally administratively extended and kept in effect until the new permit is issued.

 Biosolids Amount History in Dry Metric Tons (5 years)


"Total Amount Generated" is the amount of biosolids generated at a facility, as reported on the biosolids annual report. Note that since the "Total Amount Generated" is a reported value, it may not necessarily equal the sum of the values for each management practice type in this table.

The biosolids management practice type (e.g., land application, surface disposal, incineration) used by the facility are listed below. Select the management practice type row to view additional management practice detail. Options include:

  • Incineration
  • Land Application
    • Advanced Alkaline Stabilized Biosolids Distribution & Marketing
    • Agricultural Land Application
    • Distribution and Marketing - Compost
    • Distribution and Marketing - Other
    • Heat Dried Biosolids Distribution & Marketing
    • Other Land Application Management Practice Detail
    • Reclamation Site Application
  • Surface Disposal
  • Other
    • Deep-well Injection Disposal
    • Disposal in a Municipal Landfill (under 40 CFR 258)
    • Other Management Practice Detail
    • Sent to Cement Kiln for Use as Alternative Energy
    • Storage
    • Use in Construction
    • Used in Production of Syngas
    • Use as Daily Cover for Municipal Landfill (under 40 CFR 258)

For more information on biosolids management practice detail, see the Biosolids Management section on the Information for Biosolids Managers page.


Displays a graphical representation of biosolids amount trends over time, automatically scaled based on each year of data for each record in the table.


Displays the amount of biosolids generated for the specified management practice type and detail for the last 5 years. Null values indicate that an amount was not reported. Only management practice types with non-zero amounts reported in at least one of the last 5 years are included in the table.

Electronic reporting for biosolids began in 2016, so data are not available prior to that year.

Top of Page

 Biosolids Annual Report

This section presents the data submitted on the biosolids annual report. Select a reporting year to view the biosolids annual report data for the reporting period. Reporting years are determined by the year of the reporting period end date.

Reporting Period

The reporting period for the biosolids annual report data. Reporting years are determined by the year of the reporting period end date.

Biosolids Reporting Obligations

The category or categories the facility is required to submit a biosolids annual report under. Reporting obligations include:

  • A Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) with design flow rate equal to one million gallons per day
  • A POTW that serves 10,000 people or more
  • Class I Sludge Management Facility as defined in 40 CFR 503.9
  • Otherwise required to report (e.g., permit condition, enforcement action)
  • None of the above

Biosolids Treatment Processes

The biosolids treatment process or processes used at the facility. The individual treatment processes are listed by treatment process category. Treatment processes are organized into the following categories: Processes to Significantly Reduce Pathogens, Processes to Further Reduce Pathogens, Physical Treatment Options, and Other Processes to Manage Sewage Sludge.

See the Biosolids Technology Fact Sheets for additional information about biosolids treatment processes.

Biosolids Total Amount Generated

The total amount (dry metric tons) of biosolids or sewage sludge generated at the facility. Note that this a reported value and may not necessarily be the sum of the values for each management practice.

 Biosolids Management Practices

This section presents information on applicable biosolids management practices used by the facility. Data are organized into biosolids management "cards" which display specific details relevant to each management practice. A biosolids management practice "card" is displayed for each Sewage Sludge Unique Identifier (SSUID). Only biosolids management practices that are used by the facility are displayed on the report.

Management Practices:

 Land Application

Management Practice Detail

The option selected indicating additional detail about the type of Management Practice used for an amount of biosolids. See the Biosolids Management section on the Information for Biosolids Managers page. Options include:

  • Advanced Alkaline Stabilized Biosolids Distribution & Marketing 
  • Agricultural Land Application
  • Distribution and Marketing - Compost 
  • Distribution and Marketing - Other
  • Heat Dried Biosolids Distribution & Marketing
  • Other Land Application Management Practice Detail
  • Reclamation Site Application

Other Management Practice Detail Description

Free text intended to capture additional description of the management practice detail, as reported on the biosolids annual report. This field only displays when Management Practice Detail is "other."

Handler, Preparer, or Applier

Indicates how the biosolids are handled or applied, as reported on the biosolids annual report. Options include:

  • On-Site Owner or Operator
  • Off-Site Third-Party Handler or Applier
  • Off-Site Third-Party Preparer 

Off-Site Permit Number

The NPDES ID of the third-party off-site handler, preparer, or applier.

Off-Site Permit Facility Information

The name and address of the third-party off-site facility handler, preparer, or applier.

Bulk or Bag/Container

Indicates whether the material is a biosolid or sewage sludge and whether the material is ultimately conveyed off-site in bulk or in bags. The facility will separately report the form for each biosolids or sewage sludge management practice(s) used by the facility and pathogen class.

Amount (dry metric tons)

The amount of biosolids land applied in dry metric tons. 

Pathogen Class

The pathogen class for biosolids or sewage sludge generated by the facility. The facility will separately report the pathogen class for each biosolids or sewage sludge management practice used by the facility and by each biosolids or sewage sludge form. Options include:

  • Class A - Biosolids that have been treated to non-detectable metals and vector attraction reduction options.
  • Class A EQ (sale/give away) - Exceptional Quality biosolids that meet low-pollutant and class A pathogen reduction limits and that have a reduced level of degradable compounds that attract vectors.
  • Class B - Biosolids that contain detectable levels of pathogens, but have been reduced to pathogen levels that do not pose a threat to public health and the environment as long as actions are taken to prevent exposure to biosolids after their use or disposal
  • Not Applicable

Pathogen Reduction Options

The options used by the facility to control pathogens (i.e. disease-causing organisms) for a biosolids management practice. See Control of Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage Sludge for additional information. Options include:

  • A1 | Class A - Alternative 1: Time/Temperature
  • A2 | Class A - Alternative 2: pH/Temperature/Percent Solids
  • A3 | Class A - Alternative 3: Test Enteric Viruses and Helminth ova; Operating Parameters
  • A4 | Class A - Alternative 4: Test Enteric Viruses and Helminth ova; No New Solids
  • A51 | Class A - Alternative 5: PFRP 1: Composting
  • A52 | Class A - Alternative 5: PFRP 2: Heat Drying
  • A53 | Class A - Alternative 5: PFRP 3: Liquid heat treatment
  • A54 | Class A - Alternative 5: PFRP 4: Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion (ATAD)
  • A55 | Class A - Alternative 5 PFPR 5: Beta Ray Irradiation
  • A56 | Class A - Alternative 5 PFPR 6: Gamma Ray Irradiation
  • A57 | Class A - Alternative 5: PFRP 7: Pasteurization
  • A6 | Class A - Alternative 6: PFRP Equivalency
  • B1 | Class B - Alternative 1: Fecal Coliform Geometric Mean
  • B21 | Class B - Alternative 2 PSRP 1: Aerobic Digestion
  • B22 | Class B - Alternative 2 PSRP 2: Air Drying
  • B23 | Class B - Alternative 2 PSRP 3: Anaerobic Digestion
  • B24 | Class B - Alternative 2 PSRP 4: Composting
  • B25 | Class B - Alternative 2 PSRP 5: Lime Stabilization
  • B3 | Class B - Alternative 3: PSRP Equivalency
  • pH | Adjustment (Domestic Septage)

Vector Attraction Reduction Options

The option used by the facility to reduce the attraction of potential disease-carrying organisms, such as flies and mosquitoes. The facility will separately report the vector attraction reduction options for each biosolids or sewage sludge management practice used by the facility and by each biosolids or sewage sludge form as well as by each biosolids or sewage sludge pathogen class. See Control of Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage Sludge for additional information. Options include:

  • VR1 - Volatile Solids Reduction
  • VR2 - Bench-Scale Volatile Solids Reduction (Anaerobic Bench Test)
  • VR3 - Bench-Scale Volatile Solids Reduction (Aerobic Bench Test w/ Percent Solids - 2% or Less)
  • VR4 - Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate
  • VR5 - Aerobic Processing (Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion/Composting)
  • VR6 - Alkaline Treatment
  • VR7 - Drying (Equal to or Greater than 75 Percent)
  • VR8 - Drying (Equal to or Greater than 90 Percent)
  • VR9 - Sewage Sludge Injection
  • V10 - Sewage Sludge Timely Incorporation into Land
  • V11 - Sewage Sludge Covered at the End of Each Operating Day

Pollutant Loading Rate Exceedance

Flag indicating whether one or more pollutants for this sewage sludge unique identifier exceed 90 percent of one or more of the cumulative pollutant loading rates of Table 2 at 40 CFR 503.13.

Noncompliance Reporting

A description of the biosolids noncompliance that occurred, as reported on the biosolids annual report. This field will not display if the handler, preparer, or applier is an "Off-Site Third-Party Handler" or "Applier or Off-Site Third-Party Preparer".

Noncompliance Reporting Comment

The free-form comments entered by the permittee to describe the noncompliance. This field will not display if the handler, preparer, or applier is an "Off-Site Third-Party Handler" or "Applier or Off-Site Third-Party Preparer".

 Surface Disposal

Handler, Preparer, or Applier

Indicates how the biosolids are handled or applied, as reported on the biosolids annual report. Options include:

  • On-Site Owner or Operator
  • Off-Site Third-Party Handler or Applier
  • Off-Site Third-Party Preparer

Off-Site Permit Number

The NPDES ID of the third-party off-site handler, preparer, or applier.

Off-Site Permit Facility Information

The name and address of the third-party off-site facility handler, preparer, or applier.


Bulk or Bag Container

The amount of biosolids surface disposal in dry metric tons.

Amount (dry metric tons)

The amount of biosolids surface disposal in dry metric tons.

Pathogen Class

The pathogen class for biosolids or sewage sludge generated by the facility. The facility will separately report the pathogen class for each biosolids or sewage sludge management practice used by the facility and by each biosolids or sewage sludge form. Options include:

  • Class A - Biosolids that have been treated to non-detectable metals and vector attraction reduction options.
  • Class A EQ (sale/give away) - Exceptional Quality biosolids that meet low-pollutant and class A pathogen reduction limits and that have a reduced level of degradable compounds that attract vectors.
  • Class B - Biosolids that contain detectable levels of pathogens, but have been reduced to pathogen levels that do not pose a threat to public health and the environment as long as actions are taken to prevent exposure to biosolids after their use or disposal
  • Not Applicable

Pathogen Reduction Options

The options used by the facility to control pathogens (i.e. disease-causing organisms) for a biosolids management practice. See Control of Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage Sludge for additional information. Options include:

  • A1 | Class A - Alternative 1: Time/Temperature
  • A2 | Class A - Alternative 2: pH/Temperature/Percent Solids
  • A3 | Class A - Alternative 3: Test Enteric Viruses and Helminth ova; Operating Parameters
  • A4 | Class A - Alternative 4: Test Enteric Viruses and Helminth ova; No New Solids
  • A51 | Class A - Alternative 5: PFRP 1: Composting
  • A52 | Class A - Alternative 5: PFRP 2: Heat Drying
  • A53 | Class A - Alternative 5: PFRP 3: Liquid heat treatment
  • A54 | Class A - Alternative 5: PFRP 4: Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion (ATAD)
  • A55 | Class A - Alternative 5 PFPR 5: Beta Ray Irradiation
  • A56 | Class A - Alternative 5 PFPR 6: Gamma Ray Irradiation
  • A57 | Class A - Alternative 5: PFRP 7: Pasteurization
  • A6 | Class A - Alternative 6: PFRP Equivalency
  • B1 | Class B - Alternative 1: Fecal Coliform Geometric Mean
  • B21 | Class B - Alternative 2 PSRP 1: Aerobic Digestion
  • B22 | Class B - Alternative 2 PSRP 2: Air Drying
  • B23 | Class B - Alternative 2 PSRP 3: Anaerobic Digestion
  • B24 | Class B - Alternative 2 PSRP 4: Composting
  • B25 | Class B - Alternative 2 PSRP 5: Lime Stabilization
  • B3 | Class B - Alternative 3: PSRP Equivalency
  • pH | Adjustment (Domestic Septage)

Vector Attraction Reduction Options

The option used by the facility to reduce the attraction of potential disease-carrying organisms, such as flies and mosquitoes. The facility will separately report the vector attraction reduction options for each biosolids or sewage sludge management practice used by the facility and by each biosolids or sewage sludge form as well as by each biosolids or sewage sludge pathogen class. See Control of Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage Sludge for additional information. Options include:

  • VR1 - Volatile Solids Reduction
  • VR2 - Bench-Scale Volatile Solids Reduction (Anaerobic Bench Test)
  • VR3 - Bench-Scale Volatile Solids Reduction (Aerobic Bench Test w/ Percent Solids - 2% or Less)
  • VR4 - Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate
  • VR5 - Aerobic Processing (Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion/Composting)
  • VR6 - Alkaline Treatment
  • VR7 - Drying (Equal to or Greater than 75 Percent)
  • VR8 - Drying (Equal to or Greater than 90 Percent)
  • VR9 - Sewage Sludge Injection
  • V10 - Sewage Sludge Timely Incorporation into Land
  • V11 - Sewage Sludge Covered at the End of Each Operating Day

Active Surface Disposal Site

Flag indicating whether there was an active surface disposal site (e.g., monofill, surface impoundment, sludge lagoon, waste pile, dedicated disposal site, and dedicated beneficial use site) that did not have a liner and leachate collection system during the reporting period.

Site Specific Limits

Flag indicating whether the active surface disposal site without a liner and leachate collection system has site-specific limits.

Minimum Boundary Distance Flag

Flag indicating whether the minimum distance from the unit boundary of the active surface disposal site without a liner and leachate collection system to the property line of this surface disposal site is less than 150 meters.

Boundary Distance (meters)

The minimum distance (in meters) from the unit boundary of the active surface disposal site without a liner and leachate collection system to the property line of this surface disposal site.

Noncompliance Reporting

A description of the biosolids noncompliance that occurred, as reported on the biosolids annual report. This field will not display if the handler, preparer, or applier is an "Off-Site Third-Party Handler" or "Applier or Off-Site Third-Party Preparer".

Noncompliance Reporting Comment

The free-form comments entered by the permittee to describe the noncompliance. This field will not display if the handler, preparer, or applier is an "Off-Site Third-Party Handler" or "Applier or Off-Site Third-Party Preparer".


Handler, Preparer, or Applier

Indicates how the biosolids are handled or applied, as reported on the biosolids annual report. Options include:

  • On-Site Owner or Operator
  • Off-Site Third-Party Handler or Applier
  • Off-Site Third-Party Preparer

Off-Site Permit Number

The NPDES ID of the third-party off-site handler, preparer, or applier.

Off-Site Permit Facility Information

The name and address of the third-party off-site facility handler, preparer, or applier.

Bulk or Bag/Container

Whether the material is a biosolid or sewage sludge and whether the material is ultimately conveyed off-site in bulk or in bags. The facility will separately report the form for each biosolids or sewage sludge management practice(s) used by the facility and pathogen class.

Amount (dry metric tons)

The amount of biosolids incinerated in dry metric tons.

Noncompliance Reporting

A description of the biosolids noncompliance that occurred, as reported on the biosolids annual report. This field will not display if the handler, preparer, or applier is an "Off-Site Third-Party Handler" or "Applier or Off-Site Third-Party Preparer".

Noncompliance Reporting Comment

The free-form comments entered by the permittee to describe the noncompliance. This field will not display if the handler, preparer, or applier is an "Off-Site Third-Party Handler" or "Applier or Off-Site Third-Party Preparer".

 Other Management Practice Type

Other Management Practice Detail

The option selected indicating additional detail about the type of Management Practice used for an amount of biosolids. See the Biosolids Management section on the Information for Biosolids Managers page. Options include:

  • Deep-well Injection Disposal
  • Disposal in a Municipal Landfill (under 40 CFR 258)
  • Other Management Practice Detail 
  • Sent to Cement Kiln for Use as Alternative Energy 
  • Storage
  • Use in Construction
  • Used in Production of Syngas 
  • Use as Daily Cover for Municipal Landfill (under 40 CFR 258)

Other Management Practice Detail Description

Free text intended to capture additional description of the "Other Management Practice Type", as reported on the biosolids annual report.

Handler, Preparer, or Applier

Indicates how the biosolids are handled or applied, as reported on the biosolids annual report. Options include:

  • On-Site Owner or Operator
  • Off-Site Third-Party Handler or Applier
  • Off-Site Third-Party Preparer

Off-Site Permit Number

The NPDES ID of the third-party off-site handler, preparer, or applier.

Off-Site Permit Facility Information

The name and address of the third-party off-site facility handler, preparer, or applier.

Bulk or Bag/Container

Whether the material is a biosolid or sewage sludge and whether the material is ultimately conveyed off-site in bulk or in bags. The facility will separately report the form for each biosolids or sewage sludge management practice(s) used by the facility and pathogen class.

Amount (dry metric tons)

The amount of biosolids managed using methods not previously described in dry metric tons.

Pathogen Class

The pathogen class for biosolids or sewage sludge generated by the facility. The facility will separately report the pathogen class for each biosolids or sewage sludge management practice used by the facility and by each biosolids or sewage sludge form. Options include:

  • Class A - Biosolids that have been treated to non-detectable metals and vector attraction reduction options.
  • Class A EQ (sale/give away) - Exceptional Quality biosolids that meet low-pollutant and class A pathogen reduction limits and that have a reduced level of degradable compounds that attract vectors.
  • Class B - Biosolids that contain detectable levels of pathogens, but have been reduced to pathogen levels that do not pose a threat to public health and the environment as long as actions are taken to prevent exposure to biosolids after their use or disposal
  • Not Applicable

Noncompliance Reporting

A description of the biosolids noncompliance that occurred, as reported on the biosolids annual report. This field will not display if the handler, preparer, or applier is an "Off-Site Third-Party Handler" or "Applier or Off-Site Third-Party Preparer".

Noncompliance Reporting Comment

The free-form comments entered by the permittee to describe the noncompliance. This field will not display if the handler, preparer, or applier is an "Off-Site Third-Party Handler" or "Applier or Off-Site Third-Party Preparer".

 Biosolids Analytical Methods

This table displays analytical methods organized by category. Select the category row to drill down to a table of the parameters and methods used.

Analytical Method Category

The category or categories of analytic methods used by the facility to analyze enteric viruses, fecal coliforms, helminth ova, Salmonella sp., and other regulated parameters, as reported on the biosolids annual report. Categories include Pathogens, Metals, Nitrogen Compounds, Other Analytes, and No Methods Used.


The name of the parameter associated with the analytic method used by the facility to analyze samples of biosolids or sewage sludge. See REF_BIO_ANALYTICAL_METHOD (CSV) (22K) for a list of expected values in the source database.

Method Number or Author

The name of the analytic method(s) used by the facility to analyze enteric viruses, fecal coliforms, helminth ova, Salmonella sp., and other regulated parameters as reported on the Biosolids Program Report. For example, EPA requires facilities to monitor for the certain parameters, which are listed in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 at 40 CFR 503.13 and Tables 1 and 2 at 40 CFR 503.23.

See REF_BIO_ANALYTICAL_METHOD (CSV) (22 KB) for a list of expected values in the source database. If a facility reported a method name beginning with "Other...", this column also includes additional text reported by the facility. See the Biosolids Analytical Methods for additional information on EPA standard methods.

 Biosolids Pollutant Concentration Charts

Chart Data

The Biosolids Pollutant Concentration charts graphically display the measurement frequency and violation status of pollutants in the sewage sludge. Hover over a point to view the monitoring period, measurement value, limit value and statistical base for the measurement. The charts display the reporting period along the x-axis and the parameters along the y-axis. Charts are available for the following management practice types:

Select a Sewage Sludge Unique Identifier (SSUID) to display the corresponding chart. By default, the charts show the first Sewage Sludge Unique Identifier (SSUID). 

Users can toggle between the chart and table view by selecting "View Table". A download of the chart data is available by selecting the "Download CSV Data" button. 

 Land Application

The land application biosolids charts display the maximum and monthly average concentrations for the parameters listed under 40 CFR 503.13, and the pathogen and vector parameters listed under 40 CFR 503 Subpart D. For more information on federal standards for sewage sludge, view the regulations for EPA Land Application of Sewage Sludge. Data are displayed in two charts.

Note: Texas has ceiling concentration limits that are different than the federal limits for Chromium and PCBs. Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) will be set to "Pass" to indicate that all analytical results are below the limits in Table 1 of 40 CFR 261.24.

Ceiling Limit Monitoring Data

The maximum allowable concentration of each pollutant that are applied to the land during the compliance monitoring period.

Land Application Pollutant Concentration Monitoring Data

The monthly average parameter concentrations for each pollutant, pathogen, or vector applied to land during the compliance monitoring period.


Incineration Pollutant Concentration Monitoring Data

The incineration biosolids charts displays the average concentrations and quantities for the parameters listed under 40 CFR 503.43. Charts are displayed per incinerator. The following data elements are displayed for each incinerator:

  • Incinerator ID — The incinerator ID.
  • Incinerator Type — The incinerator type. Valid code values are:
CodeIncinerator Type
FBIFluidized Bed Incinerator
MHIMultiple Hearth Incinerator
  • Last Modified — Date the incinerator was last modified.
  • New Pollutant Limits Calculated When Last Modified — Indicates whether new pollutant limits were calculated when the incinerator was last modified.
  • Wet Scrubber/Dry Scrubber/Mercury Control Emissions Control Technologies — Describes the type of control device installed at each incinerator for each emission control technology category. Valid code values are:
Emissions Control Technology CategoryCodeDescription
Wet ScrubberOTHOther
SVISingle Venturi
ITTImpingement Trays
MFVMultiple Fixed Venturi
Dry ScrubberFFFabric Filter
LALimestone Addition
Mercury ControlPACPowdered Activated Carbon (PAC) Injection
FBCFixed Bed Carbon Absorption

 Surface Disposal

Surface Disposal Pollutant Concentration Monitoring Data

The surface disposal biosolids charts display the monthly average concentrations for the parameters listed under 40 CFR 503.23, and the pathogen and vector parameters listed under 40 CFR 503 Subpart D.

Note: Texas has ceiling concentration limits that are different than the federal limits for PCBs. TCLP will be set to "Pass" to indicate that all analytical results are below the limits in Table 1 of 40 CFR 261.24.  

 Other Management Practice

Other Management Practice Monitoring Data

The other management practice chart displays state-specific biosolids requirements that are not included on the federal program reports. Monitoring data are available for facilities with a management practice detail of "Disposal in a Municipal Landfill (under 40 CFR 258)" or " Use as Daily Cover for Municipal Landfill (under 40 CFR 258)". Data are available for the following states: Texas, Utah, and South Dakota.

Chart Legend

Red CircleA violation was identified for the specific pollutant within the monitoring period
Blue DiamondNo violation was identified for the specific pollutant within the monitoring period
Black squareNo data was reported for the monitoring period

Interacting with Charts

  • Data Point Value: Hover your mouse pointer over any data point or limit line to view an attribute bubble containing the measurement or limit value. When data were not reported, the chart will display the description of the associated no data indicator (NODI) code reported. 
  • Download Chart: Click the Chart Context Menu button in the upper-right corner of the chart to print or download the chart. Select from one of the following options:
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 Biosolids Annual Report Additional Information

Biosolids Comments

Free text intended to capture additional information associated with the biosolids annual report.


Download related attachments for the selected reporting year. Available attachments vary per facility and reporting year. For most facilities, a copy of the full Biosolids Annual Report submission (Copy of Record (COR)) is available beginning with the 2018 reporting year.

Top of Page

 Enforcement and Compliance

This section summarizes the history of biosolids enforcement and compliance activities.

 Compliance Monitoring History (5 years)

The Compliance Monitoring History table lists inspections/compliance evaluations that have occurred over the past five years. Inspections include all federal and state inspections that are reported into federal data systems using federally-designed codes. Italicized entries include various compliance monitoring activities that do not qualify as inspections under EPA's official Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance performance measures.

Compliance Monitoring Activity

A description of the type of inspection undertaken. The Biosolids Facility Report includes inspections which were conducted within the last five years. The last five years will include data from the twenty most recently completed quarters, plus data from the current quarter up until the refresh date. Note that not all inspection types may apply to facilities managing biosolids; the CWA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Compliance Monitoring Strategy lists the acceptable ICIS-NPDES compliance monitoring types for different types of facilities in a traditional Compliance Monitoring Strategy plan.

Italicized inspection types indicate inspections that are not included in official counts.

  • ADR - Asbestos Demolition and Renovation
  • AER - Aerial Photography
  • AFD - AFO Defined
  • AFN - AFO Designation
  • AU1 - Audit
  • AU2 - Audit
  • CAI - Compliance Assistance Inspection
  • CBI - Biomonitoring
  • CCP - Citizen Complaint
  • CDI - Case Development
  • CEF - Full Evaluation
  • CEI - Evaluation
  • CEP - Partial Evaluation
  • CE2 - Evaluation
  • DIA - Diagnostic
  • DSA – Desk Audit
  • FLP - Follow-Up
  • FOC - Focused
  • OPM - Operation and Maintenance
  • OSN - Noncompliance Rate
  • OSV - On Site Visit
  • OVS - Oversight
  • PIU - Non-Sampling
  • PRV - Plan Review
  • PSI - Sampling
  • RMT - Remote Sensing
  • ROS - Reconnaissance without Sampling
  • RWS - Reconnaissance with Sampling
  • SA1 - Sampling
  • SCE - Schedule Evaluation
  • TX1 - Toxics
  • TX2 - Toxics
  • WIT - Witness Response Drill

Lead Agency

Identifies the lead agency (e.g., EPA, State) conducting the inspection.


The calendar date of the listed inspection.

 Three-Year Compliance History by Quarter

Key Terms

Violation, noncompliance, and significant noncompliance are all terms used by the ECHO website to describe the facility's status in regard to compliance with the law. In many cases, these terms reflect determinations made by EPA or states when conducting inspections or reviewing facility self-reports. These determinations assist the government in tracking resolution of violations through the enforcement process and do not necessarily represent a final adjudication by a judicial or administrative body. In such cases, these characterizations should be considered alleged violations. Additional information on how to interpret a facility's compliance status is available on ECHO's Frequently Asked Questions page.

The Three-Year Compliance Status by Quarter section of the Biosolids Facility Report displays the program-level compliance status data over the last three years of available data. Information is broken down into quarterly periods listed as QTR1 through QTR13+ (most recent). The quarter is used as the measurement period because it is the shortest measurement period across all three statutes for which EPA receives noncompliance data from states.

Violation – Defined as noncompliance with one or more legally enforceable obligations by a regulated entity, as determined by a responsible authority. Included in this category are violations of legally enforceable obligations under pre-existing Final Orders (e.g., violations of compliance schedules included in enforcement orders). What does it mean if a facility is in violation?

The quarterly status measure may not reflect all actual noncompliance events in some cases. For example, the facility may not have submitted the biosolids annual report electronically through the NPDES eReporting Tool (NeT) ; thus, any noncompliance identified in the annual report may not be completely shown in ECHO. Also, delays sometimes occur in entering noncompliance determinations into the database. Alternatively, in some cases, a facility may be shown to be in noncompliance while the facility has already remedied the underlying violation; this may occur because EPA or the state has not yet verified this. In other cases, the state or EPA may change its initial determination of noncompliance based on additional facts or discussions with the facility. Site users may report possible errors concerning noncompliance status from the Detailed Facility Report.

Notice About Duration of Violations - The duration of violations shown on this report is an estimate of the actual duration of the violations that might be alleged or later determined in a legal proceeding. For example, the start date of the violation as shown in the ECHO database is normally when the government first became aware of the violation, not the first date that the violation occurred, and the facility may have corrected the violation before the end date shown. In some situations, violations may have been corrected by the facility, but EPA or the State has not verified the correction of these violations. In other situations, EPA does not remove the violation flag until an enforcement action has been resolved.

Quarters (QRT)

A quarter is any of the following 3-month calendar periods: January-March, April-June, July-September, or October-December. 

Program-Level Compliance Status by Quarter

Displays an indication of the compliance status for each statute under which the facility is regulated by quarter. Status codes include:

  • No Violation Identified – Blue
  • Violation Identified- Yellow-orange
  • Significant/Category I Noncompliance – Red
  • No Information/Not Available - Gray

Annual Report Violations

Violations identified from the biosolids annual report. Biosolids annual report data available in the ECHO Facility Search Results only includes reports submitted electronically through NeT. Text descriptions of the violation(s) are presented below the section heading (e.g., R030B - PR: Incineration: Emissions Limits Violation). A statistical base description is displayed in the text description if it is applicable (e.g., PR: Biosolids - Land Application: Invalid Monitoring or Unrepresentative Sample Violation (Lead - Maximum). Additionally, the SSUID associated with the violation is displayed in parentheses after the violation description.  

If the facility has no annual report violations in the past three years, this section is not presented.

Note: Violations reported on the 2016 and 2017 biosolids annual report are not updated with the weekly data refresh and may not be representative of a facility's recently submitted or updated report.

Compliance Monitoring Violations

Violations identified from compliance monitoring activities. Text descriptions of the violation(s) are presented below the section heading (e.g., F030B - Incineration: Emissions Limits Violation). A statistical base description is also displayed in the text description if it is applicable (e.g., PR: Biosolids - Land Application: Invalid Monitoring or Unrepresentative Sample Violation (Lead - Maximum). If the facility has no compliance monitoring violations in the past three years, this section is not presented. 

NPDES Violation ID

A designated attribute which, along with the water system ID, uniquely identifies the violation.


The environmental agency responsible for addressing the violation. For a list of state environmental agency websites, see Access State Websites.

 Informal Enforcement Actions (5 years)

The Informal Enforcement Actions section of the Biosolids Facility Report displays the informal enforcement actions that have been entered into national data systems for each facility over the past five. Typically used to address less serious violations, an EPA informal action must meet all the following criteria:

  1. Is issued by the regulatory agency in writing (paper or electronic) to the regulated entity,
  2. Is issued as a result of a “potential finding of violation” or a finding of violation, or a self-disclosure,
  3. Contains a description of the legal and factual basis for the possible action and states with reasonable specificity the nature of the potential finding of violation or finding of violation,
  4. Includes either:
    1. For self-disclosures only, where there is a potential finding of violation, an acknowledgement that the discloser has certified that the violation has been corrected (i.e., Acknowledgement Letter), or 
    2. For non-self disclosures: 
      1. A statement that the regulated entity should take whatever action(s) is necessary to correct the potential finding of violation or finding of violation,
      2. A recommended reasonable timeframe for completing and/or reporting, as appropriate, either any necessary actions to correct the potential finding of violation or finding of violation expressed in specific terms (e.g., within 45 days of receipt of this action or prior to the next permit reporting deadline), or a demonstration by the recipient that there is no such violation; and 
      3.  A statement describing the steps the regulatory agency “may” take or “is prepared to” take with respect to the potential finding of violation or finding of violation,
  5. Is not independently enforceable,
  6. Is not an action established by law or regulation by which the regulatory agency may itself impose or seek through a court or other tribunal, a sanction (e.g., a penalty) or injunctive relief for the identified violation, obtain compliance or abate the endangerment, or resolve liability.

Type of Action

CWA Informal Enforcement Actions (ICIS-NPDES Activity Type Code):

  • LOVWL - Letter of Violation/Warning Letter
  • NONC - Notice of Noncompliance Issued
  • NOV - Notice of Violation

Lead Agency

The lead agency responsible for issuing the notice of violation.


The date of the notice of violation or informal enforcement within the last five years.

 Formal Enforcement Actions

The Formal Enforcement Actions section of the Biosolids Facility Report provides the federal and state formal enforcement actions that have been entered into the Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) or Integrated Compliance Information System National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (ICIS-NPDES) over the past five years (including data from the twenty most recently completed quarters, plus data from the current quarter up until the refresh date). The Formal Enforcement Actions section does not include data regarding enforcement referrals or criminal enforcement actions. Typically used to address more serious violations and may be independently enforceable, an EPA formal action must meet the following criteria: 

  1. Is issued by the regulatory agency in writing (paper or electronic) to the regulated entity,
  2. Is issued as a result of a “finding of violation”, a “finding of endangerment”, or a self-disclosure, 
  3. Contains a description of the legal and factual basis for the action and states with reasonable specificity the nature of the finding of violation, and for self-disclosure only, where there is a finding of violation, includes notice that the discloser has certified that the violation has been corrected (e.g., electronic Notice of Determination),
  4. Is an action established by law or regulation by which the regulatory agency may itself impose or seek through a court or other tribunal, a sanction (e.g., a penalty) or injunctive relief for the identified finding of violation, obtain compliance or abate the endangerment, or use to resolve liability (e.g., FIFRA Notices of Warning, Federal Facility Compliance Agreement).

For states, a formal enforcement action is (1) a referral to the State’s Attorney General for the commencement of a civil or administrative action in the appropriate forum, or (2) the filing of an administrative complaint, or the issuance of an order, requiring compliance and a sanction.


Identifies the primary statute/law and section violated and cited in the enforcement action. Many of EPA's judicial actions are based on incidents that are violations of more than one statute. One law entered into the ICIS record is designated the primary law, which is considered the law that is most seriously violated and/or for which the most significant relief is sought. For civil enforcement cases, a list of possible Statue Codes (Law), Law Section Codes, and Law Section description combinations is available here (11 pp, 365 K, About PDF).

Case No.

An alphanumeric field, which is a unique value for each record/permit/site within each data system. These identifiers are for tracking purposes in the individual data systems.

Case Name

The name assigned to the case by the lead attorney. Generally, the primary defendant's name or the facility name is used as the case name.

Note that a civil enforcement case may involve more than one facility. In such a situation, the penalties, SEP cost, and complying action cost apply to the case as a whole and not just to the facility. Click on the case number for more information.

Case Type

Text description of type of enforcement action. The type of action and description are designated differently in each system, but may be equivalent. Under the CWA, the numerals appearing after the enforcement action type are not a part of the enforcement action. These numbers describe the type of action and are included with the text description of the action. Formal enforcement action types include:

  • CIV - Civil Judicial Action
  • EOGOV - Emergency Order - Governor
  • OSUSREV - Order of Suspension or Revocation
  • SCWAAO - State CWA Non Penalty AO
  • SCWAAPO - State CWA Penalty AO
  • STAOCO - State Administrative Order of Consent

Lead Agency

The lead agency responsible for the enforcement action.

Issued/Filed Date

For administrative cases, this field indicates the date that the complaint or Administrative Order (AO) was signed by the appropriate authority and issued to the respondent. For judicial cases, this field indicates the date that the complaint was filed with the Clerk of the Court.

Settlement/Action Date

For federal judicial actions, this is the date the settlement document is signed by the presiding judge and entered by the Clerk of the Court. At that point, the settlement becomes a binding court order. For administrative actions, this is the date that the final order is signed and issued by the enforcement authority.

Federal Penalty

The total federal penalty assessed is the dollar penalty amount to be paid from all settlements in a concluded enforcement action. EPA settles the vast majority of its administrative and civil judicial enforcement actions, and these settlements (often called a consent order or consent decree) include an agreed upon penalty amount. In most of these settlements, there is not a direct admission by the defendant of liability for violations. In a few cases that involve bankruptcy, the penalty amount may be determined as an "allowed claim" in bankruptcy, and the amount actually recovered may be less than the amount of the allowed claim. The total federal penalty amount includes assessments due to both EPA and to other federal agencies that are party to the settlement, e.g., the Coast Guard.

State/Local Penalty

The total dollar penalty amount from all settlements to be paid to a state or local enforcement authority that is party to a concluded enforcement action.

SEP Value

Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs) are compliance agreements that reduce a facility's penalty in return for completion of an environmental project whose value exceeds the amount of the penalty reduction. Often, these projects fund pollution prevention activities that can significantly reduce the facility's future environmental impact.

Comp Action Cost

The whole dollar amount of the estimated or actual value of the complying action activities. The combination of the injunctive relief and the physical or nonphysical costs of returning to compliance. Injunctive relief represents the actions a regulated entity is ordered to undertake to achieve and maintain compliance, such as installing a new pollution control device to reduce air pollution, or preventing emissions of a pollutant in the first place. 

Note: Some regulated facilities have expressed an interest in explaining data shown in the ECHO facility reports. Please check company websites for such explanations.