Website Known Issues
This page describes known issues related to the ECHO website itself. For data quality problems, please see the Known Data Problems page.
- On the homepage, the link to NPDES eRule Dashboards should load the Data Visualization Gallery with the "NPDES eRule View" quick filter selected.
- The ECHO Interactive Map results view may display clusters from adjacent states due to imprecise geographic data. Geographic coordinates are approximated in ECHO if facilities do not have location information. These facilities are indicated by the
- Facility search performance optimization is ongoing. If experiencing problems with slow facility searching or searches that won't load, please send information about the search ran, Internet browser, date, and time of day to ECHO Support.
Report Environmental Violations
- Users may experience difficulty submitting violation reports with photo/video attachments in certain browsers. Reports can still be submitted without attachments.
Data Downloads
- ECHO Exporter Download - For facilities with a 13th quarter (e.g., water facilities and drinking water systems), the FAC_3YR_COMPLIANCE_HISTORY column displays compliance history for Quarters 2-13 instead of Quarters 1-12.
State Comparative Maps
- Users may experience difficulties with the map refresh timer associated with the year selection.
Water Pollutant Loading Tool
- Some help documentation is under development.
- When using Google Chrome browser to access the Water Pollution Search, TRI option, the text entry boxes on the Reported Discharges section are formatted incorrectly.
Corporate Compliance Screener
- Report - In the report download file, reports with the exact same name will appear with a number appended (e.g., “Company ABC” “Company ABC_1”).
- Generating and viewing reports are currently not available. This issue will be addressed in an upcoming release.