Annual Reports and State Review Framework Summaries
This page summarizes environmental compliance and enforcement performance and trends information available on ECHO and includes some summary, state-level reports as explained below.
Annual Reports
Current performance and trend data are available via EPA/State Comparative Maps and Dashboards.
For the Clean Water Act, the Annual Noncompliance Report (ANCR) for Non-Major Facilities is posted annually below.
Information about Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) public water system compliance and enforcement activity is available on the Drinking Water Dashboard. Annual National Public Water System Reports for fiscal year 2013 and before are available on EPA's compliance website.
Annual Reports for other programs provided summary, state-level data for facility universe, inspections, compliance status, and enforcement of the Clean Air Act (CAA), Clean Water Act (CWA), and hazardous waste (RCRA) laws for 2008 and 2009. (As noted, the Clean Water Act Annual Noncompliance Report (ANCR) for Non-Major Facilities is available for other years shown below.) The reports used "frozen" data that may have been used to evaluate compliance and enforcement activity at the end of each fiscal year. "Frozen" data provides a snapshot view of how compliance and enforcement programs are performing. Please visit ECHO's State Comments on Frozen Data page to read state concerns regarding these data.
Annual Reports with detailed descriptions of each metric are available in PDF format. Due to program changes, metrics presented in the State Comparative Maps and Dashboards may not match metrics in Annual Reports.
- Annual Noncompliance Report for Non-Majors (PDF) (20 pp, 1203 K) - Combined report and attachments
- ANCR Attachments (PDF) (2 pp, 75 K) - Compliance and enforcement statistics by state
- Annual Noncompliance Report for Non-Majors (PDF) (20 pp, 384 K) - Combined report and attachments
- ANCR Attachments (PDF) (2 pp, 144 K) - Compliance and enforcement statistics by state
- Annual Noncompliance Report for Non-Majors (PDF) (20 pp, 430 K)
2012 Annual Reports
- Annual Noncompliance Report for Non-Majors (PDF) (22 pp, 533 K)
2011 Annual Reports
- Annual Noncompliance Report for Non-Majors (PDF) (17 pp, 288 K)
- Download of Annual Noncompliance Report for Non-Majors (CSV (17 K), Metadata (PDF) (5 pp, 38 K))
2010 Annual Reports
- Annual Noncompliance Report for Non-Majors (PDF) (36 pp, 397 K)
- Annual Noncompliance Storyboard for Non-Majors (PDF) (3 pp, 200 K)
- Summary of Annual Noncompliance Report for Non-Majors (PDF) (2 pp, 95 K)
- Download of Annual Noncompliance Report for Non-Majors (CSV (17 K), Metadata (PDF) (5 pp, 38 K))
*In December of 2012, data for Item 8 (Informal Enforcement Actions) was updated in the 2009 and 2010 versions of the ANCR report. The updated data is displayed on the EPA/State Dashboards and in the ANCR CSV download - but is not reflected in the PDF versions of the reports.
2009 Annual Reports
- Majors Report (PDF) (8 pp, 209 K)
- Non-Majors Report (PDF) (8 pp, 221 K)
- Combined Report (PDF) (9 pp, 253 K)
- Majors Report (PDF) (5 pp, 68 K)
- Majors Storyboard (PDF) (2 pp, 132 K)
- Annual Noncompliance Report for Non-Majors (PDF) (43 pp, 932 K)
- Annual Noncompliance Storyboard for Non-Majors (PDF) (3 pp, 200 K)
- Download of Annual Noncompliance Report for Non-Majors (CSV (17 K), Metadata (PDF) (5 pp, 38 K))
- Press Release (3/24/2011)
*In December of 2012, data for Item 8 (Informal Enforcement Actions) was updated in the 2009 and 2010 versions of the ANCR report. The updated data is displayed on the EPA/State Dashboards and in the ANCR CSV download - but is not reflected in the PDF versions of the reports.
- Larger Facilities Report (PDF) (7 pp, 202 K)
- Smaller Facilities Report (PDF) (7 pp, 180 K)
- Combined Report (PDF) (7 pp, 173 K)
2008 Annual Reports
- Majors Report (PDF) (2 pp, 19 K)
- Non-Majors Report (PDF) (2 pp, 21 K)
- Combined Report (PDF) (2 pp, 21 K)
- Majors Report (PDF) (5 pp, 68 K)
- Majors Storyboard (PDF) (2 pp, 132 K)
- Annual Noncompliance Report for Non-Majors (PDF) (30 pp, 966 K)
- Annual Noncompliance Storyboard for Non-Majors (PDF) (3 pp, 200 K)
- Press Release (4/29/2010)
Prior Years' Annual Reports
- 2007 ANCR (for smaller permittees) (PDF) (15 pp, 142 K)
- 2006 ANCR (for smaller permittees) (PDF) (6 pp, 73 K)
- 2004-05 ANCR (for smaller permittees) (PDF) (18 pp, 95 K)
State Review Framework
The State Review Framework (SRF) is a tool used by EPA to assess each state's enforcement of the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, and hazardous waste laws. In conducting the State Review Framework, EPA collaborates with each state on reports. These reports allow EPA to track recommendations for states to improve their enforcement programs.
Current performance and trend data, including some data used by the State Review Framework program, are available via EPA/State Comparative Maps and Dashboards. The State Review Framework project website includes an interactive map with links to full State Review Framework reports, answers to frequently asked questions, links by state back to the ECHO website for viewing recommendations and their status, and an option to be informed by email when new reports are added to the website.
State Review Framework Data Downloads and Data Metrics Information
EPA "freezes" data annually to provide a snapshot view of performance. The data downloads below use these frozen datasets. Three file formats are provided, all of which contain the same information. All State Review Framework metrics from Fiscal Years (FY) 2008-2010 are available for download below.
Clean Air Act
- CAA State Review Framework Data Dictionary (PDF)(13 pp, 72 K)
- CAA State Review Framework Data Metrics Spreadsheet (PDF) (11 pp, 70 K)
- Fiscal Year 2010: PDF (10 pp, 93 K) | XLS(87 K) | CSV(25 K)
- Fiscal Year 2009: PDF (10 pp, 679 K) | XLS(98 K)| CSV(24 K)
- Fiscal Year 2008: PDF (10 pp, 85 K) | XLS(176 K) | CSV(26 K)
Clean Water Act
- CWA State Review Framework Data Metric Dictionary (PDF) (14 pp, 43 K)
- CWA State Review Framework Data Metrics Spreadsheet (PDF) (11 pp, 52 K)
- Fiscal Year 2010: PDF (10 pp, 85 K) | XLS (98 K) | CSV (24 K)
- Fiscal Year 2009: PDF (10 pp, 71 K) | XLS (70 K) | CSV (21 K)
- Fiscal Year 2008: PDF (10 pp, 71 K) | XLS (70 K) | CSV (21 K)
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
- RCRA State Review Framework Data Metric Dictionary (PDF) (8 pp, 40 K)
- RCRA State Review Framework Data Metrics Spreadsheet (PDF) (8 pp, 53 K)
- Fiscal Year 2010: PDF (125 pp, 85 K) | XLS (67 K) | CSV (21 K)
- Fiscal Year 2009: PDF (65 pp, 71 K) | XLS (176 K) | CSV (20 K)
- Fiscal Year 2008: PDF (65 pp, 71 K) | XLS (176 K) | CSV (20 K)