Corporate Compliance Screener Frequently Asked Questions
- Does this tool include all enforcement and compliance issues known to EPA?
- What if I find erroneous data associated with a company?
- What should I do if I am aware of a violation that does not exist in ECHO for a facility?
- Can I automatically run a search on a specific corporation(s)?
- Can I select the timeframe that the Corporate Compliance Screener looks for violations or enforcement actions?
- Can I remove facilities from the report that I know are not affiliated with the company I am interested in?
- Can I map the results?
- Can I save my query? If not, what is the best way to re-run it without starting from scratch?
A. Background/General
Does this tool include all enforcement and compliance issues known to EPA?
Data must be entered into EPA’s national data systems of record in order for Corporate Compliance Screener to display it. State and local environmental agencies may have additional information. Criminal enforcement cases are not included. Also, it is possible that some cases that are in the earlier stages of the civil enforcement process are not included.
Please visit the facility’s Detailed Facility Report and select "Report Data Error." For step-by-step instructions, see How to Report an Error.
What should I do if I am aware of a violation that does not exist in ECHO for a facility?
Please report the information on EPA's Report Environmental Violations form.
B. Technical
Can I automatically run a search on a specific corporation(s)?
No. EPA’s databases are primarily organized by facility, without an overall corporate ID. Because of this, users must create their own corporate profile based on research they have done on facility locations and parent and subsidiary relationships.
Users will need to research the various company names (e.g., subsidiaries), enter the list of names, and then review output to remove “sound-alikes” that may not be associated with the company of interest.
For companies that are self-monitoring their performance: after a final list of facilities is specified, the associated Facility ID numbers can be re-submitted at any time to recreate results with updated data.
Can I select the timeframe that the Corporate Compliance Screener looks for violations or enforcement actions?
The Corporate Compliance Screener searches on violations and enforcement actions in the last three years (except “open” enforcement actions, which are presented in the Corporate Compliance Screener Report regardless of the date). You may adjust the Settlement Time Period to restrict settlement records to a time period[restrict:roles=government] when the Compliance Report option is selected[/restrict].
Can I remove facilities from the report that I know are not affiliated with the company I am interested in?
Yes. In Step 2: Review Results, users can review and exclude specific records prior to generating a report. The left-most column on the Review Results is Exclude From Report; check the corresponding box to manually exclude the facility.
The Corporate Compliance Screener does not include a mapping feature. The search results include facility street address, city, and state, and users can download results in CSV or Excel format and add to a GIS mapping tool. Alternately, a user could copy and paste the resulting Facility IDs into an ECHO Facility Search to view a map of facilities.
Can I save my query? If not, what is the best way to re-run it without starting from scratch?
No. The best way to re-run your search in the future is to save a copy of your search criteria or download and save the resulting Facility/Case IDs.