Hypoxia Task Force Scope and Methodology
The table below describes how the Hypoxia Task Force Searches count facilities with effluent limits and monitoring requirements for nutrients, based on methodology developed for EPA Office of Wastewater Management. For a summary of the Hypoxia Task Force Searches and Logic, see the Hypoxia Task Force Searches Memorandum (PDF) (9 pp, 484K).
Element | HTF Counts Methodology |
Permit Types | |
Permit Status | |
Permit Version | |
Permitted Features | |
Monitoring Locations | |
Units of Measure | |
Limit Value Type | |
Parameter Codes | |
NPDES Individual Permits | ✔* |
NPDES Master General Permits | |
General Permit Covered Facilities | |
Active Permits Only: Administratively Continued (ADC), Effective (EFF), or Expired (EXP) in the Respective Reporting Year. | ✔ |
Most Recent Permit Version Effective During the Respective Reporting Year | ✔ |
External Outfalls (EXO) | ✔ |
Summation Outfalls (SUM) | ✔ |
Net Effluent (code = 2) | ✔ |
Gross Effluent (code = 1) | ✔ |
Before/After Disinfection (codes = A & B) | ✔ |
See Comments (code = SC) | ✔ |
Only include Mass- or Concentration-Based Units | ✔ |
Only include records where the Limit Value Type is populated | ✔ |
00600: Nitrogen, total (as N) | ✔ |
51425: Nitrogen, Total As N | ✔ |
51445: Nitrogen, Total | ✔ |
51537: Nitrogen, Net Total | |
51084: Nitrogen, total available (water) | ✔ |
00602: Nitrogen, Dissolved | ✔ |
00601: Nitrogen, total | |
00625: Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, total (as N) | ✔ |
51449: Nitrogen, Kjeldahl Total | ✔ |
51087: Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, total (TKN) (water) | ✔ |
82539: Nitrogen, Kjeldahl | ✔ |
49579: Nitrogen, total Kjeldahl | ✔ |
81639: Nitrogen Kjeldahl, total (TKN) | ✔ |
00623: Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, dissolved (as N) | ✔ |
0625D: Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, total [as N] [per discharge] | ✔ |
51662: Nitrogen, Kjeldahl,Total [TKN], insoluble | ✔ |
00605: Nitrogen, organic total (as N) | ✔ |
00607: Nitrogen, organic, dissolved (as N) | ✔ |
00610: Nitrogen, ammonia total (as N) | |
51446: Nitrogen, Ammonia Total | |
00609: Ammonia nitrogen, total, (as N) 30 day | |
00612: Nitrogen, ammonia, tot unionized (as N) | |
0610S: Nitrogen, ammonia total [as N] [per season] | |
34726: Nitrogen, ammonia, total (as NH3) | |
51085: Nitrogen, ammonia (NH3-N) | |
0610D: Nitrogen, ammonia total [as N] [per discharge] | |
61574: Ammonia (as N) + unionized ammonia | |
00619: Ammonia, unionized | |
00608: Nitrogen, ammonia dissolved | |
71845: Nitrogen, ammonia total (as NH4) | |
82230: Ammonia & ammonium- total | |
00640: Nitrogen, inorganic total | ✔ |
51450: Nitrite Plus Nitrate Total | ✔ |
00631: Nitrite plus nitrate dissolved 1 det. | ✔ |
00630: Nitrite plus nitrate total 1 det. (as N) | ✔ |
51489: Nitrogen, Total as NO3 + NH3 | ✔ |
00620: Nitrogen, nitrate total (as N) | ✔ |
82386: Nitrogen, oxidized | ✔ |
82385: Nitrogen oxides (as N) | |
51448: Nitrogen, Nitrate Total | ✔ |
00618: Nitrogen, nitrate dissolved | ✔ |
00621: Nitrate nitrogen, dry weight | ✔ |
01299: Nitrogen-nitrate in water, [pct] | ✔ |
51675: Annual Nitrate Nitrogen Discharged | ✔ |
71850: Nitrogen, nitrate total (as NO3) | ✔ |
51794: Nitrite + Nitrate total [as N] | |
51100: Nitrogen, total, as NO3, (water) | ✔ |
49577: Nitrite plus Nitrate, dry weight [as N] | |
51086: Nitrogen, nitrate (NO3), (water) | ✔ |
00615: Nitrogen, nitrite total (as N) | |
51447: Nitrogen, Nitrite Total | ✔ |
00613: Nitrite nitrogen, dissolved (as N) | |
71855: Nitrogen, nitrite total (as NO2) | |
00665: Phosphorus, total (as P) | ✔ |
51451: Phosphorus, Total | ✔ |
70507: Phosphorous, in total orthophosphate | ✔ |
00670: Phosphorous, total organic (as P) | ✔ |
00662: Phosphorous, total recoverable | ✔ |
00666: Phosphorus, dissolved | ✔ |
51663: Phosphorus, insoluble | ✔ |
50785: Phosphorus, ortho | ✔ |
51699: Phosphorus, Total (Avg Seasonal Load Cap) | ✔ |
0665S: Phosphorus, total [as P] [per season] | ✔ |
51426: Phosphorus, Total As P | ✔ |
51538: Phosphorus, Net Total | |
00664: Dock discharge of phosphorus | ✔ |
04157: Phosphorus (reactive as P) | ✔ |
51764: Phosphorus Adsorption | ✔ |
04175: Phosphate, ortho (as P) | ✔ |
00671: Phosphate, dissolved/orthophosphate(as P) | ✔ |
70506: Phosphate, dissolved color method (as P) | ✔ |
00655: Phosphate, poly (as PO4) | ✔ |
00653: Phosphate total soluble | ✔ |
00650: Phosphate, total (as PO4) | ✔ |
00660: Phosphate, ortho (as PO4) | ✔ |
71888: Phosphorus, total soluble (as PO4) | ✔ |
70505: Phosphate, total, color method (as P) | ✔ |
51092: Phosphate, total (P2O5), water | ✔ |
51622: Limiting Nutrient (Nitrogen or Phosphorus) | ✔ |
Modeled Nutrients | ✔ |
*The HTF Methodology further excludes any permits that have a non-numeric third character (e.g., ALR000123)