The Data Explorer enables users to search for reported and validated methane super emitter events under the Methane Super Emitter Program.
For additional information about the Data Explorer, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions.
This page includes the following sections:
Filter Data
The Data Explorer provides search filters to filter results based on methane event characteristics, or facility characteristics. To located the filters available, select the "Filter Data" tab to the left of the map.
Event Status
The event status indicates the current state of the super emitter event as labeled in the map legend. Statuses include:
- New Emission Reported
- Overdue Response
- Emission Ongoing, NSPS OOOO/a/b/c Facility
- Non-NSPS OOOO/a/b/c Facility
- Emission Ended
- Emission Source Not Identified
- Inactivated
- Demonstrable Error Claimed
- Unknown
Emission Rate (kg/hr)
The minimum and/or maximum methane emission rates in kilograms per hour.
Detection Date Range
The date range within which the super emitter event was detected by the third-party notifier.
End Date Range
The date range within which the super emitter event has ended.
Response Date Range
The date range within which the owner/operator responded to the super emitter event notification.
EPA Region
Use to search for information in a particular EPA Region. Choose a region from the dropdown menu. You may not combine an EPA Region search with a city/state, state, or ZIP Code search.
Choose a state, or multiple, from the dropdown menu. You may not combine a state search with a region search. It is recommended that you not combine a state search with a ZIP code search.
ZIP Code
Enter up to a five-digit ZIP code. Entering a partial ZIP code results with any ZIP beginning with the entry. You may not combine a ZIP Code search with a region search. It is recommended that you not combine a ZIP code search with a city or state search. To search on multiple zip codes, separate them with a comma in the text box.
Detection Latitude
The latitudinal coordinates of the facility where the super emitter emission is detected.
Detection Longitude
The longitudinal coordinates of the facility where the super emitter emission is detected.
Latitude/Longitude Search Radius
Specify the search radius for a given latitude/longitude. Selection must be made in conjunction with the "Facility Latitude/Longitude" criteria. "1 mile" is selected by default, and users have the option to select 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, or 20 miles.
Interact with the Map
The Data Explorer tool includes an interactive map that displays the location of the reported leak, status of emissions, and facility details. Users will have the ability to zoom in to view the events around a facility, click on points to expand event details, and view additional metadata in a dynamic table below the map.
A cluster on the map indicates multiple events contained in the area. The cluster is depicted by a teal circle with the number of super emitter events at the center of the circle. The size of the cluster corresponds to the number of super emitter events.
Map Legend
Events on the map are color coded to illustrate the current state of the super emitter event and number of events in an area. The legend is collapsible and is located to the right of the map.
| New Emission Reported A black label symbolizes an event where the third-party notifier identifies a facility and it has been less than or equal to 15 days since notification, and the owner/operator has not responded. Overdue Response A red label symbolizes an event where the third-party notifier identifies a facility, and it has been more than 15 days since notification to the owner/operator. Emission Ongoing, NSPS OOOO/a/b/c Facility A pink label symbolizes an event at a facility subject to NSPS OOOO/a/b/c regulation where the owner/operator identifies the source of the emission and states that event is on-going. Non-NSPS OOOO/a/b/c Facility A yellow label symbolizes an event where the owner/operator states that the facility is not subject to NSPS OOOO/a/b/c regulations and does not identify the source of the emission. Emission Ended A gray label symbolizes an event where the owner/operator identifies the source of the emission and states that event has ended. Emission Source Not Identified A purple label symbolizes an event where the owner/operator conducts all applicable searches and does not identify the source of the emission. Inactivated A brown label symbolizes an event where the third-party notifier does not identify a facility, or the respondent stated that they do not own/operate a facility within 50 meters. Demonstrable Error Claimed A blue label symbolizes an event where the owner/operator has claimed a demonstrable error in the report, and the EPA concurs with the demonstrable error. The event is removed from the map and archived. Unknown A white label symbolizes an event that does not fit in any of the previous categories. Multiple Events (zoom in to disaggregate) Depicted as teal circles on the map to indicate the number of methane events in the area. The size of the circle corresponds to the number of events.
Pop-up window
Select an individual point on the map to expand the event details in a pop-up window. Details provided in the pop-up include:
Data Table
The data table displayed below the map provides additional details about the events. Select the four arrows pointing outwards to expand the data table, and in the top left view the following interactive options:
Customize columns
Fields that are already displayed on the table have a checkmark. In the list, uncheck the field to remove from the table and check the ones to add to the table. The fields are defined below in the Customize Columns section of the help page.
CSV Download
Export the currently selected data from the data table as a CSV file.
Results Guide
Default columns include:
| Emission Notification ID The identification number associated with the third-party notifier form for the methane super emission event. The emission notification ID in the table hyperlinks to the accompanying "Methane Emissions Event Report" for a given methane super emitter event. Event Status The current status of the super emitter event as color coded in the map legend. Emission Rate (kg/hr) The rate at which methane is being emitted from the given facility in kilograms per hour. Date of Detection The date the third-party notifier detected the super emitter event. Date of Notification The date the owner/operator received the super emitter event notification. Date of Response The date the owner/operator responded to the super emitter event notification. End Date The date when the methane super emitter event ended. Facility Name The name of the facility where the methane super emission is detected. Report an Error Clicking the hyperlinked word "Report" presents the "Submit an Error on the Data Explorer" pop-up form, complete with three sections: Submitter Information, Facility Information, and Data Error. This form can be used to indicate an error on the Data Explorer.
Customize Columns
To view additional columns in the table below the map, select the "Customize Columns" button is the blue ribbon below the map, and check the box(es) next to the column(s) of interest. Select "Update Columns" to view the selected fields in the data table below the map. Columns available for display are divided into "Event Information" and "Facility Information" sections.
Event Information:
| Emissions Notification ID The identification number associated with the third-party notifier form for the methane super emission event. The emission notification ID in the table hyperlinks to the accompanying "Methane Emissions Event Report" for a given methane super emitter event. Notifier Name The name of the third-party notifier that filled out the notification form regarding the methane super emitter event. Event Status The current status of the super emitter event as color coded in the map legend. Emissions Rate (kg/hr) The rate at which methane is being emitted from a given facility in kilograms per hour. Emission Uncertainty (kg/hr) The uncertainty bounds in kilograms per hour of the methane super emission value. Self Reported Methane Emissions (kg) The self reported kilograms of methane emitted at the facility. Date of Detection The date the third-party notifier detected the super emitter event. Date of Notification The date the owner/operator received the super emitter event notification. Date of Response The date the owner/operator responded to the super emitter event notification. End Date The date when the methane super emitter event ended. Third Party Notification Link The link to the methane super emission event's notification form. Owner/Operator Response Link The link to respond to a methane super emission event notification. Plume ID The identification number of the plume for the methane super emission event. Plume Latitude The latitude of the plume associated with the methane super emission event. Plume Longitude The longitude of the plume associated with the methane super emission event. Plume Image Download Link A link that downloads the plume image associated with the methane super emission event.
Facility Information:
| Facility Name The name of the facility where the methane super emission is detected. Street Address The street address of the facility where the methane super emission is detected. State The state in which the facility where the methane super emission event took place is located. Zip Code The zip code associated with the facility where the methane super emission event is located. EPA Region The EPA Region in which the facility where the methane super emission event is took place is located. ICIS-Air ID The Unique ID assigned within the Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS)-Air for the facility where the methane super emission event took place. API Well Number The API Well number associated with the facility where the methane super emission event took place. FRS ID The identification number assigned by the Facility Registry Service (FRS) to the facility that is associated with the facility where the methane super emission event took place. Facility Latitude The latitude of the facility where the methane super emission event took place. Facility Longitude The longitude of the facility where the methane super emission event took place. NAICS Code(s) The NAICS Code(s) associated with the facility where the methane super emission event took place. NSPS Subpart(s) The New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) Subpart(s) associated with the facility where the methane super emission event took place. Owner/Operator Name The name of the owner and/or operator of the facility where the methane super emission event took place. GHGRP ID(s) The Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program identification number(s) associated with the facility where the methane super emission event took place. Current GHG Emissions (MTC02e/yr) The current Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year (MTC02e/yr) at the facility where the methane super emission event took place. Report an Error This column presents the hyperlinked word "Report", allowing users to submit an error on the Data Explorer.