NPDES DMR Non-Receipt Status Search Help

This page contains help information for the NPDES DMR Non-Receipt Status Search and describes the data elements that are presented in the search results and drilldowns. Select the links below to jump to each section of this page:


EPA's Clean Water Act National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) data system of record, Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) for NPDES data, automatically generates Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) non-receipt violations for all permittees (majors and non-majors). DMR values not received within 31 days of the DMR form due date result in the generation of a violation code (D80 or D90). ICIS-NPDES runs a daily process to identify these DMR non-receipt violations and automatically creates violation codes for the missing DMR values with monitoring requirements (D80) and missing DMR values with effluent limits (D90).

ICIS-NPDES uses these DMR non-receipt violation codes (D80 or D90) to generate “reportable noncompliance (RNC) detection” codes [e.g., non-monthly average DMR value was 30 days overdue (= “K”), DMR monthly average value was 30 days overdue or scheduled report was 30 days overdue (= “N”)]. ICIS-NPDES uses “RNC resolution” codes to classify the resolution status of these violations (i.e., noncompliant, resolved pending, or resolved). These RNC resolution codes can be created automatically by ICIS-NPDES or be manually entered by an ICIS-NPDES user. ICIS-NPDES uses violation codes, RNC detection codes, and RNC resolution codes to create a single permit compliance status code for each permittee for each Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) Quarter. ICIS-NPDES generates this permit compliance status code approximately 2 ½ months after the quarter has ended.

This search allows the identification of DMR filers that have unresolved DMR non-receipt violations received later than 40 days after the DMR due date in ICIS-NPDES [i.e., these are facilities with DMR non-receipt Violation codes (D80 or D90) that have an unresolved RNC status code (1 or A) and contribute to a noncompliant permit status]. Although ICIS-NPDES automatically generates DMR non-receipt violation codes if values are not reported within 31 days, EPA's data sharing policy allows states a 40-day window to report DMR values to EPA's data system; therefore, DMR values reported on time to state agencies and shared with EPA within 40 days do not contribute to permit level noncompliance status.

Prior to the NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule, ECHO did not show noncompliant permit compliance status codes for non-major DMR filers in most states (the exceptions being Arkansas and Louisiana, as requested by these two states), when the noncompliance was related to DMR non-receipt violations. ECHO was changed to show the permit compliance status (based on the RNC status code) for all DMR filers for the FFY Quarter that started on 1 July 2017 and following FFY quarters. EPA made these changes to help create an accurate and nationally-consistent set of data about the NPDES program and to provide greater transparency to the public on noncompliance.

Search Criteria Help 


Choose to search by one type of location - either a state (geographic location based on facility address), EPA region, or permitting state from the dropdown menu.

Facility Name or ID

Search for facilities by name, partial name, or ID.

Master General Permit Number

Search for facilities by the unique identifier for the Master General Permit, which applies only to records with a permit type of General Permit Covered Facility. A Master General Permit is a NPDES permit that covers multiple facilities that have similar discharges and are located in a specific geographic area. The Master General Permit contains no facility-specific data, and compliance and enforcement data are not associated with a Master General Permit.

State Region Code

Choose a unique code from the dropdown menu to identify a particular region within a state. State or Permitting State must be selected first.


Choose a county from the dropdown menu. State or Permitting State must be selected first.

Permit Type  

Search for a facility or permit by permit classification. Permit classifications include:

  • NPDES Individual Permit - An individual NPDES permit is unique to each facility. The limitations and other conditions in an individual permit are based on the facility's operations, type and amount of discharge, and receiving stream, among other factors.
  • General Permit Covered Facility - A NPDES facility that is covered under a Master General Permit.
  • Individual IU Permit (non-direct discharge) - Industrial user in a pretreatment program (NPDES indirect discharger). Although an industrial user is not issued an NPDES Permit, a permit record is maintained for tracking purposes.
  • Individual State Issued Permit (Non-NPDES) - An individual permit unique to each facility, but not in the NPDES program.
  • Associated Permit Record - A system record associated to a NPDES permit.
  • Unpermitted Facility - A facility that does not have an active NPDES permit.

ICIS Tribal Land Flag

When “Yes” is selected, your search results will be limited to facilities or permits flagged as being located in Indian country, based on information entered in EPA's Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS). The accuracy and completeness of this information varies by system, and may differ from the FRS Tribal Land Code. “Indian country” is defined by statute at 18 U.S.C. 1151 to include all lands within Indian reservations, dependent Indian communities, and allotted lands. When “No” is selected, your search results will exclude any facilities or permits that are located in Indian country. “ANY” will not restrict search results.

Facility Type Ownership

Choose a type of facility owner from the dropdown menu. Options include Corporation, County Government, District, Federal Facility (U.S. Government), GOCO (Government Owned/Contractor Operated), Individual, Mixed Ownership (e.g. Public/Private), Municipal or Water District, Municipality, Non-Government, Privately Owned Facility, School District, State Government, Tribal Government, and Unknown. 

Permit Issuing Agency

Specify whether the permit issuing agency is the EPA or a state. Selecting "Any" will not restrict search results.

Permit Compliance Tracking Status

This indicates whether permit compliance is currently being tracked.

DMR Non-Receipt Tracking

This indicates whether DMR non-receipt status is currently being tracked for the permit.


  • Major - Returns any NPDES facility or activity classified as such by the regional administrator, or in the case of approved state programs, the regional administrator in conjunction with the state Director. EPA defined "major" in guidance and policy developed in the mid- 1980s. For industrial facilities, EPA developed a permit rating worksheet used by permit writers to assist with classification of a facility as a major or non-major. Worksheets were developed to guide this process. See EPA NPDES Permit Rating worksheet (PDF) (44pp, 1870 K). Industrial facilities that scored 80 points or higher using the worksheet were classified as major facilities. Publicly owned treatment works (POTWS) with 1 million gallons of flow per day or greater and POTWs serving a population of 10,000 or greater were also classified as major facilities.
  • Non-Major - Returns municipal and industrial facilities that have not been designated as majors. 

DMR Submission Days Late

Specify the minimum number of days since the DMR due date.

DMR Received Date Between

Specify the date range for the receipt of a DMR. Use the “DMR Received Date Between” feature to limit your search to unresolved DMR non-receipt violations (violation codes D80 or D90) where the corresponding DMRs were received by the NPDES program authority within the specified date range.

DMR Monitoring Period End Date Between

Specify the date range for the end of the monitoring period for a DMR. Use the “DMR Monitoring Period End Date Between” feature to limit your search to unresolved DMR non-receipt violations (violation codes D80 or D90) where the corresponding DMRs have monitoring end dates within the specified date range. The DMR monitoring period end date is set by the NPDES permitting authority.

DMR Due Date Between

Specify the date range for the due date of a DMR. Use the “DMR Due Date Between” feature to limit your search to unresolved DMR non-receipt violations (violation codes D80 or D90) where the corresponding DMRs have due dates within the specified date range. The DMR due date is set by the NPDES permitting authority.

Limit results to permits with SNC DMR non-receipt status

Select this option to restrict search results to permits having an RNC status of SNC due to DMR non-receipt violations.

Limit results to permits with no unresolved DMR non-receipt violations resulting from No Data Indicator (NODI) codes

Select this option to restrict search results to permits with unresolved violations that were not a result of a No Data Indicator (NODI) code, considered invalid for compliance purposes, on a DMR.

Limit results to permits with unresolved DMR non-receipt violations resulting from one or more No Data Indicator (NODI) codes

Options to restrict search results to unresolved violations generated from "Any No Data Indicator (NODI) code" or one specific NODI code (by selecting "A User-Specified No Data Indicator (NODI) code"). User-specified NODI codes can be selected from the dropdown menu.

Search Results Help 

Running a search will bring you to a table of NPDES permits matching your search criteria. You can select "Download Search Results" to download a CSV of the results table, or "Download Search Results Drilldown" to download a CSV of the drilldown results. Note that downloads are limited to 15,000 records. 

To find more information about each specific non-receipt violation for a NPDES permit, click on the hyperlinked permit number to go to the drilldown table. Note that the drilldowns table shows additional data about all unresolved D80/D90 violations for the NPDES permit, not just those matching your original search criteria.

Data fields available in the search results and drilldowns include the following (click on the links below to jump to the Results Guide for detailed descriptions):

Results Guide

The search results present data from the Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) for NPDES data.  Read About the Data for more information on this data source and when the data were last updated in ECHO. The data fields included in the search results and D90/D90 results drilldowns are described below.

External Permit Number

The NPDES permit number formatted to define the general permit, the industrial classification, and the sequence number. This NPDES number may reflect either the permit or a facility covered by the permit. This field may also be referred to as the NPDES ID or Permit ID.

Permit Name

This is the name of the facility having the NPDES permit to discharge pollutants in the waters of the United States.

Facility Name

Company or permit holder name, as maintained by the ICIS-NPDES data system. The facility name may differ across EPA databases due to differences in reported information, change in ownership, use of parent or subsidiary name, etc.

City, State Code, County, Zip Code

City, state (two letter abbreviation), county and zip code where facility is located.

State Region Code

The unique code identifying particular regions within a state. 

EPA Region Code

The EPA region where the facility is located. EPA has 10 regional offices that execute programs within several states and territories.

Facility Latitude and Longitude

The latitude or longitude of the facility, as maintained in ICIS-NPDES.

Facility Type

Indicates the type of facility owner (i.e., Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW), non-POTW, or federal government). 


Indicates the type of owner/operator of the facility (i.e., Corporation, County Government, District, Federal Facility (U.S. Government), Mixed Ownership (e.g. Public/Private), Municipal or Water District, Municipality, Non-Government, Privately Owned Facility, School District, State Government, and Tribal Government.

Expiration Date

Date that the current version of the permit expires.

Issuing Agency

The environmental agency that issued the permit.

Permitting State 

The state that issued the permit. 

Major/Non-Major Status

Each NPDES permit is defined by the program office as a major or non-major discharger.

Permit Compliance Tracking Status

This Yes/No field indicates whether the permit is currently being tracked for compliance purposes.

DMR Non-Receipt Tracking

This indicates whether the permit is currently being tracked for DMR non-receipt status.

Permit Type

Indicates the type of NPDES permit (e.g., NPDES Individual Permit, General Permit Covered Facility). 

Master External Permit Number

This is the unique identifier for the Master General Permit, which applies only to records with a permit type of General Permit Covered Facility. A Master General Permit is a NPDES permit that covers multiple facilities that have similar discharges and are located in a specific geographic area. A general permit applies the same or similar conditions to all dischargers covered under the general permit. It sets the conditions with which permittees will be required to comply. The Master General Permit contains no facility-specific data, and compliance and enforcement data are not associated with a Master General Permit (rather any data would be associated with the General Permit Covered Facility).

Permit Status

The permit status reflects the current stage in the permit life cycle. ICIS-NPDES designates a permit as Effective, Administratively Continued, Expired, Not Needed, Pending, Retired, or Terminated. See Permit Status for descriptions of the permit status values.

Compliance Tracking

"On" indicates that the permit is currently being tracked for DMR non-receipt compliance. This field will be "On" when either the Permit Compliance Tracking Status or DMR Non Receipt Tracking Status fields are "Yes." 

RNC Status

The most recent official quarterly QNCR compliance status (Quarter 12) for the NPDES permit. 

Limits Present

Indicates that the permit currently has limits (monitoring requirements or numeric limits) in ICIS-NPDES.

First DMR NR Violation

The first DMR non-receipt violation tracked. This date is the monitoring period end date associated with the earliest occurring DMR with one or more unresolved non-receipt violations (violation codes D80 or D90).

Most Recent DMR NR Violation

The most recent DMR non-receipt violation that has occurred. This date is the monitoring period end date associated with the most recent DMR with one or more unresolved non-receipt violations (violation codes D80 or D90).

Number of Missing DMR Values (Unresolved)

Number of all unresolved D80 and D90 DMRs for the NPDES permit. This count will match the number of records in the drilldown table.

Number of Missing DMR Forms (Unresolved)

Count of DMR forms (based on permitted feature number/monitoring period end date) where all values are unresolved DMR non-receipt violations. If any values are resolved, the DMR form is not counted. 

Permit Components

Description of the permit component(s) associated with the NPDES Permit Program Area.

Days in Current Permit Compliance Tracking Status

Number of days in the current permit compliance tracking status. 

Days in Current DMR Tracking Status

Number of days in the current DMR non-receipt tracking status. 

Primary SIC

Indicates the facility's primary Standard Industry Code (SIC), as designated in ICIS-NPDES.

Primary NAICS

Indicates the facility's primary North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, as designated in ICIS-NPDES.

ICIS Tribal Land Flag

Displays “Y” if a facility is flagged as being located in Indian Country, as designated in ICIS-NPDES. Displays “N” if a facility is not located in Indian Country.

ICIS Tribal Land Name

Indicates the name of the Tribal land on which the facility is located, as designated in ICIS-NPDES. 

Federal Facility 

Displays “Y” if a facility is flagged as a federal facility, as designated in ICIS-NPDES. Displays “N” if a facility is not federal. 

Version Number

The version of the permit when a modification or reissuance is applied to the permit. A "0" indicates the most recent or current permit version.

Permit Feature Number

The 3-digit code representing the permitted outfall or pipe of interest in ICIS-NPDES (e.g., 001). This is the identifier assigned for each location at which permit conditions are being applied.

Limit ID

The unique identifier for a limit set and parameter record.

Monitoring Location Code, Monitoring Location Description

Describes the location at which the monitoring requirement (and numeric effluent limit, if limited) applies. One parameter may have several monitoring location requirements pertaining to the same permitted feature. Available code values/descriptions are described in the table below.

1Effluent Gross
2Effluent Net
3Intake Public Water
4Pretreatment, Process Complete
5Upstream Monitoring
6Downstream Monitoring
7Intake from Stream
8Other Treatment, Process Complete
9Phosphate Removal, Process Complete
ADisinfection, Process Complete
APAlternate Process
BPrior to Disinfection
CNitrogen, Removal Complete
DTertiary/Advanced Process Complete
ESecondary/Biological Process Complete
EGEffluent Gross
FPrimary/Preliminary Process Complete
GRaw Sewage Influent
HDuring Manufacturing
IIntake from Well
INAllowed Increase
JIntermediate Treatment, Process Complete
KPercent Removal
NIn Aeration Unit
OSee Comments
PSee Comments
QSee Comments
RSee Comments
RSBeneficial Reuse
RWReceiving Water
SSee Comments
SCSee Comments
TSee Comments
USee Comments
VSee Comments
WSee Comments
XEnd of Chlorine Contact Chamber
ZInstream Monitoring
YEffluent Gross (Supplementary)
IIIndustrial Influent
IMInternal Monitoring Point
PIPrior to Irrigation
PRPrior to Reuse
LALand Application Soil

Limit Begin Date

The date on which a limit starts being in effect for a particular parameter in a limit set.

Limit End Date

The date on which a limit stops being in effect for a particular parameter in a limit set.

Limit Set Name

The name associated with a group of parameter permit limits.

Parameter Code

The unique 5-character code identifying the parameter being reported on the DMR.

Parameter Description

Text description of the parameter code. 

Value Type

The indication of the limit value type (e.g., Quantity 1, Concentration 2). Valid code values are:

Q1Quantity 1
Q2Quantity 2
C1Concentration 1
C2Concentration 2
C3Concentration 3

Monitoring Period End Date

The last day of the monitoring period for the DMR. The DMR monitoring period end date is set by the NPDES permitting authority.

DMR Due Date

The due date for the DMR to the NPDES program authority (e.g., EPA or state environmental agency). The DMR due date is set by the NPDES permitting authority.

NPDES Violation ID

The unique system-generated identifier for the D80 or D90 violation.

RNC Detection Date

The date associated with the Reportable Noncompliance (RNC) detection. 

RNC Detection Code, RNC Detection Description

Indicates reportable noncompliance (RNC) for a particular violation event. Possible codes/descriptions are:

KNon-receipt Violation, Non-Monthly Average
NNon-Receipt of DMR/Schedule Report

RNC Resolution Date

The date RNC was marked to its current resolution status. It can be automatically generated or entered manually.

RNC Resolution Code, RNC Resolution Description

Indicates how RNC was resolved for a particular D80 or D90 violation. Since the Non-Receipt status search returns only unresolved violations, the code/description will be either "NC - Unresolved RNC" or "NC - Manual Unresolved RNC."

NODI Code, NODI Description

The no data indicator (NODI) code indicates the reason that data for an expected DMR value were not submitted by the permittee for a Monitoring Period End Date.

1Wrong Flow
2Operation Shutdown
3Special Report Attached
4Discharge to Lagoon/Groundwater
5Frozen Conditions
6State-Specific No Data Indicator - Valid
7No Influent
8Other (See Comments)
9Conditional Monitoring - Not Required This Period
AGeneral Permit Exemption
BBelow Detection Limit/No Detection
CNo Discharge
DLost Sample/Data Not Available
EAnalysis Not Conducted/No Sample
FInsufficient Flow for Sampling
GSampling Equipment Failure
HInvalid Test
ILand Applied
JRecycled - Water-Closed System
KNatural Disaster
LDMR Received but not Entered
MLaboratory Error
NNot Constructed
PLaboratory Error or Invalid Test
QNot Quantifiable
RAdministratively Resolved
SFire Conditions
TEnvironmental Conditions - Monitoring Not Possible
VWeather Related
WDry Lysimeter/Well
QNot Quantifiable
XParameter/Value Not Reported
YState-Specific No Data Indicator - Valid
ZCOVID19 valid Mar-Aug 2020 monitoring

NODI Validation Flag

Indicates whether the NODI is considered valid (Y) or invalid (N) for compliance determination purposes.

DMR Submission Days Late

The system-generated number of days the DMR value was late.

DMR Received Date

The date the DMR was received by the NPDES program authority.

Violation Code

Violation code describing both automatically and manually detected violations.

D80DMR Non-Receipt/Required monitoring DMR value overdue
D90DMR Non-Receipt/Limited value overdue