RCRAInfo Download Summary and Data Element Dictionary
The Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) system incorporates data from the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information System (RCRAInfo). The RCRAInfo data elements most commonly used for enforcement and compliance history have been included in the download files.
- RCRAInfo Description
- Guidance on RCRAInfo Downloads
- RCRAInfo Data Download File Structure
- RCRAInfo Data Element Dictionary
RCRAInfo Description
RCRAInfo is the national program management and inventory system of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste handlers. Handlers fit one or more of the following categories: treatment, storage and disposal facilities (TSDFs), large quantity generators (LQGs), small quantity generator (SQGs), very small quantity generators (VSQGs), and transporters. RCRAInfo includes the following information:
- General information on all handlers (e.g., name, address, activity type);
- Permitting and corrective action program status for TSDFs only; and
- Enforcement and compliance actions for specific facilities, regardless of type, which have been subject to inspections or other enforcement activity, including violations and penalties.
States and regions populate RCRAInfo with data necessary for their program implementation. The relevant data for national program oversight and management are contained in the RCRAInfo national oversight database from which ECHO extracts its data. Only a subset of data elements from RCRAInfo are incorporated into ECHO, and a subset of these are provided in the download format. Handlers included in the download file are those that have a record of identifying information contained in the Handler Reporting Universe table (rcr_ hreport_univ). This page contains a list of these data elements, as well as definitions.
Guidance on RCRAInfo Downloads
Six comma-separated value (CSV) files comprise the data download. Data were selected based on a single criterion: that handler records were part of the Handler Reporting Universe table (rcr_ hreport_univ). The files contain repeating data fields, which will cause records to repeat the key field(s), e.g., ID_NUMBER, where a handler has multiple values of the repeating field(s).
Key field columns are present in all CSV files and may be used to join and relate data between files. The following table describes how the tables may be joined:
Key fields | Tables | |
1 | ID_NUMBER | All Tables |
2 | ACTIVITY_LOCATION | All Tables |
RCRAInfo Data Download File Structure
Facility (RCRA_FACILITIES.csv)
Element | Data Type | Length |
ID_NUMBER | Char | 36 |
FACILITY_NAME | Char | 240 |
STREET_ADDRESS | Char | 127 |
CITY_NAME | Char | 75 |
STATE_CODE | Char | 20 |
ZIP_CODE | Char | 42 |
LATITUDE83 | Num | 9, 6 |
LONGITUDE83 | Num | 10, 6 |
TRANSPORTER | Char | 3 |
ACTIVE_SITE | Char | 5 |
Enforcement (RCRA_ENFORCEMENTS.csv)
Element | Data Type | Length |
ID_NUMBER | Char | 36 |
PMP_AMOUNT | Num | 22 |
FMP_AMOUNT | Num | 22 |
FSC_AMOUNT | Num | 22 |
SCR_AMOUNT | Num | 22 |
Evaluations (RCRA_EVALUATIONS.csv)
Element | Data Type | Length |
ID_NUMBER | Char | 36 |
EVALUATION_DESC | Char | 240 |
Violations (RCRA_VIOLATIONS.csv)
Element | Data Type | Length |
ID_NUMBER | Char | 36 |
VIOLATION_TYPE | Char | 30 |
ACTUAL_RTC_DATE | Date | 7 |
Element | Data Type | Length |
ID_NUMBER | Char | 36 |
NAICS_CODE | Char | 6 |
Violation/SNC History (RCRA_VIOSNC_HISTORY.csv)
Element | Data Type | Length |
ID_NUMBER | Char | 36 |
YRMONTH | Char | 6 |
VIO_FLAG | Char | 1 |
SNC_FLAG | Char | 1 |
RCRAInfo Data Element Dictionary
The following is a list of the data elements and RCRAInfo-derived elements that appear in the ECHO RCRAInfo download.
Facility Information File (RCRA_FACILITIES.csv)
ID_NUMBER - A unique RCRA identification number assigned by the implementing state or EPA region to each RCRA site (e.g., generators; transporters; and treatment, storage, disposal facilities). The ID can be a minimum of 4 characters and a maximum of 12 characters. The first two characters must be a valid state postal code that corresponds to the state in which the handler is located. Handlers associated with Navajo Nation should be assigned Handler IDs beginning with 'NN' regardless of where the handler is physically located.
FACILITY_NAME - A field (up to 40 characters) that contains the official or legal name of the handler.
ACTIVITY_LOCATION - State postal code that indicates the location of the agency regulating the handler.
FULL_ENFORCEMENT - The Full Enforcement Universe includes each TSDF that could potentially undergo a Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) to be evaluated for compliance with the applicable TSDF requirements found in 40 CFR Parts 264/265 and/or authorized state equivalents. Not every facility in this universe will undergo an annual inspection. This universe includes TSDFs that are no longer operating but are not yet certified closed TSDFs. The universe is further differentiated into six (6) sub-universes based on the types of processes in use at the facility: Land Disposal (L), Incinerator (I), Boiler/Industrial Furnace, a.k.a. BIF (B), Storage (S), Treatment (T), and Solid Waste Management (H). Valid values are any combination of L, I, B, S, and/or T, with optional H. Solid waste management units are designated by the sub-universe H; however, in order for the site to be included in this universe, the site must also have an L, I, B, S, or T designation in addition to the H designation. Sites with only an H designation are not included in this universe. A handler represented in all six of these sub-universes would have a value of “LIBSTH”.
HREPORT_UNIVERSE_RECORD - All included facilities are in the RCRAInfo HREPORT_UNIV5 table. A null/missing value indicates the facility is not in one of the enforcement or regulated activity universes displayed in ECHO. Facilities can be in more than one universe. ECHO values: Legacy TSDF (Full Enforcement Universe), Operating TSDF (Operating TSDF Universe), LQG (Large Quantity Generator Universe), SQG (Small Quantity Generator Universe), VSQG (Very Small Quantity Generator Universe), Transporter (Transporter Universe).
STREET_ADDRESS - First line of the street address, route number, or other specific identifier describing the physical address of the primary site entrance.
CITY_NAME - The city in which the handler is physically located.
STATE_CODE - The two-letter postal code for the state in which the handler is physically located.
ZIP_CODE - The ZIP code in which the handler is physically located.
LATITUDE83 - Latitude of the site location expressed in decimal degrees, representing the degrees, minutes, and seconds of latitude.
LONGITUDE83 - Longitude of the site location expressed in decimal degrees, representing the degrees, minutes, and seconds of longitude.
FED_WASTE_GENERATOR - Code indicating the regulatory status of the site with respect to the federal rules to which it is subject as determined by the quantity and/or toxicity of hazardous wastes generated, stored, or accumulated over a specified period of time. Valid values are “1” (Large Quantity Generator), “2” (Small Quantity Generator), “3” (Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator), “N” (not a generator) or “null/blank” (unverified).
TRANSPORTER - Indicates the handler is engaged in the transportation of hazardous waste. Valid values are Y (yes) or N (no).
ACTIVE_SITE - An indicator based on the information currently in the RCRAInfo database, that there may be an activity on a site that could be subject to the federal RCRA hazardous waste regulations or to a state's authorized hazardous waste program. This definition has no legal significance and does not constitute a legally enforceable or binding determination about the status of a particular site or the obligations of an owner or operator. The facility is in the Active Site Universe if one or more values in the following table apply. A handler represented in all five of these codes would have a value of “HPACS”.
Code | Description |
H | Handler Activities - activities found on the federal SI form or a state-equivalent form except TSDF and "Other" Universal Waste. |
P | Permitting Activities - the site has at least one unit that is "active" according to RCRAInfo Legal/Operating Status. |
A | Corrective Action Activities - the site is in the Corrective Action Workload Universe |
C | Converter - the site has at least one unit that is a converter according to RCRAInfo Legal/Operating Status. |
S | State-Specific Activities - site has state-defined activities in the RCRAInfo Permitting or Handler module the state wants to be included in the activity status calculation. |
OPERATING_TSDF - The Operating TSDF Universe captures every facility that currently has an operating Treatment, Storage, or Disposal unit. The Operating TSDF universe is further differentiated into sub-universes based on the types of processes in use at the facility. These sub-universes are: Land Disposal (L), Incinerator (I), Boiler/Industrial Furnace, a.k.a. BIF (B), Storage (S), Treatment (T), and Solid Waste Management (H). Valid values are any combination of L, I, B, S, and/or T, with optional H. Solid waste management units are designated by the sub-universe H; however, in order for the site to be included in this universe, the site must also have an L, I, B, S, or T designation in addition to the H designation. Sites with only an H designation are not included in this universe. A handler represented in all six of these sub-universes would have a value of “LIBSTH”.
Enforcement File (RCRA_ENFORCEMENTS.csv)
ID_NUMBER - A unique RCRA identification number assigned by the implementing state or EPA region to each RCRA site (e.g., generators; transporters; and treatment, storage, disposal facilities). The ID can be a minimum of 4 characters and a maximum of 12 characters. The first two characters must be a valid state postal code which corresponds to the state in which the handler is located. Handlers associated with Navajo Nation should be assigned Handler IDs beginning with 'NN' regardless of where the handler is physically located.
ACTIVITY_LOCATION - State postal code that indicates the location of the agency regulating the handler.
ENFORCEMENT_IDENTIFIER - A 3-digit number used to uniquely identify multiple occurrences of an enforcement action.
ENFORCEMENT_TYPE - A code that identifies the type of action being taken against a handler.
ENFORCEMENT_DESC - Textual description of the ENFORCEMENT_TYPE code.
ENFORCEMENT_AGENCY - A code representing the agency responsible for issuing the enforcement action. Valid values are “E” (EPA), or “S” (State).
ENFORCEMENT_ACTION_DATE - Indicates the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that the enforcement action (ENFORCEMENT_TYPE) was issued. For all formal actions involving written documents, the date should be the date the document was signed. For an informal action, the date should reflect the date the handler received actual notification.
PMP_AMOUNT - Proposed Monetary Penalty - The amount of the total penalty in dollars proposed in an initial enforcement action. This derived field represents the value of EPENAMT (penalty amount assessed) where EAMTTYP (penalty type code) = “PMP.”
FMP_AMOUNT - Final Monetary Penalty - The amount of the total penalty in dollars that a site named in an enforcement action must pay directly to the responsible agency (for consent agreements with SEP, this amount does not include SEP credits). This derived field represents the value of EPENAMT (penalty amount assessed) where EAMTTYP (penalty type code) = “FMP.”
FSC_AMOUNT - Final SEP Cost - The amount referenced in an enforcement action, at the issuance of the agreement, as the cost in dollars to the site of a supplemental environmental project. This amount is used as the basis to determine how much of the cost may be applied as a SEP Credit (SCR) to offset a portion of a penalty. This derived field represents the value of EPENAMT (penalty amount assessed) where EAMTTYP (penalty type code) = “FSC.”
SCR_AMOUNT - SEP Credit - The actual or estimated credit in dollars allowed by the agency for the completed supplemental environmental project and applied toward the total final settlement amount. This is the dollar amount used as an offset to the actual penalty amount and usually represents only a portion of the actual cost (or Final SEP Cost) of the SEP. This derived field represents the value of EPENAMT (penalty amount assessed) where EAMTTYP (penalty type code) = “SCR.”
Evaluations File (RCRA_EVALUATIONS.csv)
ID_NUMBER - A unique RCRA identification number assigned by the implementing State or Region to each RCRA site (e.g., generators; transporters; and treatment, storage, disposal facilities). The ID can be a minimum of 4 characters and a maximum of 12 characters. The first two characters must be a valid state postal code which corresponds to the state in which the handler is located. Handlers associated with Navajo Nation should be assigned Handler IDs beginning with 'NN' regardless of where the handler is physically located.
ACTIVITY_LOCATION - State postal code that indicates the location of the agency regulating the handler.
EVALUATION_IDENTIFIER - A three-digit number used to uniquely identify an evaluation action.
EVALUATION_TYPE - A three-character code used to report the type of evaluation of handler records or conducted at the handler site. Types are defined in the RCRAInfo Nationally Defined Values for Evaluation Type (PDF) (3 pp, 12 K, About PDF).
EVALUATION_DESC - Textual description of the EVALUATION_TYPE code.
EVALUATION_AGENCY - A one-character code indicating the agency responsible for conducting the evaluation. Valid code values are:
Code | Description |
B | State/Territory Contractor or Grantee |
C | EPA Contractor or Grantee |
E | EPA |
L | Local |
N | Native American |
S | State/Territory |
T | State/Territory-Initiated Oversight/Observation/Training Actions |
X | EPA-Initiated Oversight/Observation/Training Actions |
EVALUATION_START_DATE - A field that contains the date (MM/DD/YYYY) of the evaluation. The evaluation date is the first day of the inspection or record review regardless of the duration of the inspection.
FOUND_VIOLATION - A one-character field indicating whether violations were identified as a result of the evaluation. Values are “Y” (Yes), “U” (Undetermined), and “N” (No).
Violations File (RCRA_VIOLATIONS.csv)
ID_NUMBER - A unique RCRA identification number assigned by the implementing state or EPA region to each RCRA site (e.g., generators; transporters; and treatment, storage, disposal facilities). The ID can be a minimum of 4 characters and a maximum of 12 characters. The first two characters must be a valid state postal code which corresponds to the state in which the handler is located. Handlers associated with Navajo Nation should be assigned Handler IDs beginning with 'NN' regardless of where the handler is physically located.
ACTIVITY_LOCATION - State postal code that indicates the location of the agency regulating the handler.
VIOLATION_TYPE - Code indicating the specific area of the RCRA portions of the Federal Code of Regulations covered by the evaluation and/or found to be in violation with RCRA regulations or statutes. Areas generally correspond to subparts of CFR 40: Part 262 for generators, 263 for transporters, and 264/265 for TSDFs. Types are listed in the RCRAInfo Nationally Defined Values for Violation Type (PDF) (7 pp, 16 K, About PDF).
VIOLATION_TYPE_DESC - Textual description of the VIOLATION_TYPE code.
VIOL_DETERMINED_BY_AGENCY - The agency that determined the violation. Valid values are “E” (EPA), or “S” (State).
DATE_VIOLATION_DETERMINED - The date (MM/DD/YYYY) that a determination is made that the violation exists. This is not necessarily the same date as the date of the inspection or evaluation; for example, when the agency receives sample results or a legal determination.
ACTUAL_RTC_DATE - The date (MM/DD/YYYY) the agency determines that the handler demonstrated full physical compliance (the date compliance was verified). The handler will be considered to be out-of-full-physical-compliance until ACTUAL_RTC_DATE has been determined. ACTUAL_RTC_DATE does not necessarily mean that all enforcement actions are completed for this violation. For violations of omission (such as not manifesting a load of waste), the ACTUAL_RTC_DATE is the date of a written commitment by the handler to comply in the future or the day of conviction in a criminal action. Penalty payment is not a condition of full physical compliance; however, if non-payment is the only violation then the ACTUAL_RTC_DATE is the date that payment is received. Because of the verification requirement, ACTUAL_RTC_DATE will rarely match the Scheduled Compliance Date (SCHEDULED_COMPLIANCE_DATE).
SCHEDULED_COMPLIANCE_DATE - The date (MM/DD/YYYY) by which the handler is to submit to the agency its documentation that the violation has been brought into compliance. Scheduled response dates are specified in enforcement actions as the compliance schedule. If a number of activities are to be performed according to a compliance schedule with more than one date, SCHEDULED_COMPLIANCE_DATE represents the date of the last action to be taken by the handler to return to compliance.
ID_NUMBER - A unique RCRA identification number assigned by the implementing state or EPA region to each RCRA site (e.g., generators; transporters; and treatment, storage, disposal facilities). The ID can be a minimum of 4 characters and a maximum of 12 characters. The first two characters must be a valid state postal code which corresponds to the state in which the handler is located. Handlers associated with Navajo Nation should be assigned Handler IDs beginning with 'NN' regardless of where the handler is physically located.
ACTIVITY_LOCATION - State postal code that indicates the location of the agency regulating the handler.
NAICS_CODE - The industrial activity of the facility as defined by a standard industrial coding system. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) replaced the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system in 1997. Codes can be searched on the Census Bureau website.
Violation/SNC History File (RCRA_VIOSNC_HISTORY.csv)
ID_NUMBER - A unique RCRA identification number assigned by the implementing state or EPA region to each RCRA site (e.g., generators; transporters; and treatment, storage, disposal facilities). The ID can be a minimum of 4 characters and a maximum of 12 characters. The first two characters must be a valid state postal code which corresponds to the state in which the handler is located. Handlers associated with Navajo Nation should be assigned Handler IDs beginning with 'NN' regardless of where the handler is physically located.
ACTIVITY_LOCATION - State postal code that indicates the location of the agency regulating the handler.
YRMONTH - A six-digit number representing the year and month for which significant noncomplier (SNC) and noncompliance status values are captured. The format is YYYYMM.
VIO_FLAG - A two-character derived value indicating whether a handler had unresolved violations, as of the YRMONTH value. Valid values are Y (yes) or N (no).
SNC_FLAG - A two-character derived value indicating whether a handler was designated an unresolved significant noncomplier, as of the YRMONTH value. Valid values are Y (yes) or N (no).