Emission Screener Search Results Help

The Search Results page presents results that meet the search criteria specified from the Emission Screener. The Search Results Page is an interactive page that allows you to view the results of your search in a number of different ways, each of which are described in the sections below. A detailed Results Guide is also provided that describes each data field included in the search results.

Analyze and Download Data in a Tabular, Customizable View

Results are presented in tabular format in the data table. The data table initially includes default columns populated according to report type. For descriptions of each column, select one of the links below to jump to the results guide:

You can further manipulate the data presented using either the Customize Columns button or the Download File buttons.

Click the Customize Columns button to customize the tabular data to focus on the data most important to you. Use the "Select All" link to include all columns for display or the "Clear All" link to clear all selections. Note: there are some required columns in each data table that cannot be unselected.

ECHO allows you to download your search results for further analysis. Click the Download CSV File button to download tabular data in a comma-separated value (.csv) format. A Download Excel File button is also available to download tabular data in an .xlsx format. Note that the Excel download may require several minutes to process.

Note that the EPA's Substance Registry Service allows users to map substance data across EPA programs. The system identifies and provides information about chemicals, biological organisms, physical properties, and miscellaneous objects.

View Summary Information About the Search Performed

Summary information is provided on the right side of the page and may include several statistics (or counts) of your search results and a summary of your search criteria used, organized by search criteria category.

Tip: Control whether sections are expanded or collapsed by clicking the arrow in the section heading.

Search Statistics

Search statistics are presented by default and display number found based on the report type selected.

If Facility Report is selected, the display includes the following:

  • Total Facility Count – Displays the number of facilities returned based on a count of unique FRS IDs returned by search. The sum of majors, minors, and synthetic minors may exceed the total facility count, since facilities may have more than one of these classifications.
  • Majors – Displays the number of facilities in the search results having a Major Designation, based on a count of unique FRS IDs.
  • Minors – Displays the number of facilities in the search results have a Minor Designation, based on a count of unique FRS IDs.
  • Synthetic Minors – Displays the number of facilities in the search results having a Synthetic Minor Designation based on a count of unique FRS IDs.

If Pollutant Report or Industry Report is selected, the following information is provided about how to view facility results: "To view facilities reporting air emissions for a selected pollutant/industry, select a NAICS code or NAICS description in the results table and select Facility Report."

Facility Report Results Guide

Data fields included in the Facility Report search results are described below. For data fields, the results table column name is listed in bold and the data download file name is listed [within brackets in italics].

View Summary Information About Individual Facilities

Clicking on a facility name in the Results Table will open the Air Pollutant Report for the selected facility. The ECHO Air Pollutant Report presents ten years of EPA programmatic air emissions data for a selected facility. Emissions are presented as facility-level aggregates and organized by pollutant and EPA program. By consolidating emissions data from four different EPA programs into one report, the Air Pollutant Report provides a single source for users looking to understand a facility’s complete air emissions profile.

Facility Information

Facility Name [fac_name]  

Company or permit holder name, as maintained by FRS. The facility name may differ across EPA databases due to differences in reported information, change in ownership, use of parent or subsidiary name, etc.

Street Address ( City, State, ZIP) [fac_city], [fac_state], [fac_zip]  

City, state, and zip code where facility is located, as maintained by FRS. The street address may differ across EPA databases due to differences in reported information (e.g., use of mailing address), change in ownership, use of parent or subsidiary address, etc. The search logic includes results that match specified address criteria in any source database. The address displayed in the search results table reflects information in the Facility Registry Service (FRS) database. Certain data systems also maintain mailing address information, which is not used in this report.

Latitude/Longitude [fac_lat, fac_long]  

Displays the latitude and longitude of the facility or permit holder as maintained in FRS.

Regional Planning Organization (RPO)   [fac_rpo]

One of the five EPA funded RPOs to address air quality issues:

  • Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP)
  • Central Regional Air Planning Association (CENRAP)
  • Midwest Regional Planning Organization (Midwest RPO)
  • Mid-Atlantic/Northeast Visibility Union (MANE - VU), and
  • Visibility Improvement State and Tribal Association of the Southeast (VISTAS).

ICIS-Air Source Classification   [air_source_classification]

The categorization of the facility/source and pollutant emission status. A facility may have more than classification, depending on its air emissions.  

  • Major - Facilities which meet the definition of a Major source under the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. A Major source is one for which actual or potential emissions are above the applicable major source threshold. Major source thresholds for regulated pollutants run from 100 tons down depending on the pollutant toxicity and ambient air quality.
  • 80% Synthetic Minor - All facilities with the potential to emit (PTE) at or above the 80 percent major source threshold, regardless of whether the actual emissions are lower. If a state, local, or tribal agency does not differentiate facilities based on PTE, all synthetic minors are designated as 80% Synthetic Minors (SM-80s). Full CAA compliance evaluations at SM-80s facilities are conducted, at minimum, once every five federal fiscal years. 
  • Synthetic Minor - A facility that avoids Major source requirements by accepting permit conditions which limit emissions below major source thresholds.
  • Federally Reportable Minor - A Minor source subject to Part 61 National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP). These sources are kept under close scrutiny because the standards are health based, and violation could imperil human health. OR Any Minor source which is subject to a formal enforcement action, including an Administrative Order, or Civil Suit in the past three years; or has an HPV that is unresolved; or is included on a Compliance Monitoring Strategy plan.
  • Emissions Classification Unknown - A facility with an unknown classification.
  • Other - A facility that is neither a Major nor a Synthetic Minor source.
  • Not Applicable - A classification does not apply to a facility.

FRS ID   [registry_id]

Facility Information included on this page is associated with a particular Facility Registry Service (FRS) ID. FRS uniquely identifies a facility by assigning an identification number (FRS ID), and uses this FRS ID to link together all regulatory program database records (such as permit IDs and facility IDs that facilities use in reporting to EPA).

NEI IDs   [nei_ids]

A unique 7-digit number assigned for each facility in the NEI. Prior to the 2008 NEI, a new system ID was assigned to each facility for each NEI release.

TRI IDs   [tri_ids]

A unique 15-character ID assigned for each facility within the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) program. The format is ZZZZZNNNNNSSSSS, where ZZZZZ = ZIP code, NNNNN = the first 5 consonants of the name, and SSSSS = the first 5 non-blank non-special characters in the street address. These identifiers are for used tracking purposes in the individual data systems.

GHG IDs   [ghg_ids]

A unique 7- digit ID assigned for each facility within EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) Emissions Datasets.

CAMD IDs   [camd_ids]

A unique 4-digit number assigned for each facility in the Clean Air Markets program. FRS identifies this value with the program system acronym of CAMDBS, but it is generally the same identifier as the Office of the Regulatory Information System PLant code (ORISPL) code used by the Energy Information Administration (EIA).

ICIS-Air IDs   [icis_air_ids]

A unique ID assigned for each record/permit/site/facility within ICIS-Air.

CAA Program  [program_code]

A code used to identify 1) the regulatory air program(s) that applies to a particular plant or point, and 2) the regulatory air program(s) authorizing and associated with an action taken by a local, state or federal regulatory agency. Programs include:

  • AR - Acid Rain
  • FESOP - (NON-TITLE V) Federally Enforceable State Operating Permit Program 
  • NAM - Tribal Rule Not Otherwise Covered
  • MACT - Maximum Achievable Control Technology (Section 63 NESHAPS)
  • TIP - Tribal Implementation Plan 
  • TVP - Title V operating permit program
  • SIP - State Implementation Plan
  • FIP - SIP Source under federal jurisdiction
  • NFRP - Non-Federally Reportable Source
  • CFC - Chlorofluorocarbon requirement tracking 
  • PSD - Prevention of Significant Deterioration
  • NSR - New Source Review
  • NESHAP - National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants 
  • NSPS - New Source Performance Standards
  • BAC - Best Available Controls
  • CCP - Consumer or Commercial Products
  • EP - Emergency Powers
  • FENF - Federally-Enforceable Requirement, Non Specified
  • FF - Federal Facilities
  • GACTM - 40 CFR Part 63 Area Sources
  • GHG - The Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule
  • HAPS - Hazardous Air Pollutants
  • IRM - Information Requests, Monitoring, & Recordkeeping
  • AL - Labeling
  • MRR - Monitoring, Reporting
  • MS - Mobile Sources
  • NAAQS - National Ambient Air Quality Standards
  • NEP - Non Essential Products
  • NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act
  • NSP - Nonattainment/SIP Provisions
  • NVCO - Notices of Violations & Compliance Orders
  • OP - Operating Permits
  • OTH - State or Local rule or regulation that is not federally-enforceable
  • PARGDC - Prevention of Accidental Release/General Duty Clause
  • PR - Permit Requirements
  • PSDPR - PSD Preconstruction Requirements
  • RERP - Recycling & Emission Reduction Programs
  • RMP - Risk Management Program
  • SMVA - Servicing Motor Vehicle ACs
  • SO - Stratospheric Ozone Protection
  • SPP - State Permit Programs
  • SWFC - Solid Waste Fuel Combustion

Facility Status   [operating_status]

Indicates whether the site is active or inactive. CAA program status codes for each source ID: Operating, Planned, Under construction, Temporarily closed, Permanently closed, and Seasonal.

Federal Agency  [federal_agency], [federal_agency_name]

Indicates the name of the federal agency, as classified in FRS. Federal agencies are installations that are owned and operated by the U.S. government.

Owner/Operator   [air_facility_type_code], [air_facility_type_desc]

The facility owner/operator type. A facility owner/operator type may include:

  • COR - Corporation
  • CNG - County Government
  • DIS - District
  • FDF - Federal Facility (U.S. Government)
  • GOCO - Government Owned/Contractor Operated
  • IND - Individual
  • MXO - Mixed Ownership (e.g. Public/Private)
  • MWD - Municipal or Water District
  • CTG - Municipality NON - Non-Government
  • POF - Privately Owned Facility
  • SDT - School District
  • STF - State Government
  • TRB - Tribal Government
  • UNK - Unknown


Pounds of gas emitted under each program, as reported in the selected reporting year. The National Emissions Inventory (NEI) is released every three years (e.g., 2014, 2011, 2008). Data from the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP), Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD), and the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) are released annually. The available columns are:

  • [YEAR] TRI HAPs (Pounds) [tri_hap_label], [tri_hap], [tri_units]
  • [YEAR] NEI HAPs (Pounds) [nei_hap_label], [nei_hap], [nei_units]
  • [YEAR] TRI Criteria Pollutants (Pounds) [tri_cap_label], [tri_cap], [tri_units]
  • [YEAR] NEI Criteria Pollutants (Pounds) [nei_cap_label], [nei_cap], [nei_units]
  • [YEAR] GHG Emissions (MTCO2e) [ghg_column_label], [ghg_emission], [ghg_units]
  • [YEAR] CAMD SO2 (Pounds) [camd_so2_label], [camd_so2], [camd_units]
  • [YEAR] CAMD NOx (Pounds) [camd_nox_label], [camd_nox], [camd_units]
  • [YEAR] CAMD CO2 (Pounds) [camd_co2_label], [camd_co2], [camd_units]
  • [YEAR] TRI Air Toxics (Pounds) [tri_tox_label], [tri_tox], [tri_units]
  • [YEAR] NEI Air Toxics (Pounds) [nei_tox_label], [nei_tox], [nei_units]
  • [YEAR] TRI Ozone Depleting Substances (Pounds) [tri_ozd_label], [tri_ozd], [tri_units]
  • [YEAR] NEI Ozone Depleting Substances (Pounds) [nei_ozd_label], [nei_ozd], [nei_units]
  • [YEAR] TRI Ozone Precursors (Pounds) [tri_ozp_label], [tri_ozp], [tri_units]
  • [YEAR] NEI Ozone Precursors (Pounds) [nei_ozp_label], [nei_ozp], [nei_units]
  • [YEAR] TRI PBTs (Pounds) [tri_pbt_label], [tri_pbt], [tri_units]
  • [YEAR] NEI PBTs (Pounds) [nei_pbt_label], [nei_pbt], [nei_units]



EJ Indexes At or Above 80th Percentile (US – Block Group) 

Displays a count of environmental justice (EJ) indexes at or above the 80th national percentile for the Census block group that the facility is located in. An "I" indicates the facility is in Indian country and a "T" indicates the facility is in US territories. Note that use of this field does not designate an area as an “EJ community” or “EJ facility.” EJScreen provides screening level indicators, not a determination of the existence or absence of EJ concerns. For more information, see the EJScreen home page .

EJ Indexes At or Above 80th Percentile (State – Block Group) 

Displays a count of environmental justice (EJ) indexes at or above the 80th state percentile for the Census block group that the facility is located in. An "I" indicates the facility is in Indian country and a "T" indicates the facility is in US territories. Note that use of this field does not designate an area as an “EJ community” or “EJ facility.”

EJ Indexes At or Above 80th Percentile (US – 1-mile maximum) 

Displays a count of environmental justice (EJ) indexes at or above the 80th national percentile for the Census block group within a 1-mile radius of the facility. An "I" indicates the facility is in Indian country and a "T" indicates the facility is in US territories. Note that use of this field does not designate an area as an “EJ community” or “EJ facility.”

EJ Indexes At or Above 80th Percentile (State – 1-mile maximum) 

Displays count of environmental justice (EJ) indexes at or above the 80th state percentile for the Census block group within a 1-mile radius of the facility. An "I" indicates the facility is in Indian country and a "T" indicates the facility is in US territories. Note that use of this field does not designate an area as an “EJ community” or “EJ facility.”

Supplemental Indexes At or Above 80th Percentile (US – Block Group) 

Displays a count of supplemental indexes at or above the 80th national percentile for the Census block group that the facility is located in. An "I" indicates the facility is in Indian country and a "T" indicates the facility is in US territories. Note that use of this field does not designate an area as an “EJ community” or “EJ facility.” EJScreen provides screening level indicators, not a determination of the existence or absence of EJ concerns. For more information, see the EJScreen home page .

Supplemental Indexes At or Above 80th Percentile (State – Block Group) 

Displays a count supplemental indexes at or above the 80th state percentile for the Census block group that the facility is located in. An "I" indicates the facility is in Indian country and a "T" indicates the facility is in US territories. Note that use of this field does not designate an area as an “EJ community” or “EJ facility.”

Supplemental Indexes At or Above 80th Percentile (US – 1-mile maximum) 

Displays a count of supplemental indexes are at or above the 80th national percentile for the Census block group within a 1-mile radius of the facility. An "I" indicates the facility is in Indian country and a "T" indicates the facility is in US territories. Note that use of this field does not designate an area as an “EJ community” or “EJ facility.”

Supplemental Indexes At or Above 80th Percentile (State – 1-mile maximum) 

Displays a count of supplemental indexes at or above the 80th state percentile for the Census block group within a 1-mile radius of the facility. An "I" indicates the facility is in Indian country and a "T" indicates the facility is in US territories. Note that use of this field does not designate an area as an “EJ community” or “EJ facility.”

Air EJ Index At or Above 80th Percentile (US – Block Group) 

Displays “Y” if a facility is flagged as being located in census block groups at or above the 80th national percentile of at least one of three air environmental justice (EJ) indexes of EJScreen, EPA's screening tool for EJ concerns. Displays “N” if a facility is not located in census block groups at or above the 80th national percentile for any air EJ index. The EJScreen air indexes include Air Toxics Cancer Risk, Air Toxics Respiratory Hazard, and Ozone Nonattainment over 80%. 

Air Toxics Cancer Risk EJ Index (US – Block Group) 

Displays the national percentile of the EJScreen Air Toxics Cancer Risk EJ Index for the census block group that the facility is located within. For more information, see EJ and Supplemental Indexes in EJScreen.

Air Toxics Respiratory Hazard EJ Index (US – Block Group) 

Displays the national percentile of the EJScreen Air Toxics Respiratory Hazard EJ Index for the Census block group that the facility is located within. For more information, see EJ and Supplemental Indexes in EJScreen.

Ozone Nonattainment EJ Index (US – Block Group) 

Displays the national percentile of the EJScreen Ozone Nonattainment EJ Index for the Census block group that the facility is located within. For more information, see EJ and Supplemental Indexes in EJScreen.

Environmental Conditions

Population Density   [population_density]

The number of persons per square mile in the profiled area. The ratio of total persons (displayed in the Total Persons field) to total land area (displayed in the Land Area field).

Ozone Nonattainment   [ozone_non_attainment]

Indicates whether the facility is in a nonattainment area for ozone according to the national ambient air quality standards. For more information, see Nonattainment Areas for Criteria Pollutants.

PM Nonattainment   [pm_non_attainment]

Indicates whether the facility is in a nonattainment area for particulate matter according to the national ambient air quality standards. For more information, see Nonattainment Areas for Criteria Pollutants.

Lead Nonattainment   [lead_non_attainment]

Indicates whether the facility is in a nonattainment area for lead according to the national ambient air quality standards. For more information, see Nonattainment Areas for Criteria Pollutants.

SO2 Nonattainment   [s02_non_attainment]

Indicates whether the facility is in a nonattainment area for sulfur dioxide (SO2) according to the national ambient air quality standards. For more information, see Nonattainment Areas for Criteria Pollutants.


NAICS Code    [naics_codes]

Indicates the facility’s primary North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code. The NAICS Code has replaced the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. The system was developed to give special attention to developing production-oriented classifications for (a) new and emerging industries, (b) service industries in general, and (c) industries engaged in the production of advanced technologies.

NAICS industries are identified by a 6-digit code. The first two digits represent the Industry sector, in which there exist 20 broad sectors. The third digit represents industry subsector, the fourth digit represents industry group, the fifth digit represents industry, and the sixth digit is U.S., Canadian, or Mexican National specific. NAICS Lookup

MACT Subpart   [air_macts]

Lists the Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Subpart, for each ICIS-Air ID, as applicable.

NSPS Subpart/NSPS Subpart (Non-Major)   [air_nsps/air_nspsm]

Lists the specific New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) Subpart for each ICIS-Air ID, as applicable. There are separate columns for Major and Non-Major facilities.

SCC Code   [nei_sccs] 

Source Classification Code from the National Emission Inventory (NEI).

EIS Types   [eis_types]

Facility Classification from the Emissions Inventory System (EIS).

GHG Types   [ghg_types]

  • CO2 Injection -
  • Local Distribution Companies - Companies that own or operate distribution pipelines that physically deliver natural gas to end users. Local Distribution Companies are regulated as separate operating companies by state public utility commissions or operate as independent municipally owned distribution systems. Companies that operate interstate or intrastate pipelines are not part of this facility type.
  • Onshore Oil & Gas Production -
  • Point Sources -
  • SF6 from Electricity Distribution Facilities -
  • Suppliers - Entities that supply products into the economy which if combusted, released or oxidized emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These fuels and industrial gases are not emitted from the supplier facility but instead distributed throughout the country and used. An example of this is gasoline, which is sold in the U.S. and primarily burned in cars throughout the country. The majority of GHG emissions associated with the transportation, residential and commercial sectors are accounted for by these suppliers.

GHG Subparts   [ghg_subparts]

The Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program subpart the facility is subject to. For more information please visit the EPA page on Resources by Subpart for GHG reporting: 40 CFR Part 98 Subpart.

Enforcement and Compliance

CAA Evaluations (5 years)   [caa_evaluation_count]

The number of compliance evaluations, under the Clean Air Act, occurring at the facility within the last five years.

CAA Formal Enforcement Actions   [caa_formal_action_count]

Indicates the total number of enforcement actions taken against the facility within the last five years. This count only includes enforcement actions that have been entered in the national program databases: ICIS-Air, ICIS-NPDES, and RCRAInfo. Federal CAA and RCRA enforcement actions that have been entered into ICIS FE&C are not included in this section to avoid duplicative counting.

Indicates that the database shows no formal EPA or state enforcement action. Note that enforcement actions that are in process are not publicly available. For more information, continue to check this site for updates (monthly). The relevant state environmental agency also may have additional information. Also note that all violations do not receive formal enforcement actions. Violations that are minor, short in duration, or quickly corrected by the facility may not warrant formal enforcement action.

“NA” indicates that this measure is not applicable for facilities with no associated CAA permits.

CAA Informal Enforcement Actions   [caa_informal_action_count]

Indicates the total number of informal enforcement actions/notices of violations (NOVs) taken against the facility within the last five years. Notices of Violation are activities taken by EPA or the state that often precede a formal administrative or civil/judicial enforcement action. Not all notices of violation are escalated to formal enforcement action for a variety of reasons, including the following: the facility quickly corrects the problem(s) indicated in the notice, the violation is determined to be less severe than originally thought, or consultation between the facility and EPA or the state indicates that a violation has not occurred.

National Compliance Initiative (NCI)

In Elevated Risk Area  

Displays “Y” if a facility is flagged as being located within an Elevated Risk Area, as defined by the AirToxScreen cancer hazard and risk criteria selected on the search form. Displays “N” if a facility is not located within an Elevated Risk Area.

In Ozone Nonattainment or Ozone Transport Region  

Displays “Y” if a facility is flagged as being located within an Ozone Nonattainment or Ozone Transport Region. Displays “N” if a facility is not located within an Ozone Nonattainment or Ozone Transport Region.

Ozone Transport Regions are areas where interstate transport of air pollution contributes significantly to violations of ozone NAAQS. They are established by Section 184(a) of the federal Clean Air Act or  by the administrator, pursuant to Section 176A of the federal Clean Air Act. The Ozone Transport Region currently consists of the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and the Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area that includes the District of Columbia and northern Virginia. 

Benzene Fenceline Monitoring 

CEDRI ID [current_cedri_id] 

The identification number associated with the petroleum refinery from the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI).

Most Recent Sampling Period Start Date  [current_period_start]  

Displays the start date of the most recent two-week sampling period for benzene fenceline monitoring.

Most Recent Sampling Period ΔC (Concentration Change) [max_period_period_avg_v2]

Displays the benzene concentration difference, the highest monitor reading minus the lowest monitor reading for benzene, from the most recent two-week sampling period.

Most Recent Rolling Annual Average ΔC [max_period_annual_avg_v2] 

Displays the most recent rolling annual average concentration change, or the average of the benzene concentration differences (highest monitor reading minus lowest monitor reading for each two week period), over the most recent 26 sampling periods.

Count of Exceedances of Annual Average ΔC (2 Years) [annual_avg_total_exceedances] 

Displays the number of times the refinery has exceeded the rolling annual average benzene concentration difference over the past 2 years (or past 26 two-week sampling periods).

Pollutant Report Results Guide

Data fields included in the Pollutant Report search results are described below. For data fields, the results table column name is listed in bold and the data download file name is listed [within brackets in italics].

Pollutant Name   [pollutant_name]

The name of the pollutant or pollutant categories with violations reported in the search year. Select the Pollutant Name to open a Facility Report for the selected pollutant in a new tab.


Air emissions quantity for each EPA program are presented in separate columns.

Search Year   [search_year]

The year selected in the search criteria.

Industry Report Results Guide

Data fields included in the Facility Report search results are described below. For data fields, the results table column name is listed in bold and the data download file name is listed [within brackets in italics].



NAICS Code and Description    [naics_codes], [naics_description]

Indicates the facility’s primary North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code. The NAICS Code has replaced the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. The system was developed to give special attention to developing production-oriented classifications for (a) new and emerging industries, (b) service industries in general, and (c) industries engaged in the production of advanced technologies.

NAICS industries are identified by a 6-digit code. The first two digits represent the Industry sector, in which there exist 20 broad sectors. The third digit represents industry subsector, the fourth digit represents industry group, the fifth digit represents industry, and the sixth digit is U.S., Canadian, or Mexican National specific.

Select the NAICS Code or NAICS description to open a Facility Report or a Pollutant Report for the selected industry in a new tab.

Search Year   [search_year]

The year selected in the search criteria.


The emissions quantities for pollutant categories under each program, as reported in the selected reporting year. The National Emissions Inventory (NEI) is released every three years (e.g., 2014, 2011, 2008, 2005). The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is released annually since 1984. Data are available in ECHO for the last eleven reporting years. The available columns are:

  • [YEAR] TRI HAPs (Pounds) [tri_hap_label], [tri_hap], [tri_units]
  • [YEAR] NEI HAPs (Pounds) [nei_hap_label], [nei_hap], [nei_units]
  • [YEAR] TRI Criteria Pollutants (Pounds) [tri_cap_label], [tri_cap], [tri_units]
  • [YEAR] NEI Criteria Pollutants (Pounds) [nei_cap_label], [nei_cap], [nei_units]
  • [YEAR] GHG Emissions (MTCO2e) [ghg_column_label], [ghg_emission], [ghg_units]
  • [YEAR] CAMD SO2 (Pounds) [camd_so2_label], [camd_so2], [camd_units]
  • [YEAR] CAMD NOx (Pounds) [camd_nox_label], [camd_nox], [camd_units]
  • [YEAR] CAMD CO2 (Pounds) [camd_co2_label], [camd_co2], [camd_units]
  • [YEAR] TRI Air Toxics (Pounds) [tri_tox_label], [tri_tox], [tri_units]
  • [YEAR] NEI Air Toxics (Pounds) [nei_tox_label], [nei_tox], [nei_units]
  • [YEAR] TRI Ozone Depleting Substances (Pounds) [tri_ozd_label], [tri_ozd], [tri_units]
  • [YEAR] NEI Ozone Depleting Substances (Pounds) [nei_ozd_label], [nei_ozd], [nei_units]
  • [YEAR] TRI Ozone Precursors (Pounds) [tri_ozp_label], [tri_ozp], [tri_units]
  • [YEAR] NEI Ozone Precursors (Pounds) [nei_ozp_label], [nei_ozp], [nei_units]
  • [YEAR] TRI PBTs (Pounds) [tri_pbt_label], [tri_pbt], [tri_units]
  • [YEAR] NEI PBTs (Pounds) [nei_pbt_label], [nei_pbt], [nei_units]