ECHO Clean Air Tracking Tool - Emission Screener

The ECHO Clean Air Tracking Tool (ECATT) is a US EPA interface and repository for Clean Air Act data that can be used to evaluate emissions at stationary sources of air pollutant and analyze general air quality. 

The Emission Screener search provides data on stationary sources regulated under the Clean Air Act. These data are reported to several EPA air emission inventory programs:

By comparing data reporting to these emissions inventories, users can identify top emitters and answer questions such as: who is emitting, where are they emitting, which pollutants are they emitting, and how much are they emitting? The search organizes emissions data by facility, industry, or pollutant. Through the facility report, users can access each facility's Air Pollutant Report to view detailed emissions data.  

Report Type


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Geographic Location

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Nonattainment Area

Pollutant Emissions Correspond to Nonattainment
Located Within Elevated Risk Areas
Indian Country/Tribal Land
ICIS Tribal Land Flag
FRS Tribal Land Code
Find Facilities That Match


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Facility Characteristics

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Find Facility Name(s) That



Enforcement and Compliance

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Time Since Last Compliance Evaluation

By Agency:
Formal Enforcement Actions
By Agency:
Informal Enforcement Actions
By Agency:

Search Criteria Selected

Report Type



Clear Pollutant Categories selection. Pollutant Categories
Clear <abbr title="Toxics Release Inventory">TRI</abbr> Air Toxics selection. TRI Air Toxics
Clear <abbr title="National Emissions Inventory">NEI</abbr> Air Toxics selection. NEI Air Toxics
Clear <abbr title="Toxics Release Inventory">TRI</abbr> Criteria Pollutants selection. TRI Criteria Pollutants
Clear <abbr title="National Emissions Inventory">NEI</abbr> Criteria Pollutants selection. NEI Criteria Pollutants
Clear Greenhouse Gases selection. Greenhouse Gases
Clear <abbr title="National Emissions Inventory">NEI</abbr> Greenhouse Gases selection. NEI Greenhouse Gases
Clear <abbr title="Toxics Release Inventory">TRI</abbr> Hazardous Air Pollutants selection. TRI Hazardous Air Pollutants
Clear <abbr title="National Emissions Inventory">NEI</abbr> Hazardous Air Pollutants selection. NEI Hazardous Air Pollutants
Clear <abbr title="Toxics Release Inventory">TRI</abbr> Ozone Depleting Substances selection. TRI Ozone Depleting Substances
Clear <abbr title="National Emissions Inventory">NEI</abbr> Ozone Depleting Substances selection. NEI Ozone Depleting Substances
Clear <abbr title="Toxics Release Inventory">TRI</abbr> Ozone Precursors selection. TRI Ozone Precursors
Clear <abbr title="National Emissions Inventory">NEI</abbr> Ozone Precursors selection. NEI Ozone Precursors
Clear <abbr title="Toxics Release Inventory">TRI</abbr> Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxics selection. TRI Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxics
Clear <abbr title="National Emissions Inventory">NEI</abbr> Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxics selection. NEI Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxics
Clear Clean Air Market Programs selection. Clean Air Market Programs
Clear Pollutant Name selection. Pollutant Name
Clear Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Number selection. Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Number
Clear Reporting Year selection. Reporting Year
Clear Apply Toxic Weightings selection. Apply Toxic Weightings

Geographic Location

Clear ZIP Code selection. ZIP Code
Clear EPA Region selection. EPA Region
Clear Regional Planning Office selection. Regional Planning Office
Clear State selection. State
Clear County selection. County
Clear City selection. City
Clear Population Density Greater than selection. Population Density Greater than
Clear Nonattainment Area Pollutant selection. Nonattainment Area Pollutant
Clear Nonattainment Area Severity selection. Nonattainment Area Severity
Clear Pollutant Emissions Correspond to Nonattainment selection. Pollutant Emissions Correspond to Nonattainment
Clear Source within Nonattainment Areas selection. Source within Nonattainment Areas
Clear Ozone Transport Regions  selection. Ozone Transport Regions
Clear Located within Elevated Risk Areas selection. Located within Elevated Risk Areas
Clear Include Facilities within 5km of any resulting census tracts selection. Include Facilities within 5km of any resulting census tracts
Clear EJScreen Indexes At or Above 80th percentile selection. EJScreen Indexes At or Above 80th percentile
Clear Include Facilities within 5km of any resulting census tracts selection. Include Facilities within 5km of any resulting census tracts
Clear Total Cancer Risk for any single pollutant excluding formaldehyde (per million) selection. Total Cancer Risk for any single pollutant excluding formaldehyde (per million)
Clear Total Census Tract Cancer Risk for all pollutants combined (per million people) selection. Total Census Tract Cancer Risk for all pollutants combined (per million people)
Clear Total Census Tract Point Source Risk for all pollutants combined (per million people) selection. Total Census Tract Point Source Risk for all pollutants combined (per million people)
Clear Hazard Quotient (for a single pollutant and any target system) selection. Hazard Quotient (for a single pollutant and any target system)
Clear Hazard Index for any target system  selection. Hazard Index for any target system
Clear <abbr title='National Enforcement and Compliance Initiative'>NECI</abbr> Geographic Area selection. NECI Geographic Area
Clear Percent People of Color (3-mile radius) selection. Percent People of Color (3-mile radius)
Clear Percent Low Income (3-mile radius) selection. Percent Low Income (3-mile radius)
Clear ICIS Tribal Land Flag selection. ICIS Tribal Land Flag
Clear FRS Tribal Land Code selection. FRS Tribal Land Code
Clear On or Near Tribal Land selection. On or Near Tribal Land
Clear Tribes selection. Tribes
Find Facilities That Match


Clear EJScreen Indexes At or Above 80th Percentile selection. EJScreen Indexes At or Above 80th Percentile
Compare To
Based On
Type Index

Facility Characteristics

Clear Facility Name(s) selection. Facility Name(s)
Clear Facility ID Number(s) selection. Facility ID Number(s)
Clear <abbr title="North American Indusry Classification System">NAICS</abbr> Code selection. NAICS Code
Clear MACT Subpart selection. MACT Subpart
Clear NSPS Subpart selection. NSPS Subpart
Clear NSPS Subpart (Non-Major) selection. NSPS Subpart (Non-Major)
Clear <abbr title="National Emissions Inventory">NEI</abbr> Source Classification Code (SCC) selection. NEI Source Classification Code (SCC)
Clear <abbr title="Emissions Inventory System">EIS</abbr> Facility Type selection. EIS Facility Type
Clear <abbr title="Greenhouse Gas">GHG</abbr> Facility Type selection. GHG Facility Type
Clear <abbr title="Greenhouse Gas">GHG</abbr> Reporting Program Subpart selection. GHG Reporting Program Subpart
Clear CAA Program selection. CAA Program
Clear Facility Status selection. Facility Status
Clear CMS Source Classification selection. CMS Source Classification
Clear Federal Agency selection. Federal Agency
Clear Owner/Operator selection. Owner/Operator
Clear Classification selection. Classification

Enforcement and Compliance

Clear Time Since Last Compliance Evaluation selection. Time Since Last Compliance Evaluation
Clear Formal Enforcement Actions selection. Formal Enforcement Actions
Clear Informal Enforcement Actions selection. Informal Enforcement Actions
Clear Benzene Fenceline Monitoring Reporters selection. Benzene Fenceline Monitoring Reporters

Reporting Years Information

Reporting years may differ between air emission inventory programs. TRI and Greenhouse Gas reporting occur annually. Greenhouse gas reporting began in 2010, so no emissions data will be populated prior to that year. NEIs are released on a triennial basis (e.g., 2008, 2011, 2014). Searching for interim years will display results for the most recently released NEI as of the selected year (e.g., selecting 'Current as of 2012' will display 2011 NEI data). The reporting year will be displayed on the results page.

Required Field

Please enter either a pollutant name or CAS number

Elevated Risk Areas Information

This search criterion will also include facilities within 5 km of any resulting census tract when an EPA Region or State is selected.

EJScreen Indexes

The checkbox to include facilities within 5 km of a census tract should be used in conjunction with an EPA Region or State.

EJScreen Indexes At or Above 80th Percentile

Select facilities with an 80th or higher percentile of one or more of the supplemental indexes of EJScreen, EPA's screening tool for environmental justice (EJ) concerns. EPA uses these indexes to identify geographic areas that may warrant further consideration or analysis for potential EJ concerns. 

Note that use of this criterion does not designate an area as an "EJ community" or "EJ facility." EJScreen provides screening level indicators, not a determination of the existence or absence of EJ concerns. For more information, see the EJScreen home page.

EJScreen Indexes: Index Type

Select from two methodologies for calculating EJScreen indexes. The indexes are a combination of environmental and socioeconomic information.

The Supplemental Index uses a five-factor demographic index that averages Percent Low Income , Percent Persons with Disabilities, Percent Limited English Speaking, Percent Less than High School Education, and Low Life Expectancy.

The Environmental Justice Index uses a two-factor demographic index that averages Percent Low Income and Percent People of Color.

EJScreen Indexes: Based On

This option selects whether the EJScreen index percentiles of a facility are calculated based on a facility’s Census block group or 1-mile maximum. The default is Census block group.

EJScreen Indexes: Compare To

This option selects whether national percentiles or state percentiles are used when determining if a location has one or more of EJScreen's indexes at or above the 80th percentile. The default is national percentiles.

Toxic Weightings

"No Toxic Weightings," will display emissions on the results page as mass quantities. The "Apply RSEI Score" selection will display emissions on the results page as both mass quantities and RSEI toxic-weighted equivalents (mass quantity multiplied by the RSEI toxicity weight), for chemicals that have a toxicity weight.

RSEI uses relative toxicity weights that describe each chemical's toxicity relative to other TRI-reported chemicals. RSEI toxicity weights are based solely on human health effects associated with long-term exposure to chemicals. RSEI toxicity weights range from 0.02 to 1,400,000,000 and are available for over 400 of the more than 600 chemicals and chemical categories on the TRI list. See RSEI Toxicity Weights for more information.


The ICIS-Air source categorization of the facility/source and pollutant emission status. A facility may have more than one classification, depending on its air emissions. Search by the maximum facility classification:

  • Major - Facilities which meet the definition of a Major source under the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. A Major source is one for which actual or potential emissions are above the applicable major source threshold. Major source thresholds for regulated pollutants run from 100 tons down depending on the pollutant toxicity and ambient air quality.

  • Minor - A Minor source subject to Part 61 National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP). These sources are kept under close scrutiny because the standards are health based, and violation could imperil human health.

  • Synthetic Minor - A facility that avoids Major source requirements by accepting permit conditions which limit emissions below major source thresholds.

Benzene Fenceline Monitoring

Please be aware that benzene fenceline monitoring only applies to petroleum refineries.