SDWA Data Download Summary and Data Element Dictionary

The Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) system incorporates Public Water Systems data from EPA's Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) database. These downloads provide national data for key EPA/State Drinking Water Dashboard metrics, which are some of the SDWIS data elements most commonly used in the enforcement and compliance program.

The SDWA Dataset files were published in July 2021 to reflect the latest SDWIS release and are refreshed quarterly, as described on About the Data. These files contain the most up-to-date data from SDWIS, and more information regarding facility evaluations, enforcements, and violations.

SDWIS Description

The Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) contains information on public water systems from the Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Program, including monitoring, enforcement, and violation data related to requirements established by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).

Guidance on SDWA Downloads

The ZIP file contains several comma-separated value (CSV) files. Each file contains one data table. Key fields for each table are listed in bold below. Key fields uniquely identify the records within each file, and may be used to join and relate data between files.

For example, in the SDWA_PUB_WATER_SYSTEMS.csv file, each row describes a public water system in a particular quarter, and is uniquely identified by the values of the key fields SUBMISSIONYEARQUARTER and PWSID. Site visits, violations, and so on for that same system and quarter are identified by the same values of SUBMISSIONYEARQUARTER and PWSID in the other files.

File Structure

Events and Milestones (SDWA_EVENTS_MILESTONES.csv)

ElementData TypeLengthElement Definition
SUBMISSIONYEARQUARTERChar7Fiscal year and quarter of the quarterly snapshot of SDWIS.
PWSIDChar9Unique identifying code for a public water system in SDWIS. The PWSID consists of a two-letter state or region code, followed by seven digits.
EVENT_SCHEDULE_IDChar20Identifier used to identify milestone events.
EVENT_END_DATEDate Date on which the milestone event ended. Date format is MM/DD/YYYY.
EVENT_ACTUAL_DATEDate Date on which the milestone was conducted or achieved. Date format is MM/DD/YYY.
EVENT_COMMENTS_TEXTChar2000Description of the milestone event.

A four-character code identifying the event milestone.

  • DEEM - System deemed optimized without OCCT
  • DONE - System done with OCCT
  • LSLR - Lead service line replacement required
  • FICF - Fecal Indicator Contamination Action
  • SDFF - Significant Deficiency/Sanitary Defect Corrective Action
  • SDFI - Significant Deficiency/Sanitary Defect Interim Step
  • FICI - Fecal Indicator Interim Step
  • RTL1 - Revised Total Coliform Rule Level 1 Treatment Technique Trigger
  • RTL2 - Revised Total Coliform Rule Level 2 Treatment Technique Trigger

Code identifying the reason for the milestone event.

  • B1 - Serving fewer than 50,000
  • B3 - Serving greater than 50,000: met action levels
  • WQP - Water Quality parameters
  • GW - Ground Water Rule
  • SH - Subpart H (Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule)
  • L2TA - Maximum Contaminant Level Treatment Technique Trigger
  • L2TB - Second Level 1 Treatment Technique Trigger
  • L1TC - Level 1 Coliform Positive Insufficient Repeat Treatment Technique Trigger
  • L1TD - Level 1 Multiple Total Coliform Positive Treatment Technique Trigger
  • RTCR - Revised Total Coliform Rule
FIRST_REPORTED_DATEDate First reported date for the milestone event. The date format is MM/DD/YYYY.
LAST_REPORTED_DATEDate Last reported date for the milestone event. The date format is MM/DD/YYYY.

Facilities (SDWA_FACILITIES.csv)

ElementData TypeLengthElement Definition
SUBMISSIONYEARQUARTERChar7Fiscal year and quarter of the quarterly snapshot of SDWIS.
PWSIDChar9Unique identifying code for a public water system in SDWIS. The PWSID consists of a two-letter state or region code, followed by seven digits.
FACILITY_IDChar12Facility ID that, when used with the PWSID, uniquely identifies a water system facility.
FACILITY_NAMEChar100Name of the water system facility.
STATE_FACILITY_IDChar40ID that a state uses to identify in their own state system database.

A single-character code identifying the current status of the facility.

  • A - Active
  • I - Inactive
  • N - Changed from public to non-public
  • M - Merged with another system
  • P - Potential future system to be regulated
FACILITY_DEACTIVATION_DATEDate Date the facility was deactivated (no longer actively serving water) or removed from federal oversight because it no longer met SDWA criteria as a public water system (MM/DD/YYYY format).

Code identifying the type of facility. 

  • CC - Consecutive Connection
  • CH - Common Headers
  • CS - Cistern
  • CW - Clear Well
  • DS - Distribution System System/Zone
  • IG - Infiltration Gallery
  • IN - Intake
  • NN - Non-piped, Non-purchased
  • NP - Non-piped
  • OT - Other
  • PC - Pressure Control
  • PF - Pump Facility
  • RC - Roof Catchment
  • RS - Reservoir
  • SI - Surface Impoundment
  • SP - Spring
  • SS - Sampling Station
  • ST - Storage
  • TM - Transmission Main (Manifold)
  • TP - Treatment Plant
  • WH - Wellhead
  • WL - Well

Code that indicates whether an active water system was reported, rejected, or not reported during the recent inventory submission. This field is not applicable to inactive water systems.

  • Y - Reported and accepted
  • U - Unreported
  • R - Reported, but rejected
IS_SOURCE_INDChar1Indicates whether the water system facility is designated a source (either a Consecutive Connection (CC), Infiltration Gallery (IG), Intake (IN), Non-piped (NP), Roof Catchment (RC), Reservoir (RS), Spring (SP), Well (WL), or Non-piped non-purchased (NN)).
WATER_TYPE_CODEChar4Character code identifying the type of water source. Ground water (GW), Surface water (SW), Ground water under the influence of surface water (GU). See the Water Topics page on the EPA website for full definitions of these terms and more.

A single-character code for how the water source is utilized by a water system.

  • E - Emergency
  • I - Interim
  • P - Permanent
  • O - Other
  • S - Seasonal
  • U - Unknown

Code that indicates the treatment status of the water. Applies only to source facilities.

  • F - Filtered
  • G - Treated by seller including 4-log for the Ground Water Rule
  • Y - Partially treated by seller
  • N - Not treated
  • U - Unknown
SELLER_PWSIDChar9PWSID of the water system that is selling water to this system through this interconnection. Is also the "upstream" water system to the parent of this facility.
SELLER_PWS_NAMEChar100Name of the water system that is selling water to this system through this interconnection. Is also the "upstream" water system to the parent of this facility.

Code reported by the state to indicate whether a non-emergency surface water source or a non-emergency ground water under the influence of surface water source is required to install filtration by a certain date or is successfully avoiding filtration.

  • MIF - Must install filtration
  • SAF - Successfully avoiding filtration
  • FIL - Filtration already in place
IS_SOURCE_TREATED_INDChar1Indicates whether the water system source water is being treated or not.
FIRST_REPORTED_DATEDate First reported date for the milestone event. The date format is MM/DD/YYYY.
LAST_REPORTED_DATEDate Last reported date for the milestone event. The date format is MM/DD/YYYY.

Geographic Areas (SDWA_GEOGRAPHIC_AREAS.csv)

ElementData TypeLengthElement Definition
SUBMISSIONYEARQUARTERChar7Fiscal year and quarter of the quarterly snapshot of SDWIS.
PWSIDChar9Unique identifying code for a public water system in SDWIS. The PWSID consists of a two-letter state or region code, followed by seven digits.
GEO_IDChar20System-generated ID that uniquely identifies a PWSID and Area Type record.

Code identifying the area type where the facility is located.

  • TR - Tribal
  • CN - County
  • ZC - Zip Code
  • CT - City
  • IR - Indian Reservation
  • NULL - Unknown Area Type
TRIBAL_CODEChar10EPA code which represents the Indian reservation or Alaska Remote Village being served by a Water System. A full description of the codes can be accessed in the SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES.csv.
STATE_SERVEDChar4State that the facility is serving.
ANSI_ENTITY_CODEChar4American National Standards Institute (ANSI) code for the county, city, or legal statistical area. Taken with the ANSI state code, uniquely identifies a county (or other area) within the country. See the U.S. Census Bureau webpage for more information about ANSI codes.
ZIP_CODE_SERVEDChar55-digit postal zip code that the facility serves.
CITY_SERVEDChar40Name of the city that the facility serves.
COUNTY_SERVEDChar40Name of the county that the facility serves.
LAST_REPORTED_DATEDate Last reported date for the milestone event. The date format is MM/DD/YYYY.

Lead and Copper Rule (SDWA_LCR_Samples.csv)

ElementData TypeLengthElement Definition
SUBMISSIONYEARQUARTERChar7Fiscal year and quarter of the quarterly snapshot of SDWIS.
PWSIDChar9Unique identifying code for a public water system in SDWIS. The PWSID consists of a two-letter state or region code, followed by seven digits.
SAMPLE_IDChar20Identifier used to identify the sample.
SAMPLING_END_DATEDate Date of the last day of the monitoring period in which 90th percentile data for lead or copper was acquired (MM/DD/YYYY format).
SAMPLING_START_DATEDate Date of the first day of the monitoring period in which 90th percentile data for lead or copper was acquired (MM/DD/YYYY format).
RECONCILIATION_IDChar40Identifier used for reconciliation with the state data system or LAB assigned identifiers.
SAMPLE_FIRST_REPORTED_DATEDate First reported date of the sample analytical result (MM/DD/YYYY format).
SAMPLE_LAST_REPORTED_DATEDate Last reported date of the sample analytical result (MM/DD/YYYY format).
SAR_IDNum9System-generated number managed by the reporting jurisdiction that uniquely identifies each Sample Result record. As there are situations where there can be two sample results for a sample, the SAR_ID is used instead of the Contaminant code in the primary key of this table.
CONTAMINANT_CODEChar4Code value that represents a contaminant for which a public water system has incurred a violation of a primary drinking water regulation. A full description of the codes can be accessed in the SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES.csv.

Indicates if the sample result was below the minimum detection limit or equal to the value reported.

  • L - Less then, meaning below minimum detection limits
  • E - Equal to, meaning exactly equal to the value reported
SAMPLE_MEASURENum Measured value of the contaminant as reported from the sampling analysis.
UNIT_OF_MEASUREChar4Units of the value in SAMPLE_MEASURE.
SAR_FIRST_REPORTED_DATEDate Date of the first reported sample analytical result (MM/DD/YYYY format).
SAR_LAST_REPORTED_DATEDate Date of the last reported sample analytical result (MM/DD/YYYY format).

Public Notice Violations (SDWA_PN_VIOLATION_ASSOC.csv)

ElementData TypeLengthElement Definition
SUBMISSIONYEARQUARTERChar7Fiscal year and quarter of the quarterly snapshot of SDWIS.
PWSIDChar9Unique identifying code for a public water system in SDWIS. The PWSID consists of a two-letter state or region code, followed by seven digits.
PN_VIOLATION_IDChar20Unique identifier identifying the public notification.
RELATED_VIOLATION_IDChar20A separate violation associated with the violation.
NON_COMPL_PER_BEGIN_DATEDate Begin date of the noncompliance period during which a violation was identified.
NON_COMPL_PER_END_DATEDate End date of the noncompliance period during which a violation was identified. Note that open-ended violations are listed using the later resolving action date, if the earlier resolving action is followed by certain types of enforcement actions that indicate continued enforcement activity. For unresolved violations, the NON_COMPL_PER_END_DATE is listed as null.
VIOLATION_CODEChar4A full description of violation codes can be accessed in the SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES (CSV) table.
CONTAMINATION_CODEChar4Code value that represents a contaminant for which a public water system has incurred a violation of a primary drinking water regulation. A full description of the codes can be accessed in the SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES.csv.
FIRST_REPORTED_DATEDate First reported date for the milestone event. The date format is MM/DD/YYYY.
LAST_REPORTED_DATEDate Last reported date for the milestone event. The date format is MM/DD/YYYY.

Public Water Systems (SDWA_PUB_WATER_SYSTEMS.csv)

ElementData TypeLengthElement Definition
SUBMISSIONYEARQUARTERChar7Fiscal year and quarter of the quarterly snapshot of SDWIS.
PWSIDChar9Unique identifying code for a public water system in SDWIS. The PWSID consists of a two-letter state or region code, followed by seven digits.
PWS_NAMEChar100Name of the public water system.
PRIMACY_AGENCY_CODEChar2Primacy agency code is the two-character state code or EPA Region number.
EPA_REGIONChar2A two-character code identifying the EPA Region in which the system is located.
SEASON_BEGIN_DATEChar5Opening month and day of the period of time when the water system serves water for those systems that operate seasonally (DD-MONTH format).
SEASON_END_DATEChar5Ending month and day of the period of time when the water system serves water for those systems that operate seasonally (DD-MONTH format).

A single-character code identifying the current activity status of the public water system.

  • A - Active
  • I - Inactive
  • N - Changed from public to non-public
  • M - Merged with another system
  • P - Potential future system to be regulated
PWS_DEACTIVATION_DATEDate7Date on which the water system was reported as being closed/deactivated (MM/DD/YYYY format).

Indicates the type of public water system (PWS). A public water system is a system for the provision to the public of piped water for human consumption, which has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves an average of at least 25 individuals at least 60 days out of the year. PWS_TYPE_SHORT indicates whether a system is Community or Non-Community. Possible values for PWS_TYPE_CODE include:

  • CWS (Community water system) - A PWS that serves at least fifteen service connections used by year-round residents or regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents (e.g., homes, apartments and condominiums that are occupied year-round as primary residences).
  • TNCWS (Transient non-community water system) - A non-community water system that does not regularly serve at least 25 of the same persons over six months per year   A typical example is a campground or a highway rest stop that has its own water source, such as a drinking water well.
  • NTNCWS (Non-transient non-community water system) - A non-community PWS that regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons over six months per year. A typical example of a non-transient non-community water system is a school or an office building that has its own water source, such as a drinking water well.

Stage 2 Disinfectant Byproducts Rule schedule category code.

  • 1 – System serving 100K or more people OR systems that are connected to a system serving 100K or more
  • 2 - System serving 50K to 99,999 people OR belonging to a CDS in which the largest system serves 50K to
  • 3 - System serving 10K to 49,999 people OR belonging to a CDS in which the largest system serves 10K to
  • 4 - System serving fewer than 10,000 AND not connected to a larger system
CDS_IDChar100Combined distribution system identifier.
GW_SW_CODEChar2Identifies whether a system’s water source is groundwater (GW) or surface water (SW) under SDWA. An empty cell indicates the system relied on another water source.

Single-digit code to identify the category for Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment (LT2) schedule.

  • 1- Schedule 1
  • 2- Schedule 2
  • 3- Schedule 3
  • 4- Schedule 4
  • 5- Schedule 5

Single-character code identifying the ownership category of the water system.

  • F – Federal government
  • L- Local government
  • M- Public/Private
  • N – Native American
  • P - Private
  • S – State government
POPULATION_SERVED_COUNTNum Estimated average daily population served by a system.

A single-digit code identifying the service population size.

  • 1 - <10,000
  • 2 – 10,000+

A single-digit code identifying the service population size.

  • 1 - <=3,300
  • 2 – 3,301-50,000
  • 3 - >50,000

A single-digit code identifying the service population size.

  • 1 -<10K
  • 2 – 10K-49,999
  • 3 – 50K-99,999
  • 4 – 100K+

A single-digit code identifying the service population size.

  • 1 - <=500
  • 2 – 501-3,300
  • 3 – 3301-10,000
  • 4 – 10,001-100,000
  • 5 - >100,000

A code identifying the service population size.

  • 1 - <=100
  • 2 – 101 – 500
  • 3 – 501-1000
  • 4 – 1,001- 3,300
  • 5 – 3,301- 10,000
  • 6 – 10,001 – 50,000
  • 7 – 50,001-100,000
  • 8 – 100,001 – 250,000
  • 9 – 250,001-500,000
  • 10 – 500,001-1,000,000
  • 11 - >1,000,000
PRIMACY_TYPEChar20Indicates whether the water system is regulated by a state, tribal, or territorial primacy program. Note that EPA direct implementation programs, except for Wyoming, are tribal primacy programs.

Primary water source code.

  • GW - Ground water
  • GWP - Ground water purchased
  • SW - Surface water
  • SWP - Surface water purchased
  • GU - Groundwater under influence of surface water
  • GUP – Purchased ground water under influence of surface water source
IS_GRANT_ELIGIBLE_INDChar1Indicates whether the primacy agency has reported the minimum necessary data elements for this water system to include it in grant calculations.
IS_WHOLESALER_INDChar1Indicates whether the system is a wholesaler of water.
IS_SCHOOL_OR_DAYCARE_INDChar1Indicates if the water system’s primary service area is a school or daycare, as defined by EPA/OGWDW.
SERVICE_CONNECTIONS_COUNTNum Number of service connections to the water system.

Code that indicates whether an active water system was reported, rejected, or not reported during the recent inventory submission. This field is not applicable to inactive water systems. Generated by ODS.

  • Y - Reported and accepted
  • U - Unreported
  • R - Reported, but rejected
ORG_NAMEChar100The organization to which the legal entity is associated.
ADMIN_NAMEChar100Name of the water system administrative contact – usually a person’s name.
EMAIL_ADDRChar100Email address of the administrative contact.
PHONE_NUMBERChar15Telephone number of a water system or the system’s primary contact. Format: (NNN) NNN-NNNN. Where multiple facilities exist for a water system at different physical locations, phone number identifies the telephone number which is applicable to the primary facility of, or the principal contact for, the system.
PHONE_EXT_NUMBERChar5Telephone extension of the administrative contact.
FAX_NUMBERChar15Administrative contact's fax number.
ALT_PHONE_NUMBERChar15Administrative contact's alternative telephone number.
ADDRESS_LINE1Char200First line of an address applicable to a legal entity.
ADDRESS_LINE2Char200Second line of an address applicable to a legal entity. This field is the street address, rural route, etc.
CITY_NAMEChar40City in which a legal entity is located.
ZIP_CODEChar14U.S. Postal Service (USPS) ZIP code in which a legal entity is located. Format: ZZZZZEEEE where ZZZZZ=the ZIP code and EEEE= the optional ZIP+4 extension.
COUNTRY_CODEChar2Two-character abbreviation of the country code where the administrative contact is located.
FIRST_REPORTED_DATEDate7First reported date for the system (format  MM/DD/YYYY).
LAST_REPORTED_DATEDate7Last reported date for the system (format MM/DD/YYYY).
STATE_CODEChar2A coded value that represents the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) state abbreviation in which a legal entity is located. Must be one of the USPS Postal State Codes.
SOURCE_WATER_PROTECTION_CODEChar2Indicates whether the water system has implemented source water protection according to state policy.
SOURCE_PROTECTION_BEGIN_DATEDate7Date water system substantially implemented source water protection according to state policy (MM/DD/YYYY format).
OUTSTANDING_PERFORMERChar2Indicates whether the system met the outstanding performer criteria according to state policy.
OUTSTANDING_PERFORM_BEGIN_DATEDate7Date water system met the outstanding performer criteria according to state policy.
REDUCED_RTCR_MONITORINGChar20Frequency of Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) monitoring, which could be annually, quarterly, or semi-annually.
REDUCED_MONITORING_BEGIN_DATEDate7Initial date of reduced monitoring (MM/DD/YYYY format).
REDUCED_MONITORING_END_DATEDate7Reduced monitoring end date (MM/DD/YYYY format).
SEASONAL_STARTUP_SYSTEMChar40Indicates whether the system pressurized including during the offseason or whether the system was not pressurized all year. Only pertains to seasonal systems.


ElementData TypeLengthElement Definition
ANSI_STATE_CODEChar2Standardized facility location code as issued by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). A full description of the codes can be accessed in the SDWA_REF_ANSI_AREAS.csv. See the U.S. Census Bureau webpage for more information about ANSI codes.
ANSI_ENTITY_CODEChar3American National Standards Institute (ANSI) code for the county, city, or legal statistical area. Taken with the ANSI state code, uniquely identifies a county (or other area) within the country. See the U.S. Census Bureau webpage for more information about ANSI codes.
ANSI_NAMEChar40Name of the area associated with the ANSI entity and state code.
STATE_CODEChar2A coded value that represents the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) state abbreviation in which a legal entity is located. Must be one of the USPS Postal State Codes.

Reference Codes (SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES.csv)

ElementData TypeLengthElement Definition
VALUE_TYPEChar40Column name associated with the value code as found in the other files.
VALUE_CODEChar40Value associated with the column named in VALUE_TYPE.
VALUE_DESCRIPTIONChar250Description of the value in VALUE_CODE.

Service Areas (SDWA_SERVICE_AREAS.csv)

ElementData TypeLengthElement Definition
SUBMISSIONYEARQUARTERChar7Fiscal year and quarter of the quarterly snapshot of SDWIS.
PWSIDChar9Unique identifying code for a public water system in SDWIS. The PWSID consists of a two-letter state or region code, followed by seven digits.
SERVICE_AREA_TYPE_CODEChar4Service area type code. For a full list of visit codes and their descriptions see SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES.csv under VALUE_TYPE=SERVICE_AREA_CODE.
IS_PRIMARY_SERVICE_AREA_CODEChar1Indicates whether the area is the primary service area served by the water system.
FIRST_REPORTED_DATEDate First reported date of the service area (format MM/DD/YYYY).
LAST_REPORTED_DATEDate Last reported date of the service area (format MM/DD/YYYY).

Site Visits (SDWA_SITE_VISITS.csv)

ElementData TypeLengthElement Definition
SUBMISSIONYEARQUARTERChar7Fiscal year and quarter of the quarterly snapshot of SDWIS.
PWSIDChar9Unique identifying code for a public water system in SDWIS. The PWSID consists of a two-letter state or region code, followed by seven digits.
VISIT_IDChar20Identification number of the visit.
VISIT_DATEDate7Date (MM/DD/YYYY) of the site visit.

Agency type that conducted the site visit.

  • NULL- Unknown Agency Type
  • AR- Alaskan Remote Village
  • AT- Authority
  • BR- Borough
  • CM- Commission
  • CN- County
  • CT- City
  • DS- District
  • FD- Federal
  • MN- Municipality
  • NA- Native American Tribe
  • PR- Parish
  • RG- Region
  • SA- State Administrative District
  • SD- School District
  • SR- State Administrative Region
  • ST- State
  • TW- Town
  • WD- Water District
  • SC- State Contractor
  • TA- Non-State Provider Engineering/Technical Assistance Firm
  • WS- Water System
VISIT_REASON_CODEChar4Code to indicate the reason for the site visit. For a full list of visit codes and their descriptions see SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES.csv under VALUE_TYPE = VISIT_REASON_CODE.

Management operations evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

Source water evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

Security evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

Pumps evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

Other facility equipment/management evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

Compliance evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

Data verification evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

Treatment evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

Water storage evaluation from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

Distribution system evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S – Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D – Sanitary defect

Financial evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect
VISIT_COMMENTSChar2000Comments of site visit by the visitor.
FIRST_REPORTED_DATEDate7First reported date of the site visit (format MM/DD/YYYY).
LAST_REPORTED_DATEDate7Last reported date of the site visit (format MM/DD/YYYY).

Violations and Enforcement (SDWA_VIOLATIONS_ENFORCEMENT.csv)

ElementData TypeLengthElement Definition
SUBMISSIONYEARQUARTERChar7Fiscal year and quarter of the quarterly snapshot of SDWIS.
PWSIDChar9Unique identifying code for a public water system in SDWIS. The PWSID consists of a two-letter state or region code, followed by seven digits.
VIOLATION_IDChar20System-generated identifier for a violation.
FACILITY_IDChar12Facility ID that, when used with the PWSID, uniquely identifies a water system facility.
NON_COMPL_PER_BEGIN_DATEDate Begin date of the noncompliance period during which a violation was identified.
NON_COMPL_PER_END_DATEDate End date of the noncompliance period during which a violation was identified. Note that open-ended violations are listed using the later resolving action date, if the earlier resolving action is followed by certain types of enforcement actions that indicate continued enforcement activity. For unresolved violations, the NON_COMPL_PER_END_DATE is listed as null.
VIOLATION_CODEChar4A full description of violation codes can be accessed in the SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES (CSV) table.

Category of the violation.

  • TT- Treatment Technique Violation
  • MRDL- Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level
  • Other- Other Violation
  • MCL- Maximum Contaminant Level Violation
  • MR- Monitoring and Reporting
  • MON- Monitoring Violation
  • RPT- Reporting Violation

Indicates if this is a health based violation. Valid values are Y (yes) or N (no).

These violations fall into three categories:

  • Exceedances of the maximum contaminant levels (MCLs), which specify the highest allowable contaminant concentrations in drinking water;
  • Exceedances of the maximum residual disinfectant levels (MRDLs), which specify the highest concentrations of disinfectants allowed in drinking water; and
  • Treatment technique requirements, which specify certain processes intended to reduce the level of a contaminant.
CONTAMINANT_CODEChar4Code value that represents a contaminant for which a public water system has incurred a violation of a primary drinking water regulation. A full description of the codes can be accessed in the SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES.csv.
VIOL_MEASURENum Numeric value that represents the analytical result of a contaminant that exceeded the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for that contaminant. For contaminants that can be monitored with a reliable degree of accuracy, an MCL is set. For those which cannot be monitored reliably, a treatment technique is set instead. Both standards are set at a level sufficient to protect the public's health.
FEDERAL_MCLChar31Numeric value that represents the maximum contaminant level which was exceeded that led to the identification of an MCL violation for a public water system.
STATE_MCLNum Numeric value that represents the maximum contaminant level which was exceeded that led to the identification of an MCL violation for a public water system.
IS_MAJOR_VIOL_INDChar1Code value that indicates whether a Monitoring and Reporting (MR) violation is major or minor. The major versus minor designation does not apply to a sanitary survey MR violation.
SEVERITY_IND_CNTNum Count indicating the severity of certain DBPR and IESWTR violations.
CALCULATED_RTC_DATEDate Date the system returned to compliance.

Current status of the violation.

  • Resolved - The violation has at least one resolving enforcement action. In SDWIS, this indicates that either the system has returned to compliance from the violation, the rule that was violated was no longer applicable, or no further action was needed.
  • Archived - The violation is not Resolved, but is more than five years past its noncompliance period end date. In keeping with the Enforcement Response Policy, the violation no longer contributes to the public water system's overall compliance status. Unresolved violations are also marked as Archived when a system ceases operations (becomes inactive).
  • Addressed - The violation is not Resolved or Archived, and is addressed by one or more formal enforcement actions.
  • Unaddressed - The violation is not Resolved or Archived, and has not been addressed by formal enforcement.
PUBLIC_NOTIFICATION_TIERNum Numeric code for Public Notification Tier for the violation.
CALCULATED_PUB_NOTIF_TIERNum Calculated numeric code for Public Notification Tier for the violation.

Code that indicates who the violation was initiated by.

  • H- Headquarter
  • R- Region
  • S- State
SAMPLE_RESULT_IDChar40System-generated number managed by the reporting jurisdiction that uniquely identifies each sample result record.
CORRECTIVE_ACTION_IDChar40Corrective action identifier

Code for a National Drinking Water rule.

  • 110- Total Coliform Rule
  • 121- Surface Water Treatment Rule
  • 122- Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
  • 123- Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
  • 130- Filter Backwash Rule
  • 140- Ground Water Rule
  • 210- Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
  • 220- Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
  • 230- Total Trihalomethanes
  • 310- Volatile Organic Chemicals
  • 331- Nitrates
  • 332- Arsenic
  • 333- Inorganic Chemicals
  • 320- Synthetic Organic Chemicals
  • 340- Radionuclides
  • 350- Lead and Copper Rule
  • 410- Public Notice Rule
  • 420- Consumer Confidence Rule
  • 430- Miscellaneous
  • 500- Not Regulated
  • 111- Revised Total Coliform Rule

Code that uniquely identifies a rule group.

  • 120- Surface Water Treatment Rules
  • 130- Filter Backwash Rule
  • 140- Groundwater Rule
  • 210- Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
  • 220- Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
  • 230- Total Trihalomethanes
  • 310- Volatile Organic Chemicals
  • 320- Synthetic Organic Chemicals
  • 330- Inorganic Chemicals
  • 340- Radionuclides
  • 350- Lead and Copper Rule
  • 400- Other
  • 500- Not Regulated
  • 110- Total Coliform Rules
  • 410- Public Notice Rule
  • 420- Consumer Confidence Rule
  • 430- Miscellaneous

Code for rule family.

  • 100- Microbials
  • 200- Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
  • 300- Chemicals
  • 400- Other
  • 500- Not Regulated
VIOL_FIRST_REPORTED_DATEDate Date when the violation was first reported  (MM/DD/YYYY format).
VIOL_LAST_REPORTED_DATEDate Date when the violation was last reported (MM/DD/YYYY format).
ENFORCEMENT_IDChar20Number used to uniquely identify multiple occurrences of an enforcement action.
ENFORCEMENT_DATEDate Date (MM/DD/YYYY) of the enforcement action.
ENFORCEMENT_ACTION_TYPE_CODEChar4Code for the type of enforcement action. For a full list of enforcement action codes and their descriptions see SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES.csv under VALUE_TYPE = ENFORCEMENT_ACTION_TYPE_CODE.

Category of the enforcement action against the violation. 

  • Formal – Formal enforcement
  • Informal – Informal enforcement
  • Resolving – A determination that the system has come back into compliance, no further action is needed, or the rule that was violated no longer applies

Code that indicates who the enforcement action was initiated by.

  • H- Headquarter
  • R- Region
  • S- State
ENF_FIRST_REPORTED_DATEDate Date when the enforcement action was first reported (MM/DD/YYYY format).
ENF_LAST_REPORTED_DATEDate Date when the enforcement action was last reported (MM/DD/YYYY format).

Top of Page

Data Element Dictionary

The following is a list of the data elements and SDWIS-derived elements that appear in the ECHO SDWA download. The data elements are listed alphabetically by data element name.

ADMIN_NAME - Name of the water system administrative contact – usually a person’s name.

ADDRESS_LINE1 - The first line of an address applicable to a legal entity.

ADDRESS_LINE2 - The second line of an address applicable to a legal entity. This field is the street address, rural route, etc.

ALT_PHONE_NUMBER - Administrative contact's alternative telephone number.

AREA_TYPE_CODE - Code identifying the area type where the facility is located.

  • TR - Tribal
  • CN - County
  • ZC - Zip Code
  • CT - City
  • IR - Indian Reservation
  • NULL - Unknown Area Type

AVAILABILITY_CODE - A single-character code for how the water source is utilized by a water system.

  • E - Emergency
  • I - Interim
  • P - Permanent
  • O - Other
  • S - Seasonal
  • U - Unknown

Address (Cities Served, State, State Name, and State Code) - City(ies) and state(s) where the system provides drinking water. In some cases, the address may indicate the mailing address of the system owner. For systems in Indian Country, the state is the state primarily served by the system, if EPA can determine that from available locational data, or else the mailing address state of the system owner. Note: Data on areas served may be incomplete and have not been quality assured.

AGENCY - A code representing the agency responsible for issuing the enforcement action. Valid values are “E” (EPA), or “S” (State).

AGENCY_TYPE_CODE - The agency type that conducted the site visit.

  • NULL- Unknown Agency Type
  • AR- Alaskan Remote Village
  • AT- Authority
  • BR- Borough
  • CM- Commission
  • CN- County
  • CT- City
  • DS- District
  • FD- Federal
  • MN- Municipality
  • NA- Native American Tribe
  • PR- Parish
  • RG- Region
  • SA- State Administrative District
  • SD- School District
  • SR- State Administrative Region
  • ST- State
  • TW- Town
  • WD- Water District
  • SC- State Contractor
  • TA- Non-State Provider Engineering/Technical Assistance Firm
  • WS- Water System

ANSI_ENTITY_CODE - American National Standards Institute (ANSI) code for the county, city, or legal statistical area. Taken with the ANSI state code, uniquely identifies a county (or other area) within the country. See the U.S. Census Bureau webpage Exit for more information about ANSI codes.

ANSI_NAME - Name of the area associated with the ANSI entity and state code.

ANSI_STATE_CODE - Standardized facility location code as issued by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). A full description of the codes can be accessed in the SDWA_REF_ANSI_AREAS.csv. See the U.S. Census Bureau webpage Exit for more information about ANSI codes.

CALCULATED_PUB_NOTIFICATION_TIER - Numeric code for Public Notification Tier for the violation.

CALCULATED_RTC_DATE - The date the system returned to compliance.

CDS_ID - Combined distribution system identifier.

CITY_NAME - The city in which a legal entity is located.

CITY_SERVED - The name of the city that the facility serves.

COMPLIANCE_EVAL_CODE - Compliance evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

NON_COMPL_PER_BEGIN_DATE - Beginning of the noncompliance period during which a violation was identified.

NON_COMPL_PER_END_DATE - End of the noncompliance period during which a violation was identified. Note that open-ended violations are listed using the later resolving action date, if the earlier resolving action is followed by certain types of enforcement actions that indicate continued enforcement activity. Note that for unresolved violations, the NON_COMPL_PER_END_DATE is listed as null.

CONTAMINANT_CODE (AKA CONTAMINATION_CODE) - A code value that represents a contaminant for which a public water system has incurred a violation of a primary drinking water regulation. A full description of the codes can be accessed in the SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES.csv.

CORRECTIVE_ACTION_ID - Corrective action identifier

COUNTRY_CODE - Two-character abbreviation of the country code where the administrative contact is located.

COUNTY_SERVED - The name of the county that the facility serves.

DATA_VERIFICATION_EVAL_CODE - Data verification evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

DBPR_SCHEDULE_CAT_CODE - Stage 2 Disinfectant Byproducts Rule schedule category code.

  • 1 – System serving 100K or more people OR systems that are connected to a system serving 100K or more
  • 2 - System serving 50K to 99,999 people OR belonging to a CDS in which the largest system serves 50K to
  • 3 - System serving 10K to 49,999 people OR belonging to a CDS in which the largest system serves 10K to
  • 4 - System serving fewer than 10,000 AND not connected to a larger system

DISTRIBUTION_EVAL_CODE - Distribution system evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S – Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D – Sanitary defect

EMAIL_ADDR - Email address of the administrative contact.

ENF_ACTION_CATEGORY - Category of the enforcement action against the violation.

  • Formal – Formal enforcement
  • Informal – Informal enforcement
  • Resolving – A determination that the system has come back into compliance, no further action is needed, or the rule that was violated no longer applies

ENFORCEMENT_ACTION_TYPE_CODE - A designated attribute which indicates the coded type of enforcement follow up action was taken by a federal or state agency. It also indicates whether enforcement action was formal, informal, subcategory, or others. For a full list of enforcement action codes and their descriptions see SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES.csv under VALUE_TYPE = ENFORCEMENT_ACTION_TYPE_CODE.

ENFORCEMENT_DATE - A field that contains the date (MM/DD/YYYY) of the enforcement action.

ENF_FIRST_REPORTED_DATE - Date of the first reported enforcement action against the violation (MM/DD/YYYY format).

ENFORCEMENT_ID - A number used to uniquely identify multiple occurrences of an enforcement action.

ENF_LAST_REPORTED_DATE - Date of the last reported enforcement action against the violation (MM/DD/YYYY format).

ENF_ORIGINATOR_CODE - Code that indicates who the enforcement action was initiated by.

  • H- Headquarter
  • R- Region
  • S- State

EPA_REGION - A two-character code identifying the EPA Region in which the system is located.

EVENT_ACTUAL_DATE - The date on which the milestone was conducted or achieved. Date format is MM/DD/YYY.

EVENT_COMMENTS_TEXT - Description of the milestone event.

EVENT_END_DATE - The date on which the milestone event ended. Date format is MM/DD/YYYY.

EVENT_MILESTONE_CODE - A four-character code identifying the event milestone.

  • DEEM - System deemed optimized without OCCT
  • DONE - System done with OCCT
  • LSLR - Lead service line replacement required
  • FICF - Fecal Indicator Contamination Action
  • SDFF - Significant Deficiency/Sanitary Defect Corrective Action
  • SDFI - Significant Deficiency/Sanitary Defect Interim Step
  • FICI - Fecal Indicator Interim Step
  • RTL1 - Revised Total Coliform Rule Level 1 Treatment Technique Trigger
  • RTL2 - Revised Total Coliform Rule Level 2 Treatment Technique Trigger

EVENT_REASON_CODE - Code identifying the reason for the milestone event.

  • B1 - Serving fewer than 50,000
  • B3 - Serving greater than 50,000: met action levels
  • WQP - Water Quality parameters
  • GW - Ground Water Rule
  • SH - Subpart H (Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule)
  • L2TA - Maximum Contaminant Level Treatment Technique Trigger
  • L2TB - Second Level 1 Treatment Technique Trigger
  • L1TC - Level 1 Coliform Positive Insufficient Repeat Treatment Technique Trigger
  • L1TD - Level 1 Multiple Total Coliform Positive Treatment Technique Trigger
  • RTCR - Revised Total Coliform Rule

EVENT_SCHEDULE_ID - Identifier used to identify milestone events.

FACILITY_ACTIVITY_CODE - A single-character code identifying the current status of the facility.

  • A - Active
  • I - Inactive
  • N - Changed from public to non-public
  • M - Merged with another system
  • P - Potential future system to be regulated

FACILITY_DEACTIVATION_DATE - The date the facility was deactivated (no longer actively serving water) or removed from federal oversight because it no longer met SDWA criteria as a public water system (MM/DD/YYYY format).

FACILITY_ID- Facility ID that, when used with the PWSID, uniquely identifies a water system facility.

FACILITY_NAME - The name of the water system facility.

FACILITY_TYPE_CODE - Code identifying the type of facility.

  • CC - Consecutive Connection
  • CH - Common Headers
  • CS - Cistern
  • CW - Clear Well
  • DS - Distribution System System/Zone
  • IG - Infiltration Gallery
  • IN - Intake
  • NN - Non-piped, Non-purchased
  • NP - Non-piped
  • OT - Other
  • PC - Pressure Control
  • PF - Pump Facility
  • RC - Roof Catchment
  • RS - Reservoir
  • SI - Surface Impoundment
  • SP - Spring
  • SS - Sampling Station
  • ST - Storage
  • TM - Transmission Main (Manifold)
  • TP - Treatment Plant
  • WH - Wellhead
  • WL - Well

FAX_NUMBER - Administrative contact's fax number.

FEDERAL_MCL - A numeric value that represents the maximum contaminant level which was exceeded that led to the identification of an MCL violation for a public water system.

FILTRATION_STATUS_CODE - A code reported by the state to indicate whether a non-emergency surface water source or a non-emergency ground water under the influence of surface water source is required to install filtration by a certain date or is successfully avoiding filtration.

  • MIF - Must install filtration
  • SAF - Successfully avoiding filtration
  • FIL - Filtration already in place

FINANCIAL_EVAL_CODE - Financial evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

FINISHED_WATER_STOR_EVAL_CODE - Water storage evaluation from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

FIRST_REPORTED_DATE - The first reported date for the milestone event. The date format is MM/DD/YYYY.

GEO_ID - System generated ID that uniquely identifies PWSID and Area Type record.

GW_SW_CODE - Identifies whether a system’s water source is groundwater (GW) or surface water (SW) under SDWA. An empty cell indicates the system relied on another water source.

IS_GRANT_ELIGIBLE_IND - Indicates whether the primacy agency has reported the minimum necessary data elements for this water system to include it in grant calculations.

IS_HEALTH_BASED_IND - Indicates if this is a health based violation. Valid values are Y (yes) or N (no).

These violations fall into three categories:

  • Exceedances of the maximum contaminant levels (MCLs), which specify the highest allowable contaminant concentrations in drinking water;
  • Exceedances of the maximum residual disinfectant levels (MRDLs), which specify the highest concentrations of disinfectants allowed in drinking water; and
  • Treatment technique requirements, which specify certain processes intended to reduce the level of a contaminant.

IS_MAJOR_VIOL_IND - A code value that indicates whether a Monitoring and Reporting (MR) violation is major or minor. The major versus minor designation does not apply to a sanitary survey MR violation.

IS_PRIMARY_SERVICE_AREA_CODE - Indicates whether the area is the primary service area served by the water system.

IS_SCHOOL_OR_DAYCARE_IND - Indicates if the water system’s primary service area is a school or daycare, as defined by EPA/OGWDW.

IS_SOURCE_IND - Indicates whether the water system facility is designated a source (either a Consecutive Connection (CC), Infiltration Gallery (IG), Intake (IN), Non-piped (NP), Roof Catchment (RC), Reservoir (RS), Spring (SP), Well (WL), or Non-piped non-purchased (NN)).

IS_SOURCE_TREATED_IND - Indicates whether the water system source water is being treated or not.

IS_WHOLESALER_IND - Indicates whether the system is a wholesaler of water.

LAST_REPORTED_DATE - The last reported date for the milestone event. The date format is MM/DD/YYYY.

LT2_SCHEDULE_CAT_CODE - Single-digit code to identify the category for Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment (LT2) schedule.

  • 1- Schedule 1
  • 2- Schedule 2
  • 3- Schedule 3
  • 4- Schedule 4
  • 5- Schedule 5

MANAGEMENT_OPS_EVAL_CODE - Management operations evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

ORG_NAME - The organization to which the legal entity is associated.

OTHER_EVAL_CODE - Other facility equipment/management evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

OUTSTANDING_PERFORM_BEGIN_DATE - Date water system met the outstanding performer criteria according to state policy.

OUTSTANDING_PERFORMER - Indicates whether the system met the outstanding performer criteria according to state policy.

OWNER_TYPE_CODE - Single-character code identifying the ownership category of the water system.

  • F – Federal government
  • L- Local government
  • M- Public/Private
  • N – Native American
  • P - Private
  • S – State government

PHONE_EXT_NUMBER - The telephone extension of the administrative contact.

PHONE_NUMBER - The telephone number of a water system or the system’s primary contact. Format: (AAA)-EEE-NNNN where: AAA = the telephone area code, EEE = the telephone exchange, and NNNN = the telephone number. Where multiple facilities exist for a water system at different physical locations, phone number identifies the telephone number which is applicable to the primary facility of, or the principal contact for, the system.

PN_VIOLATION_ID - Unique identifier identifying the public notification.

POP_CAT_2_CODE - A single-digit code identifying the service population size.

  • 1 - <10,000
  • 2 – 10,000+

POP_CAT_3_CODE - A single-digit code identifying the service population size.

  • 1 - <=3,300
  • 2 – 3,301-50,000
  • 3 - >50,000

POP_CAT_4_CODE - A single-digit code identifying the service population size.

  • 1 -<10K
  • 2 – 10K-49,999
  • 3 – 50K-99,999
  • 4 – 100K+

POP_CAT_5_CODE - A single-digit code identifying the service population size.

  • 1 - <=500
  • 2 – 501-3,300
  • 3 – 3301-10,000
  • 4 – 10,001-100,000
  • 5 - >100,000

POP_CAT_11_CODE - A code identifying the service population size.

  • 1 - <=100
  • 2 – 101 – 500
  • 3 – 501-1000
  • 4 – 1,001- 3,300
  • 5 – 3,301- 10,000
  • 6 – 10,001 – 50,000
  • 7 – 50,001-100,000
  • 8 – 100,001 – 250,000
  • 9 – 250,001-500,000
  • 10 – 500,001-1,000,000
  • 11 - >1,000,000

POPULATION_SERVED_COUNT - The estimated average daily population served by a system.

PRIMACY_AGENCY_CODE - The primary agency code is the two-character state code or EPA Region number.

PRIMACY_TYPE - Indicates whether the water system is regulated by a state, tribal, or territorial primacy program. Note that EPA direct implementation programs, except for Wyoming, are tribal primacy programs.

PRIMARY_SOURCE_CODE - Primary water source code.

  • GW - Ground water
  • GWP - Ground water purchased
  • SW - Surface water
  • SWP - Surface water purchased
  • GU - Groundwater under influence of surface water
  • GUP – Purchased ground water under influence of surface water source

PUMPS_EVAL_CODE - Pumps evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

PWS_ACTIVITY_CODE - A single-character code identifying the current activity status of the public water system.

  • A - Active
  • I - Inactive
  • N - Changed from public to non-public
  • M - Merged with another system
  • P - Potential future system to be regulated

PWS_DEACTIVATION_DATE - The date in which the water system was reported as being closed/deactivated (MM/DD/YYYY format).

PWSID - A unique identifying code for a public water system in SDWIS. The PWSID consists of a two-letter state or region code, followed by seven digits.

PWS_NAME - Name of the public water system.

PWS_TYPE_CODE/PWS_TYPE_SHORT - Indicates the type of public water system (PWS). A public water system is a system for the provision to the public of piped water for human consumption, which has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves an average of at least 25 individuals at least 60 days out of the year. PWS_TYPE_SHORT indicates whether a system is Community or Non-Community. Possible values for PWS_TYPE_CODE include:

  • Community water system (CWS)- A PWS that serves at least fifteen service connections used by year-round residents or regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents (e.g., homes, apartments and condominiums that are occupied year-round as primary residences).
  • Transient non-community water system (TNCWS)- A non-community water system that does not regularly serve at least 25 of the same persons over six months per year   A typical example is a campground or a highway rest stop that has its own water source, such as a drinking water well.
  • Non-transient non-community water system (NTNCWS)- A non-community PWS that regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons over six months per year. A typical example of a non-transient non-community water system is a school or an office building that has its own water source, such as a drinking water well.

RECONCILIATION_ID - An identifier used for reconciliation with the state data system or LAB assigned identifiers.

REDUCED_MONITORING_BEGIN_DATE - Initial date of reduced monitoring (MM/DD/YYYY format).

REDUCED_MONITORING_END_DATE- Reduced monitoring end date (MM/DD/YYYY format)..

REDUCED_RTCR_MONITORING - Frequency of Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) monitoring, which could be annually, quarterly, or semi-annually.

RESULT_SIGN_CODE - Indicates if the sample result was below the minimum detection limit or equal to the value reported.

  • L - Less then, meaning below minimum detection limits
  • E - Equal to, meaning exactly equal to the value reported

RELATED_VIOLATION_CODE - A separate violation associated with the violation.

RULE_CODE - Code for a National Drinking Water rule.

  • 110- Total Coliform Rule
  • 121- Surface Water Treatment Rule
  • 122- Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
  • 123- Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
  • 130- Filter Backwash Rule
  • 140- Ground Water Rule
  • 210- Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
  • 220- Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
  • 230- Total Trihalomethanes
  • 310- Volatile Organic Chemicals
  • 331- Nitrates
  • 332- Arsenic
  • 333- Inorganic Chemicals
  • 320- Synthetic Organic Chemicals
  • 340- Radionuclides
  • 350- Lead and Copper Rule
  • 410- Public Notice Rule
  • 420- Consumer Confidence Rule
  • 430- Miscellaneous
  • 500- Not Regulated
  • 111- Revised Total Coliform Rule

RULE_FAMILY_CODE - Code for rule family.

  • 100- Microbials
  • 200- Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
  • 300- Chemicals
  • 400- Other
  • 500- Not Regulated

RULE_GROUP_CODE - Code that uniquely identifies a rule group.

  • 120- Surface Water Treatment Rules
  • 130- Filter Backwash Rule
  • 140- Groundwater Rule
  • 210- Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
  • 220- Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
  • 230- Total Trihalomethanes
  • 310- Volatile Organic Chemicals
  • 320- Synthetic Organic Chemicals
  • 330- Inorganic Chemicals
  • 340- Radionuclides
  • 350- Lead and Copper Rule
  • 400- Other
  • 500- Not Regulated
  • 110- Total Coliform Rules
  • 410- Public Notice Rule
  • 420- Consumer Confidence Rule
  • 430- Miscellaneous

SAMPLE_FIRST_REPORTED_DATE - Date that the sample was first reported. The date format is MM/DD/YYYY.

SAMPLE_ID - Identifier used to identify the sample.

SAMPLE_LAST_REPORTED_DATE - The most recent date of reporting. The date of format is MM/DD/YYYY.

SAMPLE_MEASURE - The measured value of the contaminant as reported from the sampling analysis.

SAMPLE_RESULT_ID - A system-generated number managed by the reporting jurisdiction that uniquely identifies each sample result record.

SAMPLING_END_DATE - Date of the last day of the monitoring period in which 90th percentile data for lead or copper was acquired (MM/DD/YYYY format).

SAMPLING_START_DATE - Date of the first day of the monitoring period in which 90th percentile data for lead or copper was acquired (MM/DD/YYYY format).

SAR_FIRST_REPORTED_DATE - The date of the first reported sample analytical result (MM/DD/YYYY format).

SAR_ID - A system-generated number managed by the reporting jurisdiction that uniquely identifies each Sample Result record. As there are situations where there can be two sample results for a sample, the SAR_ID is used instead of the Contaminant code (as in ODS) in the primary key of this table.

SAR_LAST_REPORTED_DATE - The most recent reported sample analytical result (MM/DD/YYYY format).

SEASON_BEGIN_DATE - The opening month and day of the period of time when the water system serves water for those systems that operate seasonally (DD-MONTH format).

SEASON_END_DATE - The ending month and day of the period of time when the water system serves water for those systems that operate seasonally (DD-MONTH format).

SEASONAL_STARTUP_SYSTEM - Indicates whether the system pressurized including during the offseason or whether the system was not pressurized all year. Only pertains to seasonal systems.

SECURITY_EVAL_CODE - Security evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

SELLER_PWSID - PWSID of the water system that is selling water to this system through this interconnection. Is also the "upstream" water system to the parent of this facility.

SELLER_PWS_NAME - Name of the water system that is selling water to this system through this interconnection. Is also the "upstream" water system to the parent of this facility.

SELLER_TREATMENT_CODE - Code that indicates the treatment status of the water. Applies only to source facilities

  • F - Filtered
  • G - Treated by seller including 4-log for the Ground Water Rule
  • Y - Partially treated by seller
  • N - Not treated
  • U - Unkown

SERVICE_AREA_TYPE_CODE - Service area type code. For a full list of visit codes and their descriptions see SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES.csv under VALUE_TYPE=SERVICE_AREA_CODE.

SERVICE_CONNECTIONS_COUNT - Number of service connections to the water system.

SEVERITY_IND_CNT - A count indicating the severity of certain DBPR and IESWTR violations.

SOURCE_PROTECTION_BEGIN_DATE - Date water system substantially implemented source water protection according to state policy (MM/DD/YYYY format).

SOURCE_WATER_EVAL_CODE - Source water evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

SOURCE_WATER_PROTECTION_CODE - Indicates whether the water system has implemented source water protection according to state policy.

STATE_CODE - A coded value that represents the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) state abbreviation in which a legal entity is located. Must be one of the USPS Postal State Codes.

STATE_FACILITY_ID - The ID that a state uses to identify in their own state system database.

STATE_MCL - A numeric value that represents the maximum contaminant level which was exceeded that led to the identification of an MCL violation for a public water system.

STATE_SERVED - The state that the facility is serving.

SUBMISSION_STATUS_CODE - Code that indicates whether an active water system was reported, rejected, or not reported during the recent inventory submission. This field is not applicable to inactive water systems. Generated by ODS.

  • Y - Reported and accepted
  • U - Unreported
  • R - Reported, but rejected

SUBMISSIONYEARQUARTER - The fiscal year and quarter when the event took place.

TREATMENT_EVAL_CODE - Treatment evaluation results from site visit.

  • M – Minor deficiencies
  • N – No deficiencies or recommendations
  • R – Recommendations made
  • S - Significant deficiencies
  • X – Not evaluated
  • Z – Not applicable
  • D - Sanitary defect

TRIBAL_CODE - EPA code which represents the Indian reservation or Alaska Remote Village being served by a Water System. A full discription of the codes can be accessed in the SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES.csv.

Data Quality Caveat: EPA makes no claims regarding the accuracy or precision of data concerning Indian country locations or tribal boundaries on the ECHO website. EPA has simply attempted to collect certain readily available information relating to Indian country locations. Questions concerning data should be referred to the originating program or Agency which can be referenced in EPA’s Shared Enterprise Geodata Services (SEGS) metadata files Lower 48 Tribal AreasAlaska Native Villages, or Alaska Native Allotments. The Indian country and tribal boundary locations are suitable only for general spatial reference and do not necessarily reflect EPA's position on any Indian country locations or tribal boundaries or the land status of any specific location. The inclusion of Indian country information on the ECHO website does not represent any final EPA action addressing Indian country locations or boundaries. This information cannot be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable by any party in litigation with the United States or third parties. EPA reserves the right to change information on ECHO at any time without public notice.

EPA uses the American Indian Reservation boundaries provided by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) when developing environmental data query responses for tribes in the lower 48 United States and Alaska. EPA seeks to use the best available national federal data and may refine the tribal boundary layer in the future as more accurate national federal data becomes available.


VALUE_CODE - The values associated with the code in VALUE_TYPE.

VALUE_DESCRIPTION -The full description of the code in VALUE_CODE.

VALUE_TYPE - Column name associated with the value code as found in the other files.

VIOL_FIRST_REPORTED_DATE - Date of the first reported violation (MM/DD/YYYY format).

VIOL_LAST_REPORTED_DATE - Date of the last reported violation (MM/DD/YYYY format).

VIOL_ORIGINATOR_CODE - Code that indicates who the violation was initiated by.

  • H- Headquarter
  • R- Region
  • S- State

VIOLATION_CATEGORY_CODE - The category of violation that is reported.

  • TT- Treatment Technique Violation
  • MRDL- Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level
  • Other- Other Violation
  • MCL- Maximum Contaminant Level Violation
  • MR- Monitoring and Reporting
  • MON- Monitoring Violation
  • RPT- Reporting Violation

VIOLATION_CODE - A full description of violation codes can be accessed in the SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES (CSV) table.

VIOLATION_ID - System-generated identifier for a violation.

VIOLATION_STATUS - Current status of the violation.

  • Resolved - The violation has at least one resolving enforcement action. In SDWIS, this indicates that either the system has returned to compliance from the violation, the rule that was violated was no longer applicable, or no further action was needed.
  • Archived - The violation is not Resolved, but is more than five years past its noncompliance period end date. In keeping with the Enforcement Response Policy, the violation no longer contributes to the public water system's overall compliance status. Unresolved violations are also marked as Archived when a system ceases operations (becomes inactive).
  • Addressed - The violation is not Resolved or Archived, and is addressed by one or more formal enforcement actions.
  • Unaddressed - The violation is not Resolved or Archived, and has not been addressed by formal enforcement.

VIOL_MEASURE - A numeric value that represents the analytical result of a contaminant that exceeded the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for that contaminant. For contaminants that can be monitored with a reliable degree of accuracy, an MCL is set. For those which cannot be monitored reliably, a treatment technique is set instead. Both standards are set at a level sufficient to protect the public's health.

VISIT_COMMENTS - Comments of site visit by the visitor.

VISIT_DATE - The date (MM/DD/YYYY) of the site visit.

VISIT_ID - The identification number for each visit.

VISIT_REASON_CODE - Code to indicate the reason for the site visit. For a full list of visit codes and their descriptions see SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES.csv under VALUE_TYPE = VISIT_REASON_CODE.

WATER_TYPE_CODE - Character code identifying the type of water source. Ground water (GW), Surface water (SW), Ground water under the influence of surface water (GU). See the Water Topics page on the EPA website for full definitions of these terms and more.

ZIP_CODE - The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) ZIP code in which a legal entity is located. Format: ZZZZZEEEE where ZZZZZ=the ZIP code and EEEE= the optional ZIP+4 extension.

ZIP_CODE_SERVED-  The 5-digit postal zip code that the facility serves.