NPDES Program Search Criteria Help

Search criteria are organized by search page category or by term through the hyperlinks below to allow you to quickly find the search term of interest. Many search criteria are available for all Water National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program facility searches, whereas other criteria are only available for specific media programs in the facility search. In addition, advanced search criteria for Biosolids are identified below by the  Advanced/Government Search Icon  icon.

By Category

Alphabetically -- Choose a search term:

Search CriteriaIndustrial StormwaterBiosolidsBiosolids Annual Report
Annual Amount of Biosolids Generated  
Benchmark Threshold Exceedances (3 years)   
Biosolids Annual Reporter  
Biosolids Compliance Monitoring Activity Type  
Biosolids Management Practice Detail  
Biosolids Management Practice Type  
Biosolids Violation in Last Year  
Biosolids Violation Code 
Biosolids Violation Origin  
Biosolids Violation Type 
CAS Number  
Case Category 
Compliance Tracking  
Compliance Status  
Date Active  
Certified Date  
Compliance Monitoring Date Range 
Discharging into a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)  
Discharging into Impaired Waters  
Discharging Pollutants Potentially Contributing to Impairment  
Effluent Limit Exceedances  
Environmental Justice 
EPA Industrial Stormwater AIM Triggered  
EPA Industrial Stormwater Sector  
EPA Industrial Stormwater Subsector  
EPA Region
Facility ID Number
Facility Latitude/Longitude 
Facility Name 
Federal Agency  
Federal Facility  
Formal Enforcement Actions 
FRS Tribal Land Code 
ICIS Tribal Land Flag 
Industrial Stormwater Compliance Monitoring Activity Type  
Informal Enforcement Actions 
Latitude/Longitude Search Radius 
Major Designation  
Monitoring Period Within  
Industrial Stormwater Annual Report Submitted  
Industrial Stormwater Coverage Type  
Near US-Mexico Border  
Near US-Canada Border  
Number of Indexes At or Above 90th Percentile  
On or Near Spatial Tribal Boundary 
Percent Low Income (3-mile radius)  
Percent People of Color (3-mile radius)  
Permit Components  
Permit Expiration Date  
Permit Issuing Agency 
Permit Status 
Permit Type 
Pollutant Category  
Pollutant(s) Have Violations (3 years)  
Quarters with Violation (3 years)  
Quarters with Biosolids Violation (3 years)  
SIC Code 
Time Since Last Compliance Monitoring Activity 
TRI Direct Water Discharge Amount  
TRI POTW Transfer Amount  
Watershed HUC Code/Name 
ZIP Code 

Top of Page

Media Program Search Type 

Specify the subject of the search you want to run. Search options correlate with how facilities are regulated under the Clean Water Act (CWA). Select one of the options from the dropdown menu to focus your search on one subject area.

 Choose a NPDES Program Area

Specifies the NPDES Program Area for the search. Currently there are three program areas. "None Selected" is equivalent to running a Wastewater/Stormwater/Biosolids (CWA) Facility Search and does not filter results to a particular program area.

  • Selecting Biosolids restricts the universe to NPDES IDs that have a Biosolids permit component, an "L" as the third character of the NPDES ID, NPDES IDs that have NPDES Data Group 04- Sewage Sludge/Biosolids Annual Program Reports, a Biosolids violation, a Biosolids official or unofficial compliance monitoring activity, or a Biosolids formal or informal enforcement action.
  • Selecting Biosolids Annual Report restricts the universe to NPDES IDs that submitted a Biosolids Annual Report electronically through EPA's NPDES eReporting Tool (NeT). Refer to the Biosolids Annual Report Search Results Help for a list of facilities who submitted Biosolids Annual Reports on paper by year.
  • Selecting Industrial Stormwater restricts the available facility universe to Clean Water Act discharge permits with an industrial stormwater component, including EPA Industrial Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permits, NPDES IDs that have submitted an Industrial Stormwater Notice of Intent (NOI), No Exposure Certification (NOE), or Annual Report electronically before March 31, 2018, NPDES IDs that have an Industrial Stormwater official or unofficial compliance monitoring activity, or NPDES IDs that have an Industrial Stormwater formal or informal enforcement action.

Geographic Location 

EPA Region 

Use to search for information in a particular EPA Region. Choose a region from the dropdown menu. You may not combine an EPA Region search with a city/state, state, or ZIP Code search. Users cannot select both an EPA Region and Facility Address fields.

Advanced/Government Search Icon Address 

Enter a street address. Be sure to try all possible variations and alternate spellings (e.g., "Route" and "Rte").


Use to search for information in a particular city. Be sure to try all possible variations and alternate spellings (e.g., try both Saint Louis and St. Louis). To search for facilities or permits in a particular city, you must also specify a state using the State dropdown menu.


Choose a state, or multiple, from the dropdown menu. You may not combine a state search with a region search. It is recommended that you not combine a state search with a ZIP code search.

ZIP Code 

Enter up to a five-digit ZIP code. Entering a partial ZIP code results with any ZIP beginning with the entry. You may not combine a ZIP Code search with a region search. It is recommended that you not combine a ZIP code search with a city or state search. To search on multiple zip codes, separate them with a comma in the text box.


After you choose a state or territory, the County dropdown menu is populated with specific options. The list of counties is not available when multiple states/territories are selected. Multiple county selections are allowed using the dropdown list. You may not combine a search by county and EPA region. It is recommended that you not combine county, city, or ZIP code search criteria.

Advanced/Government Search Icon Facility Latitude/Longitude 

Search for facilities based on latitude and longitude. ECHO allows you to search on latitude/longitude in multiple ways:

  • Enter a valid latitude and longitude into the text box.
  • Select "Use My Location" to autopopulate the latitude and longitude fields based on your current location. To use this functionality, please allow ECHO permission to track your location through your Internet browser.
  • Latitude/Longitude Lookup - Search for latitude/longitude by address, city, country or location name.

Please note that facilities must have locational data (latitude/longitude) in EPA's Facility Registry Service to be included in this search. Data Quality Caveat

Advanced/Government Search IconLatitude/Longitude Search Radius 

Specify the search radius for a given latitude/longitude. Selection must be made in conjunction with the "Facility Latitude/Longitude" criteria. "1 mile" is selected by default, and users have the option to select 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, or 20 miles.

Advanced/Government Search IconNear US-Mexico Border (Biosolids Only) 

When ”Yes” is selected, your search results will be limited to facilities within 100km of the US-Mexico border. “Any” will not restrict search results. FRS is the source of this information.

Advanced/Government Search IconNear US-Canada Border (Biosolids Only) 

When ”Yes” is selected, your search results will be limited to facilities within 100 km of the US-Canada border. “Any” will not restrict search results. FRS is the source of this information.

Watershed (HUC-2)/(HUC-6)/(HUC-8)/Name 

Search for facilities by hydrologic units or watersheds. Select a region (HUC-2) then basin (HUC-6) from the dropdown menus or use the Watershed Name to search for a HUC-2 to HUC-12 by name. Enter at least one character. Select a watershed from the dropdown list to add it to the search criteria selected panel and clear the input field for a new value. Multiple selections are allowed using the dropdown list. This option searches for watersheds based on data from the USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD)


Environmental Justice 

To search for facilities located in areas with potential environmental justice concerns, select the standard criterion "Potential for Environmental Justice Concerns". Users familiar with EJScreen are invited to customize the combination of criteria. 

EPA uses EJScreen as a screening tool to identify geographic areas that may warrant further consideration or analysis. Note that use of these criteria does not designate an area as an “EJ community” or “EJ facility.” EJScreen provides screening level indicators, not a determination of the existence or absence of environmental justice concerns. For more information, see the EJScreen home page.

Potential Environmental Justice Concerns (Biosolids, Industrial Stormwater) 

Find facilities that have at least one EJScreen supplemental index at or above the 90th percentile for the US or state, in the facility's Census block group or averaged over 1-mile radius around it; or are on tribal land, or in a US territory. EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance uses this indicate to identify facilities that may need additional consideration for environmental justice concerns.


Find facilities located in areas meeting the selected combination of customized search criteria. Note that the default settings match the criteria for "Potential Environmental Justice Concerns". Selecting more than one value for a criterion will return facilities that meet either value.

  • Number of Indexes At or Above 90th Percentile:  Select the number of indexes at or above the 90th percentile.
  • Compare to: Choose "US" or "State" to search for percentile values for EJ indexes nationwide or relative to Census block groups within the same state. The default is US. 
  • Based On: Choose one or more of:

    • "Census Block Group" to search for percentile values based on the Census block group the facility is located in. 
    • "1-mile Average" to search based on the percentiles of EJScreen indexes averaged over a 1-mile radius around the facility.
    • "1-mile Maximum" to search based on the highest EJScreen index anywhere within 1 mile of the facility.

    The default selections are Census block group and 1-Mile Average.

  • Index Type: Choose one of two methodologies for calculating EJScreen indexes. The indexes are a combination of environmental and socioeconomic information. The Environmental Justice Index uses a two-factor demographic index that averages Percent Low Income and Percent People of Color Populations. The Supplemental Index uses a five-factor demographic index that averages Percent Low Income, Percent Unemployed, Percent Limited English Speaking, Percent Less than High School Education, and Low Life Expectancy. The default is Supplemental Index.
  • Include all facilities in Indian Country: When "Yes" is selected, your search results will include facilities identified as being located within Indian Country. Identification is based on association with the available geospatial coordinate data, as well as information entered in EPA's Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo), Facility Registry Service (FRS), Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS).
  • Include all facilities in US territories: When "Yes" is selected, your search results will also include facilities located in United States territories.


Percent People of Color (3-mile radius) (Biosolids, Industrial Stormwater) 

Choose a percentage threshold to search for facilities based on the racial composition of the surrounding three-mile radius. The field is calculated by subtracting the number of persons who are white (and not of Hispanic origin) from the total persons. This number is then divided by the total persons and multiplied by one hundred to determine the percentage.

Percent Low Income (3-mile radius) (Biosolids, Industrial Stormwater) 

Choose a percentage threshold to search for facilities based on the percent of the population with low income in the surrounding three-mile radius. This field is determined by an income of less than two times the poverty level, based on the 2015-2019 ACS 5-Year Summary.

Indian Country/Tribal Land

ICIS Tribal Land Flag 

When “YES” is selected, your search results will be limited to facilities or permits flagged as being located in Indian country, based on information entered in EPA's Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS). The accuracy and completeness of this information varies by system, and may differ from the FRS Tribal Land Code. “Indian country” is defined by statute at 18 U.S.C. 1151 to include all lands within Indian reservations, dependent Indian communities, and allotted lands. When “NO” is selected, your search results will exclude any facilities or permits that are located in Indian country. “ANY” will not restrict search results.

FRS Tribal Land Code 

When “YES” is selected, your search results will be limited to facilities or permits flagged as being located in Indian country, based on information that has been entered in EPA’s Facility Registry Service. The accuracy and completeness of this information varies by data system. “Indian country” is defined by statute at 18 U.S.C. 1151 to include all lands within Indian reservations, dependent Indian communities, and allotted lands. When “NO” is selected, your search results will exclude any facilities or permits that are located in Indian country. “ANY” will not restrict search results.

On or Near Spatial Tribal Boundary 

Search for facilities that are located on or near tribal land. Search is based on EPA comparison of the facility locations in its Facility Registry Service to the U.S. Census Bureau 2016 tribal boundary layer data for tribes in the lower 48 states and Bureau of Land Management Alaska State Office data for tribes in Alaska. When “Within X miles” is selected, your search results will be limited to facilities or permits on tribal land and within the selected radius. “No Restrictions” is selected by default and does not restrict search results. You can focus your search on a specific tribal land using the “Tribes” criteria. Please note that facilities must have locational data (latitude/longitude) in EPA's Facility Registry Service to be included in this search. Data Quality Caveat.


Search for facilities located on or near a tribe, based on spatial/locational association. The information is based on EPA comparison of facility coordinates (in Facility Registry Service) to the U.S. Census Bureau 2016 tribal boundary layer data for tribes in the lower 48 states, and Bureau of Land Management Alaska State Office data for tribes in Alaska. Please note that facilities must have locational data (latitude/longitude) in EPA's Facility Registry Service to be included in this search. Data Quality Caveat.

Selection must be made in conjunction with the “On or Near Spatial Tribal Boundary” criteria. "No Restrictions" is selected by default. Enter at least one character. Select a tribe from the dropdown list to add it to the search criteria selected panel and clear the input field for a new value.

Data Quality Caveat: EPA makes no claims regarding the accuracy or precision of data concerning Indian country locations or tribal boundaries on the ECHO website. EPA has simply attempted to collect certain readily available information relating to Indian country locations. Questions concerning data should be referred to the originating program or Agency which can be identified in the Envirofacts tribal query metadata files Lower 48 Tribal Areas, Alaska Reservation, Alaska Native Villages or Alaska Native Allotments. The Indian country and tribal boundary locations are suitable only for general spatial reference and do not necessarily reflect EPA's position on any Indian country locations or tribal boundaries or the land status of any specific location. The inclusion of Indian country information on the ECHO website does not represent any final EPA action addressing Indian country locations or boundaries. This information cannot be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable by any party in litigation with the United States or third parties. EPA reserves the right to change information on ECHO at any time without public notice.

EPA uses the U.S. Census Bureau 2016 tribal boundary layer data when developing environmental data query responses for tribes in the lower 48 United States and the Bureau of Land Management Alaska State Office when developing environmental data query responses for tribes in Alaska. EPA seeks to use the best available national federal data and may refine the tribal boundary layer in the future as more accurate national federal data becomes available.

Facility/System Characteristics 

Facility Name 

Search for facilities or permits by name or partial name. Be sure to try all possible variations of a facility's name. For example, if an abbreviation does not work, try using whole words (i.e., International Metals Company instead of INMETCO). The search is not case sensitive.

Words separated by a space are treated as one search term. Separate multiple search terms with a semi-colon (“;”). 

The search returns facilities that match any of the search terms. Note that a match may be found within any of the current facility names associated with the Facility Registry Service (FRS) ID; however, only the primary facility name is displayed in the search results table. The primary facility name may differ depending on the selected search type (e.g., the All Media Programs search results table displays the facility name in FRS). For more information, see Facility Search Results Help.

Use the dropdown list adjust the facility name search logic. You do not need to use wildcard characters (* or %) in the Facility Name field to specify search logic. Note: You can only associate one type of search logic with selected search terms.

Find Facility Name(s) That:

  • Contains Each Term (DEFAULT) - Returns facilities where all words in the facility name search terms are present in the facility name. The order of the words in a search term does not affect the search results.        
    For example, searching for “town bridge” returns results that contain both “town” and “bridge” within the facility name, e.g., “Bridgeport Township” or “Middletown Bridge”
  • Matches Exactly - Returns facilities where the facility name search terms exactly match the facility name.        
    For example, searching for “The First Company” only returns results with a facility name exactly matching all terms and in this order.
  • Matches Exact Phrase - Returns facilities where all search terms are found anywhere within the facility name. The order of the words in a search term affects the search results.        
    For example, searching for “town bridge” returns different results than searching for “bridge town”
  • Begins With - Returns facilities where the facility name search terms are found at the beginning of the facility name.        
    For example, searching for “bridge” returns results that begin with “bridge”, such as “Bridgeport” and “Bridgestone,” but excludes results like “Middlebridge”.

Note: "Stop Words" are common terms which are excluded from the name search logic in order to retrieve more relevant results. These include: AND, OR, BT, INC, INCORPORATED, LLC, CORP, CORPORATION, LTD, COMPANY, and CO. 

Facility ID Number 

Search for facilities or permits by EPA Registry ID (i.e., FRS ID) or by their Program System ID (i.e., CWA NPDES identification number). Program System ID is selected by default for the Water search. Other linked regulatory program IDs (CAA, SDWA, RCRA, TRI, EIS, eGGRT, and CEDRI) can also be searched by selecting EPA Registry ID. Allows data entry of up to 2,000 IDs pasted from spreadsheet column, or comma- or return-separated.

The Water search allows entry of partial ID numbers with at least two characters when "Program System ID" is selected. Entry of partial IDs will return facilities with ID numbers in the CWA program that begin with the search term.

Note that active/operating facility or permit status is selected by default on the search form. If facility IDs are entered with active facility status also selected, you will not include inactive facilities in your search. Because some of the facility IDs may represent inactive facilities, records for all of the facility IDs may not be returned on the Search Results page. To prevent this, remove the active/operating default selection by using the "X" in the Search Criteria Selected box.

SIC Code (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

The Standard Industrial Classification Code describes the primary activity of the facility. The first two digits in the code define a major business sector; the last two digits denote a facility's specialty within the major sector. ECHO allows you to search SIC Codes in multiple ways:

  • Choose a 2-digit SIC Code from the drop-down menu.
  • Type the 3- or 4-digit SIC Code into the text box. To search on multiple codes, separate them with a semicolon in the text box. 
  • SIC Code Lookup - Search for SIC codes by keyword.

NAICS Code (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) replaced the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. NAICS industries are identified by a 6-digit code. The first two digits represent the Industry sector, in which there exist 20 broad sectors. The third digit represents industry subsector, the fourth digit represents industry group, the fifth digit represents industry, and the sixth digit is U.S., Canadian, or Mexican National specific. ECHO allows you to search NAICS codes by general industry sector (the two-digit NAICS code) or by industry specialty (the three, four, five, or six-digit NAICS Code).

  • Type the 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, or 6-digit NAICS code into the text box. To search on multiple codes, separate them with a semicolon in the text box. 
  • NAICS Code Lookup  – Search for NAICS codes by keyword.

Permit Status 

Search for a facility or permit by permit status. The Permit Status values reflect the stages in the permit life cycle. Use the dropdown select multiple statuses.

  • Effective - A permit that is in its lifetime (Effective Date <= current date < expiration date).
  • Expired - A permit that 90 days after the expiration date has been reached on a permit that has no new Application Received Date or Complete Application Received date entered.
  • Administratively Continued - A permit that is at the permit's expiration date. All monitoring data are still collected and used against the permit’s terms.
  • Pending - A permit with incomplete data or a permit with an Effective Date that has not yet been reached.
  • Retired - A permit that all monitoring data is stopped against a retired permit; used in conjunction with Reissue. If a Permit is reissued before its expiration date, the Permit Status Code or the previous version of the Permit will be set to Retired.
  • Terminated - A permit that if the user enters the Termination Date, upon that date being reached, the system will automatically change the Permit Status Code to Terminated.
  • Not Needed - A facility is tracked in the EPA program database, ICIS-NPDES, but is not required to have a NPDES permit.

Effective, Expired, Administratively Continued, and Pending are selected by default for Industrial Stormwater searches. "Any" does not restrict search results.

Advanced/Government Search IconPermit Type (Biosolids Only) 

Search for a facility or permit by permit classification. Permit classifications include:

  • NPDES Individual Permit - An individual NPDES permit is unique to each facility. The limitations and other conditions in an individual permit are based on the facility's operations, type and amount of discharge, and receiving stream, among other factors.
  • General Permit Covered Facility - A NPDES facility that is covered under a Master General Permit.
  • NPDES Master General Permit - A NPDES permit that covers multiple facilities that have similar discharges and are located in a specific geographic area. A general permit applies the same or similar conditions to all dischargers covered under the general permit. This is the record for the general permit that is issued by the permitting authority. It sets the conditions with which permittees will be required to comply. The Master General Permit contains no facility-specific data, and compliance and enforcement data are associated with a Master General Permit (rather any data would be associated with the General Permit Covered Facility).
  • Associated Permit Record - A system record associated to a NPDES permit.
  • Individual IU Permit (non-direct discharge) - Industrial user in a pretreatment program (NPDES indirect discharger). Although an industrial user is not issued an NPDES Permit, a permit record is maintained for tracking purposes.
  • Individual State Issued Permit (Non-NPDES) - An individual permit unique to each facility, but not in the NPDES program.
  • State Issued Master General Permit (Non-NPDES) - A state issued permit that covers multiple facilities that have similar discharges. The master general permit contains no facility-specific data.
  • Unpermitted Facility - A facility that does not have an active NPDES permit.

NPDES Individual Permit, and General Permit Covered Facility are selected by default for Industrial Stormwater searches. "Any" does not restrict search results.

Permit Components (Biosolids Only) 

Search for an NPDES Permit with one of the following permit components:

  • Biosolids - Biosolids (formerly referred to as "sewage sludge") are the nutrient-rich organic materials resulting from the treatment of sewage sludge (the name for the solid, semisolid or liquid untreated residue generated during the treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment facility). When treated and processed, sewage sludge becomes biosolids which can be safely recycled and applied as fertilizer to sustainably improve and maintain productive soils and stimulate plant growth. Biosolids are regulated under 40 CFR Part 503. 40 CFR Part 503 establishes standards, which consist of general requirements, pollutant limits, management practices, and operational standards, for the final use or disposal of biosolids.
  • Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) - An NPDES permit regulating discharge from Concentrated Animal Feed Operations (CAFOs). CAFOs are animal feeding operations with more than 1,000 animals. CAFOs with a point source discharge are to receive permits.
  • Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) - A combined sewer overflow (CSO) refers to a discharge of untreated wastewater from a combined sewer system at a point prior to the headworks of the publicly-owned treatment works. (59 FR 18688) CSOs generally occur in response to wet weather events. Most combined sewer systems are designed to discharge excess flow directly to surface water bodies, such as streams, rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters. Note that only "active" outfalls with a characteristic code of CSO or TCS and not closed outfalls (CLS) are included in the Water Facility Search. To view all of the outfalls, navigate to The Office of Water's CSO Inventory download.
  • Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) - The term Publicly Owned Treatment Works or POTW means a treatment works as defined by section 212 of the Act, which is owned by a State or municipality (as defined by section 502(4) of the Clean Water Act). This definition includes any devices and systems used in the storage, treatment, recycling and reclamation of municipal sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid nature. It also includes sewers, pipes and other conveyances only if they convey wastewater to a POTW Treatment Plant. The term also means the municipality as defined in section 502(4) of the Clean Water Act, which has jurisdiction over the Indirect Discharges to and the discharges from such a treatment works.
  • Pretreatment - An NPDES permit that prescribes for the reduction of the amount of pollutants, the elimination of pollutants, or the alteration of the nature of pollutant properties in wastewater prior to or in lieu of discharging or otherwise introducing such pollutants into a publicly owned treatment works [40 CFR 403.3(q)].
  • Storm Water Construction - Permit requirements associated with construction activities, as defined at 40 CFR 122.26.
  • Storm Water Industrial - Permit requirements associated with non-construction activities at industrial facilities, as defined at 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(i) through (xi).
  • Urban Stormwater (Medium/Large MS4) - Additional requirements for medium/large municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s), as defined at 40 CFR 122.26.
  • Urban Stormwater (Small MS4) - Additional requirements for small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s), as defined as 40 CFR 122.30-122.37.
  • None - A standard-issued individual NPDES permit without any additional permit components.

Advanced/Government Search IconPermit Expiration Date (Biosolids Only) 

Search for facilities based on permit expiration date. You may search for facilities with expired permits, permits that will expire within the year, or permits that will expire in more than a year.

Advanced/Government Search Icon Permit Issuing Agency 

Search for facilities or permits by issuing agency. Issuing agencies include:

  • EPA - Selects facilities with permits issued by EPA.
  • State - Selects facilities with permits issued by a state environmental agency.

Federal Facility (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

When "YES" is selected, your search results will be limited to federal facilities identified in multiple EPA national databases (ICIS-Air, ICIS-NPDES, RCRAInfo, ICIS FE&C, and TRI). These data are comprised of a mixture of state- and EPA-entered data and facility-reported and have not received the level of data quality review that the FRS data has. When "NO" is selected, your search results will exclude any federal facilities. "ANY" is the default and will not restrict search results.

Advanced/Government Search IconFederal Agency (Biosolids Only) 

Choose an agency, or multiple, from the dropdown menu. Search for facilities that are classified as federal agencies in EPA's Federal Registry Service (FRS) (installations that are owned and operated by the U.S. government).

Advanced/Government Search IconMajor Designation (Biosolids Only) 

  • Yes - Returns any NPDES facility or activity classified as such by the regional administrator, or in the case of approved state programs, the regional administrator in conjunction with the state Director. EPA defined "major" in guidance and policy developed in the mid- 1980s. For industrial facilities, EPA developed a permit rating worksheet used by permit writers to assist with classification of a facility as a major or non-major. Worksheets were developed to guide this process. See EPA NPDES Permit Rating worksheet (PDF) (44pp, 1870 K). Industrial facilities that scored 80 points or higher using the worksheet were classified as major facilities. Publicly owned treatment works (POTWS) with 1 million gallons of flow per day or greater and POTWs serving a population of 10,000 or greater were also classified as major facilities.
  • No- Returns municipal and industrial facilities that have not been designated as majors.
  • Any - Selecting "Any" will return both major and non-major facilities. "Any" is selected by default.

Annual Report (Biosolids Annual Report Only) 

Biosolids Annual Reporter 

Search for facilities that submitted a Biosolids Annual Report. 

Annual Amount of Biosolids Generated 

Search for facilities by the total annual amount of biosolids generated, as reported in the Biosolids Annual Report. Use the sliders to select one or more ranges:

  • Greater than 0 but less than 290 dry metric tons
  • 290 to 1,499 dry metric tons
  • 1,500 to 14,999 dry metric tons
  • 15,000 or greater dry metric tons

Biosolids Management Practice Type 

Search for facilities by the biosolids management practice (e.g., land application, surface disposal, incineration, or other management practice) used by the facility, as reported in the Biosolids Annual Report. 

Biosolids Management Practice Detail 

When one or more Management Practice Types are selected, you can further refine your search by selecting a detailed management practice. Detailed management practices are available for Land Application and Other Management Types and include the following options from the Biosolids Annual Report:

  • Advanced Alkaline Stabilized Biosolids Distribution & Marketing (Land Application Management Type)
  • Agricultural Land Application (Land Application Management Type)
  • Distribution and Marketing - Compost (Land Application Management Type)
  • Deep-well Injection Disposal (Other Management Type)
  • Disposal in a Municipal Landfill (under 40 CFR 258) (Other Management Type)
  • Distribution and Marketing - Other (Land Application Management Type)
  • Heat Dried Biosolids Distribution & Marketing (Land Application Management Type)
  • Other Land Application Management Practice Detail (Land Application Management Type)
  • Other Management Practice Detail (Other Management Type)
  • Reclamation Site Application (Land Application Management Type)
  • Sent to Cement Kiln for Use as Alternative Energy (Other Management Type)
  • Storage (Other Management Type)
  • Use in Construction (Other Management Type)
  • Used in Production of Syngas (Other Management Type)
  • Use as Daily Cover for Municipal Landfill (under 40 CFR 258)(Other Management Type)

Coverage Type and Annual Report (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

Allows you to search for all facilities by owner or operator information. The owner address may be different from facility address and do not affect each other.

 Industrial Stormwater Coverage Type  

Search for a facility or permit by EPA Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) notification classification. Coverage types include:

  • Notice of Intent (NOI) - Selects facilities that have submitted a notice requesting authorization to discharge pollutants to waters of the United States under EPA's NPDES Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit for industrial stormwater.
  • No Exposure Certification (NEC) - Selects facilities with industrial materials and activities protected by storm resistant shelters to prevent exposure to rain, snow, snowmelt, and/or runoff. These facilities are eligible for an exemption from NPDES industrial stormwater permit requirements. Note that if this search option is used in combination with Permit Status, a permit status of "Not Needed" must be selected to return results for NOEs.        

    An industrial facility may qualify for an exclusion under 40 CFR 122.26(g) from the Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for Storm Water Dischargers Associated with Industrial Activities when all industrial materials and activities are protected by a storm resistant shelter to prevent exposure to rain, snow, snow melt, and/or runoff. Industrial materials or activities include, but are not limited to, material handling equipment or activities, industrial machinery, raw materials, intermediate products, by products, final products, or waste products. Material handling activities include the storage, loading and unloading, transportation, or conveyance of any raw material, intermediate products, final product, or waste product.         

    A No Exposure Certification (NEC) must be provided for each facility qualifying for the no exposure exclusion and is available for a facility-wide basis only and not applicable to individual outfalls/discharge points. To retain the exclusion, facilities must recertify the condition with the permitting authority at least every five years. If you are in an area where EPA is the permitting authority, you can use the NPDES eReporting Tool for the MSGP (NeT-MSGP) to submit your no exposure certification. See Authorization Status for EPA's Construction and Industrial Stormwater Programs to find out whether EPA or your state is the NPDES permitting authority for industrial activities.        
  • No Discharge Certification (NDC) - Selects facilities that do not discharge storm water to waters of the state. This option only applies in Rhode Island and Utah. Currently, a No Discharge Certification is not available for facilities in areas where EPA is the permitting authority.         

    Utah No Discharge Certification        
    An industrial facility that requires permit coverage but captures and does not discharge any storm water to waters of the state, may formally request an exclusion by submitting a No Discharge Certification. By definition, waters of the state include surface water and groundwater (UAC R317-8-1.5(59)). Storm water that infiltrates and has the potential to contact groundwater is considered a discharge requiring a permit.        

    A No Discharge Certification requires a detailed description of the facility and operations including the best management practices (BMPs) and/or control measures used to ensure that storm water does not discharge from the facility, specifically to ground water, and a map of the facility which shows storm water flow directions and BMP locations. This exclusion is available on a facility-wide basis only and is not applicable to individual outfalls.        

    Rhode Island No Discharge Notice of Non-Applicability        
    Operators of facilities engineered and constructed to contain dischargers of stormwater associated with industrial activity; located in basins or other physical locations so that there will be no discharge of industrial stormwater to waters of the State; or where the industrial stormwater discharges to a Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) system, should claim no discharge. Operators of facilities with No Discharge should submit a RIPDES No Discharge Certification (NDC) to the Director. 

 Certified Date  

Search for facilities or permits by the date the permit was submitted. You can select a date or a date range from the dropdown calendar.

Date Active  

Search for facilities or permits by the date the permit was active. You can select a date or a date range from the dropdown calendar.

EPA Industrial Stormwater Sector  

Search for facilities by EPA Industrial Stormwater Sector. Industrial Stormwater Sectors include:

  • Section A: Timber Products
  • Section B: Paper and Allied Products
  • Section C: Chemicals and Allied Products
  • Section D: Asphalt Paving and Roofing Materials and Lubricants
  • Section E: Glass, Clay, Cement, Concrete, and Gypsum Products
  • Section F: Primary Metals
  • Section G: Metal Mining (Ore Mining and Dressing)
  • Section H: Coal Mines and Coal Mining-Related Facilities
  • Section I: Oil and Gas Extraction and Refining
  • Section J: Mineral Mining and Dressing
  • Section K: Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities
  • Section L: Landfills, Land Application Sites, and Open Dumps
  • Section M: Automobile Salvage Yards
  • Section N: Scrap Recycling Facilities
  • Section O: Steam Electric Generating Facilities
  • Section P: Land Transportation and Warehousing
  • Section Q: Water Transportation
  • Section R: Ship and Boat Building or Repairing Yards
  • Section S: Air Transportation Facilities
  • Section T: Treatment Works
  • Section U: Food and Kindred Products
  • Section V: Text Mills, Apparel, and Other Fabric Product Manufacturing; Leather and Leather Products
  • Section W: Furniture and Fixtures
  • Section X: Printing and Publishing
  • Section Y: Rubber, Miscellaneous Plastic Products, and Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries
  • Section Z: Leather Tanning and Finishing
  • Section AA: Fabricated Metal Products
  • Section AB: Transportation Equipment, Industrial or Commercial Machinery
  • Section AC: Electronic, Electrical, Photographic, and Optical Goods
  • Section AD: Non-Classified Facilities

EPA Industrial Stormwater Subsector  

Select a subsector from a dropdown, which is auto populated based on sector selection. For more information on the Industrial Stormwater Subsectors, see Appendix N on the 2015 MSGP documents page.

Discharging into a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)  

When "YES" is selected, your search results will be limited to facilities that discharge into a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). An MS4 refers to conveyance or system of conveyances which is owned or operated by public bodies and local or state governments. When "NO" is selected, your search results will exclude any facilities that discharge into an MS4. "No restrictions" is the default selection.

Industrial Stormwater Annual Report Submitted 

Search for permits based on the calendar year for which the facility submitted a Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) annual report. MSGP annual reports are only submitted for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity located in areas where EPA is the permitting authority. The linked search includes Notices of Intent (NOIs) and No Exposure Certifications (NOEs) under the U.S. Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) and certain state general permits submitted on or after April 1, 2018, to the National NPDES eReporting Tool (NeT). 

Enforcement and Compliance 

Time Since Last Compliance Monitoring Activity 

Search for a facility or permit based on the time elapsed since the most recent compliance monitoring activity of the facility. The compliance monitoring activities searched are those in the 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy and the number of on-site Clean Water Act non-NPDES compliance monitoring activities included in EPA's Annual Results in the last 5 years. The CWA NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy (CMS) provides recommended minimum frequencies for compliance monitoring activities that, from a national perspective, the EPA believes constitute a strong and balanced compliance monitoring program. A state may be under an Alternative CMS plan that includes one or more compliance monitoring commitments that deviate from the national goals and flexibilities. Any compliance monitoring strategy activity (ANYCMS) is composed of official compliance monitoring strategy NPDES inspections, which can be found on the DFR Data Dictionary page in the "Compliance Monitoring Types" table under the CWA NPDES section.  For more information on the CWA NPDES CMS, please contact

When a value other than "No Restrictions" is selected, you can focus your search by choosing to search for facilities in which the last compliance monitoring activity was conducted by EPA or a state agency. To specify your date range, select either "Within" or "None Within" and use the dropdown to select up to the past 5 years. Select "Never" to search for facilities that do not have any compliance monitoring activities recorded in the source databases.

Compliance Monitoring Date Range 

Search for a facility or permit based on their compliance monitoring activities within a specific date range selected. You can select the current date and up to 5 years prior to the current date. The compliance monitoring strategy activity is composed of compliance monitoring activities included in the 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy and the number of on-site Clean Water Act non-NPDES compliance monitoring activities included in EPA's Annual Results in the last 5 years. 

Biosolids Compliance Monitoring Activity Type (Biosolids Only) 

Search for a facility or permit based on one or more biosolids compliance monitoring activity types. 

Biosolids Compliance Monitoring Activity Types:

  • Any Compliance Monitoring Strategy Activity (default), includes searches compliance monitoring activities included in the 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy (listed below) or on-site Clean Water Act non-NPDES compliance monitoring activities included in EPA's Annual Results.
    • DSA – Desk Audit
    • SA1 – Sampling
    • CEI – Evaluation
  • Any Compliance Monitoring Activity, includes searching on one or more of the individual activity types listed below.
  • AU1 - Audit  
  • AU2 - Audit (IU)
  • DIA - Diagnostic 
  • DSA - Desk Audit 
  • CEI - Evaluation 
  • CE2 - Evaluation (IU)
  • FOC - Focused 
  • ROS - Reconnaissance without Sampling
  • SA1 - Sampling 
  • PSI - Sampling (IU)
  • SCE - Schedule Evaluation

Industrial Stormwater Compliance Monitoring Activity Type (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

Search for a facility or permit based on one or more industrial stormwater compliance monitoring activity types. 

Industrial Stormwater Compliance Monitoring Activity Types:

  • Any Compliance Monitoring Strategy Activity (default), includes searches on compliance monitoring activities included in the 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy (listed below) or on-site Clean Water Act non-NPDES compliance monitoring activities included in EPA's Annual Results.
    • SA1 – Sampling
    • CEI – Evaluation
  • Any Compliance Monitoring Activity, includes searching on one or more of the individual activity types listed below.
  • AFO - AFO Defined 
  • AER - Aerial Photography
  • AU1 - Audit  
  • AU2 - Audit (IU)
  • CBI - Biomonitoring 
  • CDI - Case Development 
  • CDF - Case Development - Off-Site 
  • CDO - Case Development - On-Site 
  • DSA - Desk Audit 
  • DIA - Diagnostic 
  • CEI - Evaluation 
  • CE2 - Evaluation (IU)
  • FOC - Focused 
  • FLP - Follow-up
  • OSV - On Site Visit 
  • OVS - Oversight
  • PRV - Plan Review
  • RWS - Reconnaissance with Sampling
  • ROS - Reconnaissance without Sampling
  • RMT - Remote Sensing 
  • SA1 - Sampling 
  • PSI - Sampling (IU)
  • SCE - Schedule Evaluation
  • SCV - Self-Certification Verification 
  • TXI - Toxics AU1 - Audit  
Information on Severity of Violations

Compliance Status (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

No Restrictions - Does not restrict search results.

Significant/Category I Noncompliance - Violations by point source dischargers of sufficient magnitude or duration to be a regulatory priority. The national program database calculates the severity of violations according to the Clean Water Act regulations, which have specific criteria specifying the duration, severity, and type of violations that rise to the level of SNC. The calculation of Category I Violations is equivalent to the SNC calculations, but because the violations occur at smaller dischargers (non-major), EPA does not classify the violations as "SNC". Repeat SNC occurrences normally are addressed through formal enforcement actions, while Category I Violations are often addressed via informal processes. (SNC/Category I types in order of severity: Compliance Schedule Violations, Effluent Exceedance Monthly, Effluent Exceedance Non-monthly,  Compliance Schedule Non-receipt, Discharge Monitoring Report Non-receipt)

Violation/Category II Noncompliance - Violations that are not significant upon first discovery but become significant if repeated. The noncompliance reports do not have to be submitted immediately, but are to be included the next time the facility submits monitoring reports to the regulatory agency.

New Violations - Violations identified or continuing after the end date of the most recent Quarterly Noncompliance Report (QNCR) (e.g., new or ongoing violations in "Quarter 13" of the Detailed Facility Report compliance history table). These data are considered draft and have not been fully quality assured. The QNCR description is provided in the Detailed Facility Report Data Dictionary 

No Violation Identified - No known violation recorded in the current quarter.

Not Applicable - Compliance status does not apply to permits with a status of "Pending", "Not Needed", or "Terminated", or with a permit type of "Unpermitted".

Advanced/Government Search Icon Compliance Tracking (Biosolids Only) 

Search for NPDES permits based on compliance tracking statuses in ICIS-NPDES. The Compliance Tracking selections can assist you in interpreting the compliance status, particularly for non-major permittees. There are two components of compliance tracking, including Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) non-receipt tracking and facility-level compliance status tracking. Note that compliance tracking may not be entered for some permits, as it does not apply to "Not Needed" or "Pending" permit statuses or "Unpermitted" permit type. The compliance tracking statuses can only be turned off for non-major permittees.

  • "On" generally indicates that data are being entered and all system compliance tracking is on. In ICIS-NPDES, Permit Compliance Tracking Status and DMR Non-Receipt Status are both set to "Yes".
  • "Partial" generally indicates that some data are being entered, effluent exceedances and most facility-level status types are being identified, but DMR non-receipt is not being tracked, which suggests not all DMR data are being entered. In ICIS-NPDES, Permit Compliance Tracking Status is set to "Yes" and DMR Non-Receipt Status is set to "No".
  • "Off" indicates that data both compliance tracking flags are off (i.e., ICIS-NPDES will not determine a facility-level compliance status). In ICIS-NPDES, Permit Compliance Tracking Status is set to "No." Facilities with compliance tracking "off" may have violations on their hard copy DMRs that are not recorded in the ICIS-NPDES database.

Biosolids Violation Origin (Biosolids Only) 

Search for facilities with biosolids violations in the last 3 years based on whether the violation was identified from an annual report or compliance monitoring. This criterion will return results for all biosolids violation codes applicable to the selected biosolids violation origin.

Note that if you use this search option with Biosolids Violation Code, the selected biosolids violation origin will also restrict the list of available biosolids violations codes to only those applicable, e.g., selecting "Annual Report" will filter the list of biosolids violation codes to display only the codes that are relevant to annual reporting.

Violations reported on the Biosolids Annual Report are not updated with the weekly data refresh and may not be representative of a facility's recently submitted or updated report.

Biosolids Violation Type (Biosolids, Biosolids Annual Report) 

Search for facilities with biosolids violations based on the biosolids management practice category. Use the dropdown to select multiple types. This criterion will return results for all biosolids violation codes applicable to the selected biosolids violation type.

Note that if you use this search option with Biosolids Violation Code, the selected biosolids violation type will also restrict the list of available biosolids violations codes to only those applicable, e.g., selecting "Incineration" will filter the list of biosolids violation codes to display only the codes related to incineration.

Biosolids Violation Code (Biosolids, Biosolids Annual Report) 

Search for facilities with specific biosolids violation codes using the dropdown menu. Select the arrow to view the available codes or enter at least one character to filter dropdown options. If a Biosolids Violation Origin and/or Biosolids Violation Type are selected, the list of available codes will dynamically update to show only the codes applicable to those criteria. Multiple selections are allowed using the dropdown list.

Violations reported on the Biosolids Annual Report are not updated with the weekly data refresh and may not be representative of a facility's recently submitted or updated report.

Biosolids Violation in Last Year (Biosolids Only) 

Select "Yes" to search for facilities in violation for biosolids under the Clean Water Act in quarter 12 or 13. Select "No" to search for facilities that are not in violation for biosolids under the Clean Water Act, in quarter 12 or 13. Selecting a Violation Type will restrict Biosolids Violation in Last Year to the selected Violation Type.

Quarters with Violation (3 years) (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

Use the dropdown menu to search based on the number of quarters a facility, permit, or system was in violation over the past 3 years.

Effluent Limit Exceedances (3 years) (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

Search for NPDES permits where effluent limits have been exceeded in the previous one, two, or three years from present day. Years are based on Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) dates and the number entered into the search form is the minimum number criteria. Note that the Effluent Limit Exceedance only includes exceedances of enforceable (permit, stay, or enforcement action) limits and does not include counts benchmark or alert threshold exceedances. 

Benchmark Threshold Exceedances (3 years) (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

Search for NPDES permits where benchmark thresholds have been exceeded in the previous one, two, or three years from present day. Years are based on Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) monitoring period end dates. The number entered into the search form is the minimum number of exceedances. For a benchmark threshold to be included in the results, the parameter needs to be flagged within the database for a percent exceedances calculation. 

Benchmark monitoring is required under EPA's 2015 Multi-Sector General Permit as an indicator of performance of stormwater control measures. Benchmark threshold exceedances indicate instances when stormwater pollutant concentrations exceed levels that could adversely affect receiving water quality, and require permittees to review their stormwater control measures and take corrective action. These exceedances are not violations, but rather indicators of potential problems at the site. For more information on benchmark monitoring, see the Industrial Stormwater Monitoring and Sample Guide under the Industrial Stormwater Fact Sheets and Guidance tab.

EPA Industrial Stormwater AIM Triggered (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

Filter results for permits with Additional Implementational Measures (AIM) under Part 5.2 of EPA’s Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) (PDF). Selecting “Yes” filters results to permits with both current and previous AIM requirements.

Quarters with Violation for Biosolids (3 years) (Biosolids Only) 

Use the dropdown menu to search based on the number of quarters, out of the last twelve quarters, in which the permit or site is considered either with violations or in noncompliance (NC) status for biosolids. A quarter is any of the following 3-month calendar periods: January-March, April-June, July-September, or October-December.

Advanced/Government Search IconCase Category (Biosolids, Industrial Stormwater) 

Search for a facility or permit based on the type of action the enforcement authority used.

Case categories include:

  • Administrative - Formal (AFR) - Non-judicial enforcement actions taken by EPA or a state under its own authority, without involving a judicial court process.
  • Judicial (JDC) -  Formal lawsuits, filed in court, against persons or entities that have failed to comply with statutory or regulatory requirements or with an administrative order.

Enforcement Actions

There are many enforcement action types (also called "tools") available to EPA enforcement and compliance assurance programs. Some tools are used to notify regulated entities regarding potential violations (e.g., Warning Letter, Notice of Non-Compliance). Others are used to advise regulated entities of an impending enforcement action and invite settlement (e.g., Notice of Violation, Show Cause Letter, Pre-Filing Notice Letter, and Notice of Intent to File an Administrative Complaint). Others are the actual enforcement action (e.g., Administrative Penalty Order, Administrative Compliance Order).

Informal Enforcement Actions 

Search for a facility or permit based on an informal enforcement action issued to the facility. To specify your date range, select either "Within" or "None Within" and use the dropdown to select up to the past 5 years. When a value other than “No Restrictions” is selected, you can focus your search further by selecting an agency.

The full informal enforcement action definition is provided in the Detailed Facility Report Data Dictionary. 

Formal Enforcement Actions 

Search for a facility or permit based on the time elapsed since the most recent formal enforcement action taken against the facility. To specify your date range, select either "Within" or "None Within" and use the dropdown to select up to the past 5 years. When a value other than "No Restrictions" is selected, you can focus your search by choosing one of the following criteria:

  • By Agency - The environmental agency that issued the enforcement action. "Any" does not further restrict search results.
  • By System - The EPA source database containing information about the enforcement action. "ICIS Only" will return facilities with enforcement action information found in the ICIS Federal Enforcement and Compliance database (ICIS-FE&C). "All Systems" does not further restrict search results.

The full formal enforcement action definition is provided in the Detailed Facility Report Data Dictionary


Search for a facility or permit based on when a penalty was last assessed. Select a time frame from the dropdown menu.

Top of Page

Environmental Conditions 

Discharging into Impaired Waters (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

Limit your search to permits discharging directly into category 4 or 5 impaired waters. The impaired waters search flag includes facilities that discharge into an impaired water body for which a plan has not yet been developed - these are listed waters under the CWA section 303(d) program (category 5 water body) – as well as facilities that discharge to an impaired water body for which the state has developed a plan to return the water to its designated uses - under the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) program (category 4 water body). “Any” is selected by default and places no restrictions on the search. Select “Yes” to identify facilities that are discharging into impaired waters or “No” to exclude facilities that are discharging into impaired waters.

Under section 303(d) of the CWA, states, territories, and authorized tribes are required to develop lists of impaired waters. These are waters for which technology-based regulations and other required controls are not stringent enough to meet the water quality standards set by states. The law requires that states establish priority rankings for waters on the lists and develop Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), for these waters. A TMDL is a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a water body can receive and still safely meet water quality standards. For more information about impaired waters or TMDLs, please visit EPA's overview of impaired waters and Total Maximum Daily Loads Program webpage. For detailed information on the categorization of impaired waters, see Section V of the 2006 Integrated Report Guidance.

  • 5. Impaired - TMDL needed. Available information indicates that at least one designated use is not being supported and a TMDL is needed (also known as the 303(d) listed waters).
  • 4. Impaired - TMDL not needed. Available information indicates that at least one designated use is not being supported, but a TMDL is not needed (see subcategories).
  • 4a. TMDL completed. A TMDL has been completed, but impairment still exists.
  • 4b. TMDL alternative. Impairment is being addressed by a method other than a TMDL (e.g., stream bank improvements).
  • 4c. Non-pollutant causes. Cause of impairment is not a pollutant (e.g., habitat destruction).

Note that locational data (latitude and longitude) are needed to index NPDES permits to the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Reach Address Database (RAD). For some facilities, locational data are not available, so whether the facilities directly discharge into impaired waters cannot be determined.

Discharging Pollutants Potentially Contributing to Impairment (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

Search for NPDES permits having limits or monitoring requirements for pollutants  with the potential to contributing to the impairment of local water bodies. EPA compiled a list of pollutants in ICIS-NPDES that may be associated with each ATTAINS impairment cause group. See the Impairment Group Parameter Crosswalk (CSV) (148 K) for the complete list of pollutants.

Top of Page


CWA Surface Water Discharges

Pollutant (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

The names used in ICIS-NPDES to identify the substance discharged. A pollutant name is provided for each DMR measurement in ICIS-NPDES. This selection can not be combined with Pollutant Category or CAS Number.

Enter at least one character. Select a pollutant from the dropdown list to add it to the search criteria selected panel and clear the input field for a new value. Multiple selections are allowed using the dropdown list.

Pollutant(s) Have Violations (past 3 years) (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

Select the checkbox to limit your search to facilities discharging the selected  pollutant(s)  which have reporting violations (i.e., violation codes D80 and D90 in ICIS-NPDES) or effluent exceedances (i.e., violation code E90) in the past three years.

Pollutant Category (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

Categories of different types of pollutants. This selection can not be combined with Pollutant Name or CAS Number. Pollutant categories include:

  • Conventional Pollutants - Pollutants typical of municipal sewage, and for which municipal secondary treatment plants are typically designed. Conventional pollutants are defined by Federal Regulation [40 CFR 401.16] as BOD, TSS, fecal coliform bacteria, oil and grease, and pH.
  • Metals - All metals parameters. Hexavalent or trivalent metals and metals in ionic form (e.g., hexavalent chromium and aluminum, ion) are included, but metal compounds (e.g., calcium chloride) are not included.
  • Nitrogen - All parameters for total nitrogen, organic nitrogen, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, and ammonia.
  • Organic Enrichment - All parameters for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD).
  • Pathogen Indicators - All parameters for total coliform, streptococci, and enteric.
  • Phosphorus - All phosphorus and phosphate pollutant parameters. 
  • Clean Water Act Priority Pollutants - The 126 pollutants that EPA currently defines as  priority pollutants
  • Solids - All parameters for suspended and settable solids. This category does not include chemical-specific solids, such as suspended copper.
  • Temperature - All wastewater temperature parameters for measuring wastewater temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius.
  • Wastewater Flow - All wastewater flow parameters for measuring wastewater flows in millions of gallons per day, gallons per day, and gallons per minute.

CAS Number (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

A Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number is a number assigned by the American Chemical Society that uniquely identifies a chemical.  To search on multiple codes, separate them with a comma in the text box. This selection can not be combined with Pollutant Name, Pollutant Category, or Parameter Code.

Monitoring Period Within (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

The date range during which discharges are measured or monitored. To specify your date range use the dropdown to select up to the past 5 years. Selecting a number of years requires the selection of either Pollutant Name, Pollutant Category, or CAS Number. If one of these selections is made without selecting a number of years, "No Restrictions" will search on the past five years of monitoring or limit data.

TRI Program Chemical Releases

TRI Direct Water Discharge Amount (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

Pounds per year of toxic chemicals released directly to surface water as reported to the Toxics Release Inventory in the most recent reporting year.

TRI POTW Transfer Amount (Industrial Stormwater Only) 

Pounds per year of toxic chemicals transferred to a Publicly Operated Treatment Works (POTWs) as reported to the Toxics Release Inventory in the most recent reporting year.