DMR Exceedances Search Results Help
The results table presents information about the facilities that meet the search criteria specified on the DMR Exceedances Search. The results table allows you to customize, sort, and download data.
The results present facility-level, or if selected, pollutant-level, information about effluent limit exceedances (E90) or alert/benchmark threshold exceedances. Note that if a pollutant or pollutant category is selected from the search criteria, the E90 exceedance counts and pollutant loadings will reflect exceedances associated with the selected criteria and not reflect total facility exceedances.
Search Criteria: Displays the criteria selected from the DMR Exceedances Search. To conduct another search, select either Refine Search or New Search.
View a DMR Exceedances Report: Click on a hyperlinked NPDES ID to access a facility's DMR Exceedances Report.
Data Table Features
- Show/Hide Columns: Columns in the results table are organized into four themes. The Facility Identifiers theme is always shown. The other themes may be toggled on and off by using the controls next to each theme name above the table.
- Sort Results: By default, results are displayed in descending order by the number of total facility exceedances. Click on a table column name to reorder the results.
- Download All Data: Download the results table as a comma separated value (.csv) file.
Modify Search: Select this button to return to the DMR Exceedances Search and retain the currently selected criteria on the search form.
New Search: Select this button to navigate to the DMR Exceedances Search.
Data Dictionary
Data fields included in the results table are described below. The hyperlinks below allow you to quickly find the term of interest by theme.
Facility Identifiers
A unique 9-character ID assigned for each permit within the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. The ID may contain both letters and numbers and often begins with the two-letter abbreviation for the state in which the facility is permitted. This ID hyperlinks to the DMR Exceedances Report for the facility.
Facility Name
The primary name used to identify a facility in ICIS-NPDES. Select the hyperlink on the facility name to view the permit's DMR Exceedances Report.
An indicator of additional Loading Tool and ECHO reports that are available and accessible by clicking on the corresponding icons.
- L - View Loading Tool Facility Information Page. The Facility Information page displays information about the facility, NPDES program information, permit limits, calculated annual pollutant discharges, receiving water information, and wastewater treatment technology information.
- C - View the ECHO Detailed Facility Report (DFR). The DFR presents a concise enforcement and compliance history for a selected facility.
- E - View the ECHO Effluent Chart(s). The Effluent Charts page presents dynamic charts and tables of permitted effluent limits, releases, and violations over time for NPDES wastewater discharge permits.
Facility Characteristics
A facility classification from NPDES permitting authorities based on factors such as toxic pollutant potential, ratio of discharge flow/stream flow volume, conventional pollutant loading, public health impact, water quality factors, and proximity to coastal waters. EPA places greater priority on major facilities and requires authorized states to provide more information about the compliance status of these dischargers. For more information, please see About Loading Tool Data.
SIC Code
The primary Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code in ICIS-NPDES. The SIC code describes the primary activity of the facility. The first two digits in the code define a major business sector; the last two digits denote a facility's specialty within the major sector. For more information, see the SIC Lookup.
Indicates the facility's or permit's primary North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code. The NAICS Code has replaced the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. The system was developed to give special attention to developing production-oriented classifications for (a) new and emerging industries, (b) service industries in general, and (c) industries engaged in the production of advanced technologies.
NAICS industries are identified by a 6-digit code. The first two digits represent the Industry sector, in which there exist 20 broad sectors. The third digit represents industry subsector, the fourth digit represents industry group, the fifth digit represents industry, and the sixth digit is U.S., Canadian, or Mexican National specific. For more information, see the NAICS Lookup.
Permit Status
The Permit Status values reflect the stages in the permit life cycle.
- Effective - A permit that is in its lifetime (Effective Date <= Current Date < Expiration Date).
- Expired - A permit that 90 days after the expiration date has been reached on a permit that has no new Application Received Date or Complete Application Received date entered.
- Administratively Continued - A permit that is at the permit's expiration date. All monitoring data are still collected and used against the permit's terms.
- Pending - A permit with incomplete data or a permit with an Effective Date that has not yet been reached.
- Retired - A permit that all monitoring data is stopped against a retired permit; used in conjunction with Reissue. If a Permit is reissued before its expiration date, the Permit Status Code or the previous version of the Permit will be set to Retired.
- Terminated - A permit that if the user enters the Termination Date, upon that date being reached, the system will automatically change the Permit Status Code to Terminated.
- Not Needed
Permit Issuer
The environmental agency that administers the permit, typically a state or EPA Region.
Permit Expiration Date
The date the most recently issued permit expires.
Federal Facility
Yes/No field to indicate facilities that are owned and operated by the U.S. government.
Pretreatment Flag
Yes/No field to indicate if the NPDES ID has an approved pretreatment program. For more information, see NPDES Pretreatment.
Includes Potential Outliers
Yes/No field to indicate the facility has DMR data that has been flagged as potential outliers or data errors. Y = Yes; Blank = No.
Average Facility Flow (MGD)
The average of the average monitoring period flows (in units of millions of gallons per day) for the reporting year. For example, if a facility reports monthly wastewater flows, the facility average flow is the arithmetic average of the reported monthly wastewater flows.
Displays “Y” if a facility is flagged as being located in Indian Country, based on information from the EPA's Facility Registry Service (FRS). Displays “N” if a facility is not located in Indian Country.
Displays “Y” if a facility is flagged as being located in Indian Country, based on information from the EPA's Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS). Displays “N” if a facility is not located in Indian Country.
Displays “Y” if a facility is located within 25 miles of a tribal spatial boundary as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau tribal boundary layer data for tribes in the lower 48 states and Bureau of Land Management Alaska State Office data for tribes in Alaska. Displays “N” if a facility is not located within or near a tribal spatial boundary. Data Quality Caveat.
The tribes or tribal territories located within 25 miles of the facility's location. EPA compares the facility location in its Facility Registry Service to the U.S. Census Bureau tribal boundary layer data for tribes in the lower 48 states and Bureau of Land Management Alaska State Office data for tribes in Alaska. The tribal boundary locations identified are suitable only for general spatial reference and do not necessarily reflect EPA's position on any Indian country locations or boundaries, or the land status of any specific location. Data Quality Caveat.
Data Quality Caveat: EPA makes no claims regarding the accuracy or precision of data concerning Indian country locations or tribal boundaries on the ECHO website. EPA has simply attempted to collect certain readily available information relating to Indian country locations. Questions concerning data should be referred to the originating program or Agency which can be referenced in EPA’s Shared Enterprise Geodata Services (SEGS) metadata files Lower 48 Tribal Areas, Alaska Native Villages, or Alaska Native Allotments. The Indian country and tribal boundary locations are suitable only for general spatial reference and do not necessarily reflect EPA's position on any Indian country locations or tribal boundaries or the land status of any specific location. The inclusion of Indian country information on the ECHO website does not represent any final EPA action addressing Indian country locations or boundaries. This information cannot be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable by any party in litigation with the United States or third parties.
EPA reserves the right to change information on ECHO at any time without public notice. EPA uses the American Indian Reservation boundaries provided by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) when developing environmental data query responses for tribes in the lower 48 United States and Alaska. EPA seeks to use the best available national federal data and may refine the tribal boundary layer in the future as more accurate national federal data becomes available.
Enforcement and Compliance
Quarters with Effluent SNC Exceedances
Count of the number of quarters (qtrs) in which the permit had Significant/Category I Noncompliance (SNC) Effluent Exceedances within the selected time period. A quarter is any of the following 3-month calendar periods: January-March, April-June, July-September, or October-December. Field is only available when searching on effluent limit exceedances.
Number of Inspections
The number of facility inspections during the selected time period.
Most Recent Inspection
The date of the most recent inspection in ICIS-NPDES.
Number of Formal Enforcement Actions
The number of formal enforcement actions (e.g., administrative orders and judicial cases) during the selected time period.
The full formal enforcement action definition is provided in the Detailed Facility Report Data Dictionary.
Most Recent Formal Enforcement Action
The date of the most recent formal enforcement action in ICIS-NPDES.
The full formal enforcement action definition is provided in the Detailed Facility Report Data Dictionary.
E90/Benchmark Threshold Exceedance Facility Total
Count of total effluent limit exceedances or benchmark threshold exceedances for the NPDES ID over the selected time period. However, if a pollutant(s) or pollutant category is selected in the search criteria, the exceedances counts will reflect total exceedances for the selected pollutant(s) or pollutant category.
Note: For a benchmark threshold exceedance to be included in the results, the parameter also needs to be flagged within the database for a percent exceedances calculation. The list of parameters with possible percent exceedance calculations can be downloaded from the Quarterly NNCR Help page (“ICIS-NPDES Parameter Reference Table (CSV)”). Parameters where the PERCENT_EXCEEDENCE_FLAG = N are not included, even if there was a reported exceedance.
E90/Benchmark Threshold Exceedance for Data Quality Review (Facility Total)
Count of total effluent limit exceedances or benchmark threshold exceedances with data quality flags (values identified as potential outliers or data errors) for the facility. Use the DMR Exceedance Report to review each exceedance identified as a potential outlier, indicated by blue flags. To report an error, follow the instructions on reporting errors on Effluent Charts.
Note: For a benchmark threshold exceedance to be included in the results, the parameter also needs to be flagged within the database for a percent exceedances calculation. The list of parameters with possible percent exceedance calculations can be downloaded from the Quarterly NNCR Help page (“ICIS-NPDES Parameter Reference Table (CSV)”). Parameters where the PERCENT_EXCEEDENCE_FLAG = N are not included, even if there was a reported exceedance.
E90/Benchmark Threshold Exceedance Max Outfall Total
Count of total effluent limit exceedances or benchmark threshold exceedances at the individual outfall with the highest number of exceedances over the selected time period. A NPDES permit may have more than one outfall. If a pollutant(s) or pollutant category is selected in the search criteria, the exceedances counts will reflect total exceedances for the selected pollutant(s) or pollutant category.
Note: For a benchmark threshold exceedance to be included in the results, the parameter also needs to be flagged within the database for a percent exceedances calculation. The list of parameters with possible percent exceedance calculations can be downloaded from the Quarterly NNCR Help page (“ICIS-NPDES Parameter Reference Table (CSV)”). Parameters where the PERCENT_EXCEEDENCE_FLAG = N are not included, even if there was a reported exceedance.
E90/Benchmark Threshold Exceedance Trend
Displays a graphical representation of the number of effluent limit exceedances or benchmark threshold exceedances over time.
Note: For a benchmark threshold exceedance to be included in the results, the parameter also needs to be flagged within the database for a percent exceedances calculation. The list of parameters with possible percent exceedance calculations can be downloaded from the Quarterly NNCR Help page (“ICIS-NPDES Parameter Reference Table (CSV)”). Parameters where the PERCENT_EXCEEDENCE_FLAG = N are not included, even if there was a reported exceedance.
E90/Benchmark Threshold Exceedance [Year]
The number of effluent limit exceedances or benchmark threshold exceedances for the facility during each year in the selected year range. Up to five years may be displayed. However, if a pollutant(s) or pollutant category is selected in the search criteria, the exceedances counts will reflect total exceedances for the selected pollutant(s) or pollutant category.
Note: For a benchmark threshold exceedance to be included in the results, the parameter also needs to be flagged within the database for a percent exceedances calculation. The list of parameters with possible percent exceedance calculations can be downloaded from the Quarterly NNCR Help page (“ICIS-NPDES Parameter Reference Table (CSV)”). Parameters where the PERCENT_EXCEEDENCE_FLAG = N are not included, even if there was a reported exceedance.
Pollutant Loadings
Pollutant loadings are summed to the facility level unless a pollutant(s) or pollutant category is selected from the search criteria. These fields are only available when searching on effluent limit exceedances.
Total Pounds
The total pounds of pollutants discharged by the NPDES ID over the selected time period. Pollutant discharge amounts are calculated using DMR concentration, quantity, and flow data from ICIS-NPDES.
Total TWPE (lb-eq)
The total Toxic Weighted Pounds Equivalent (TWPE) discharged by the NPDES ID over the selected time period. TWPE is the mass of a pollutant or chemical discharged that accounts for its relative toxicity. To convert pollutant loadings into TWPE, EPA multiplies the pollutant mass (in pounds) by its toxic weighting factor (TWF).
Note: EPA developed TWFs for use in its Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards (ELGs) development program to allow comparison of pollutants with varying toxicities. See Technical Support Documents for more information on TWF values and methodology.
Total Load Over Limit (lb)
Where numeric permit or enforcement action limits are available, the Loading Tool calculates the Load Over Limit. This calculation is done by summing the monitoring period differences between the average load and the limit. For more information, see Hierarchy of Loading Calculations in the Water Pollutant Loading Tool.
Total TWPE Over Limit (lb-eq)
Where numeric permit limits and TWFs are available, the Toxic Weighted Pounds Equivalent discharged over the limit.
[Year] Load Over Limit (lb)
The load over limit for each year in the selected year range. Up to five years may be displayed.
The number of persons per square mile in the profiled area. The ratio of total persons (displayed in the Total Persons field) to total land area (displayed in the Land Area field).
Percent People of Color is the percentage of the population of the given area that consists of people of color. The field is calculated by subtracting the number of persons who are white (and not of Hispanic origin) from the total persons. This number is then divided by the total persons and multiplied by one hundred to determine the percentage.
Percent Low Income is the percentage of the population of the given area that has an income less than two times the poverty level, based on the 2015-2019 ACS 5-Year Summary.
Statistics are shown for the area within a 3-mile radius of each facility. The radius is measured from the best available lat/long coordinate. Users should be aware that demographic data are derived based upon the reported latitude and longitude of the facility or permit holder. Surrounding populations and other statistics were estimated by retrieving the data for Census block groups within three miles of each facility.